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G/L Setup Information Report

Shows data from master data tables that you can use to check the data before you start to work with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. You can run this report for different areas, depending on the purpose of your investigations. In the Setup Information field, you can select the area to investigate.


Option Description

G/L Setup - Company Data - Consolidation

Select to provide an overview of how the Microsoft Dynamics NAV company is set up. The report is based on the following tables:

Posting Groups

Select to provide an overview of the following posting groups:

Posting Matrix

Select to provide an overview of the following posting groups:

VAT Setup

Select to provide an overview of the following VAT tables:

Source Code - Reason Code

Select to provide an overview of the source codes and reason codes based on the following tables:

Check Number Series

Select to provide an overview of the use of number series so that you can identify number series that are problematic for Grundsätze zum Datenzugriff und zur Prüfbarkeit digitaler Unterlagen (GDPdU). The report will show the number series with one of the following issues:

  • The number series allows manual document numbers.

  • The number series is not chronological.

  • The number series is used in more than one table or field.


For more information on how to work with reports, see Viewing Test Reports before Posting, How to: View and Print Reports and How to: Set Filters. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

See Also

Other Resources

General Ledger Setup
Company Information
Business Unit
Customer Posting Group
Vendor Posting Group
Inventory Posting Group
Bank Account Posting Group
Gen. Business Posting Group
Gen. Product Posting Group
General Posting Setup
VAT Business Posting Group
VAT Product Posting Group
VAT Posting Setup
No. Series