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Manifest Overview

For a control add-in to work on all display targets there has to be a manifest. The manifest contains a declarative description of the control add-in and is written in XML. The manifest is added together with any resource files in a .zip file and registered with the control add-in resources in the Client Add-in page. This topic explains the structure of a manifest by going through an example of the manifest for the Bing Maps control add-in. For more information about the implementation of the Bing Maps control add-in, see Walkthrough: Creating and Using a Client Control Add-in.

Example of a Manifest

The syntax of a manifest file is illustrated in the example below. All tags inside the <manifest> tag are optional. Inside the <Manifest> tag, the <ScriptUrls> tag references other JavaScripts from the manifest. In this case the <ScriptUrls> tag points to online map controls. Inside the <Resources> tag, all of the resources such as the script, stylesheet, and images needed to display the Bing Maps control add-in are listed.

The <Script> tag contains the actual initialization code for the control add-in. The code must be written inside a <![CDATA[]]> tag to be parsed as code. The Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.InvokeExtensibilityMethod is described in more detail in the reference documentation. For more information, see InvokeExtensibilityMethod Method.

Inside the <Manifest> tag, at the end of the script, the <RequestedHeight> and the <RequestedWidth> tags are set to definite sizes. It is recommended to apply some size to the add-in using these tags. The properties <VerticalStretch> and <HorizontalStretch> determine how the control add-in behaves in the client when the window it is displayed in is resized. The default value is false which means that the control add-in is not resized vertically, or horizontally. The value true means that the control add-in is resized vertically, or horizontally. The values in <RequestedHeight> and <RequestedWidth> determine the minimum resize value of the control add-in.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.InvokeExtensibilityMethod('ControlAddInReady', null);

Script Code in a Separate File

Code that is called from C/AL code must be placed in a separate file under the \Script folder. The code below is called from the manifest file and initializes and loads the map.

var map = null;
    function InitializeMap(controlId) {
        map = new VEMap(controlId);
        map.onLoadMap = function () {
            Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.InvokeExtensiblityMethod('MapLoaded', null);
    function LoadMap(latitude, longiture) {
        var mapOptions = new VEMapOptions();
        mapOptions.DashboardColor = "black";
        mapOptions.EnableSearchLogo = false;
            new VELatLong(latitude, longiture), // Center
            1,                                  // Zoom level 1-19
            VEMapStyle.Birdseye,                // Map style
            false,                              // Fixed map
            VEMapMode.Mode2D,                   // Map mode
            true,                               // Map mode switch
            0,                                  // Tile buffer
            mapOptions                          // Options
    function ShowMiniMap(show) {
        if (show)
    function ShowPushpin(title, imageName) {
        if (title != '') {
            var point = map.GetCenter();
            var pushpin = map.AddPushpin(point);

Control Add-in HTML Element

When the control add-in is loaded into the Web browser one HTML element is provided for the control add-in to host its content. This HTML element is a DIV element and it is always named controlAddIn.

<div id='controlAddIn'>
    control add-in script code can add content here...

The following is an example of the script code for a control add-in

function initializeControlAddIn() {
    var controlAddIn = document.getElementById('controlAddIn');
    controlAddIn.innerHTML = "Hello World";

See Also


Walkthrough: Creating and Using a Client Control Add-in


Extending Microsoft Dynamics NAV Using Control Add-ins
Extending the Windows Client Using Control Add-ins
Extending Any Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Using Control Add-ins