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AssetPostValue Enumeration

Help Text: The value to be posted for this line.
Style: ComboBox


Name Value Description
DepPriorYears 0 Depreciation (prior years)
DepThisYear 1 Depreciation (this year)
Acquisition 2 Acquisition value
NBV 3 Net book value
SaleValue 4 Sales value
AcqAdjThisYear 5 Acquisition adjustments (this year)
AcqAdjPriorYears 6 Acquisition adjustments (prior years)
AcqThisYear 7 Acquisition (this year)
AcqPriorYears 8 Acquisition (prior years)
DepAdjThisYear 9 Depreciation adjustments (this year)
DepAdjPriorYears 10 Depreciation adjustments (prior years)
RevalueThisYear 11 Revaluations (this year)
RevaluePriorYear 12 Revaluations (prior years)
WriteUpAdjPriorYear 13 Write up adjustments (prior years)
WriteUpAdjThisYear 14 Write up adjustments (this year)
WriteDownAdjPriorYear 15 Write down adjustments (prior years)
WriteDownAdjThisYear 16 Write down adjustments (this year)
CapitalReserve 17 Provision for reserve
CapitalReserveTransfer 18 Transfer from reserve
ExtraDepPriorYears 19 Extraordinary depreciation (prior years)
ExtraDepThisYear 20 Extraordinary depreciation (this year)
DerogatoryIncreaseAllYears 21 Derogatory increase (all years)
DerogatoryDecreaseAllYears 22 Derogatory decrease (all years)
DepNotCostPriorYears_PL 100 Depreciation NKUP (last years)
DepNotCostThisYear_PL 101 Depreciation NKUP (this year)
AccDeprPriorYears_PL 102 Accumulated depreciation (last years)
AccDeprThisYear_PL 103 Accumulated depreciation (this year)
PostOffAccDPriorYears_PL 104 Revaluation of accumulated depreciation (last years)
PostOffAccDThisYear_PL 105 Revaluation of accumulated depr. (this year)
PreAcquisition_CZ 106 Pre-Acquisition

See Also


Base Enum Properties

Data Types in X++