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Posted Assembly Order Report

Shows information about when the assembly order was posted, including how many items were assembled, and which components or resources were consumed.

Use this report for internal control and to follow up on fully or partially posted assembly orders. The report can be used in both assemble-to-stock and assemble-to-order processes. If the items were assembled to a sales order, then the shipment number is shown in the Asm.-to-Shipment No. field. In that case, similar information can be included in the customer-facing report that follows the shipment. For more information, see the Sales - Shipment report.

If one or more postings from the assembly order were undone, then the Reversed field contains Yes. For more information, see How to: Undo Assembly Posting.


Option Description

No. of copies

Specifies how many copies, besides the original, to print.

Show Dimensions

Specifies if the report includes dimensions information.


For more information on how to work with reports, see Viewing Test Reports before Posting, How to: View and Print Reports and How to: Set Filters. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

See Also


Assembly Order
Assembly Order

Other Resources

Assemble to Order or Assemble to Stock
How to: Assemble Items
How to: Sell Items Assembled to Order
Order - Picking List