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Purchase Performance Window

Shows purchase performance indicators based on analysis report values. This enables you to combine purchase figures in multiple ways to analyze performance and see trends in different graphical views.

This window in the Role Center functions as a chart holder for as many purchase performance indicators as you can generate from your analysis report values. You can select from a list of predefined purchase charts by choosing Select Chart and then select from the list in the Analysis Report Chart List window. You can edit existing charts or create new ones by combining account schedule columns and rows in many ways and displayed with different chart types. For more information, see How to: Edit Advanced Charts.

The x-axis of the chart can be based on either analysis report columns, analysis report rows, or a period as defined by a date interval and period length. For more information, see Analysis Report Chart Setup.

The calculated analysis report values are displayed in LCY along the y-axis.

Tooltips provide information about the data source of each graphical element.


If the graphical element represents a summation of more than one data source, then the column formula is shown instead as no single window represents the data source.

When you choose a graphical element, the source window, such as the Analysis View Entries window, opens.

The following table defines how you can display the calculated key purchase figures in the chart by selecting among the options from the menus above the chart.

Menu Option Description

Select Chart

Opens the Analysis Report Chart List window, so that you can select which chart to display on the Role Center.


Specifies the time intervals that the chart values are displayed in.

When the Base X-Axis on is Period, then the start date and the number of periods shown are derived from the Analysis Report Chart Setup window. Otherwise, the values shown are filtered by the Start Date and End Date fields in the Analysis Report Chart Setup window. In both cases, the user can change the period from the chart, and the dates are recalculated dynamically.


Specifies that each period on the horizontal axis is one day. The default period is Day.


Specifies that each period on the horizontal axis is one week.


Specifies that each period on the horizontal axis is one month.


Specifies that each period on the horizontal axis is one quarter.


Specifies that each period on the horizontal axis is one year.

Previous Period

Moves the focus of the chart one period backward in time.

Next Period

Moves the focus of the chart one period forward in time.


For more information on how to navigate in the user interface, see Work with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

See Also


Analysis Report Chart Setup
Analysis Report Chart List
Analysis Report Chart Setup
Generic Chart Setup

Other Resources

Purchase Analysis Report
How to: Set Up Purchase Analysis Views
Create Analysis Views and Reports