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UIADataDrivenAdapter Members

Represents the adapter for Windows applications, Wpf applications and web applications to manage access between the application, user interface, and automated entities within UII.

The following tables list the members exposed by the UIADataDrivenAdapter type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
  UIADataDrivenAdapter Initializes a new instance of the UIADataDrivenAdapter class.


Public Fields

  Name Description
public field static PREFIX Specifies the prefix used to identify this Data Driven Adapter.


Protected Properties

  Name Description
protected property static AutomationEventList Gets or sets the events and its EventsArgs which will be used in Register/UnRegister classification.
protected property static AutomationProperties Gets or sets the automation properties.
protected property static AutomationPropReturnTypes Gets or sets the automation property return types which will be used for conversion.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public method Dispose  Overloaded. (inherited from DataDrivenAdapterBase)
public method Equals  (inherited from Object)
public method ExecuteControlAction  Executes the designated action of the named control. (inherited from DataDrivenAdapterBase)
public method FindControl  Reports whether the named control is available for use. (inherited from DataDrivenAdapterBase)
public methodstatic GetApplicationEvents Gets the list of application events propagated.
public method GetAvailableApplicationEvents Overridden. Gets the list of application events propagated.
public method GetAvailableControlEvents Overridden. Gets the list of control events propagated.
public methodstatic GetControlEvents Gets the list of control events propagated.
public method GetControlNames  Gets the control names. (inherited from DataDrivenAdapterBase)
public method GetControlValue  Gets the current value of the control. (inherited from DataDrivenAdapterBase)
public method GetHashCode  (inherited from Object)
public method GetType  (inherited from Object)
public method RegisterEventListener  Overloaded. (inherited from DataDrivenAdapterBase)
public method RegisterEventListener Overridden. Registers for the event listener.
public method SetControlValue  Assigns a new value to the named control. (inherited from DataDrivenAdapterBase)
public method ToString  (inherited from Object)
public method UnregisterEventListener Overridden. UnRegisters the registered event listener


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method ConvertObjecttoString Converts the object format to desired binding string type.
protected method ConvertStringtoObject Converts the binding string format to desired object type.
protected method Dispose  Overloaded. (inherited from DataDrivenAdapterBase)
protected method Finalize  Overridden. Destructor for the DataDrivenAdapterBase class. (inherited from Object)
protected method FindUIAControl Traverses through the UIObject tree and finds the control in the TreeBinding.
protected method GetControlConfig  Gets the subordinate nodes from a top-level XML node of a data-driven adapter control binding. (inherited from DataDrivenAdapterBase)
protected method GetFirstDescendentUnderControlConfig  Retrieves the first descendent node from a top-level XML node of a data-driven adapter control binding. (inherited from DataDrivenAdapterBase)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)
protected method OperationHandler  Overloaded. (inherited from DataDrivenAdapterBase)
protected method OperationHandler Overridden. Handles Get, Set, Find Execute Actions on controls.
protected method RaiseEvent  Raises events where necessary. There is no synchronization context marshalling. Events go out on the thread that raised them. It is the listeners responsibility to perform an application-specific thread marshalling as required. (inherited from DataDrivenAdapterBase)
protected method RegisterEventListenerBase  Adds the specified listenerCallback to the internal list of registered listeners. Once registered, RaiseEvent can then be used to raise the event to the registered listeners. (inherited from DataDrivenAdapterBase)
protected method UnregisterEventListenerBase  Removes the specified listenerCallback from the internal list of registered listeners. Once unregistered, RaiseEvent no longer can be used to raise the event. (inherited from DataDrivenAdapterBase)


See Also


UIADataDrivenAdapter Class
Microsoft.Uii.HostedApplicationToolkit.DataDrivenAdapter Namespace

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