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SalesTable.mcrFraudHold Method

Validates whether the order has a fraud hold or not.


public boolean mcrFraudHold(boolean _clearedHolds, [boolean _isNowOnHold])

Run On



  • _clearedHolds
    Type: boolean
    A Boolean value defining whether the method will check for cleared holds on the order.
  • _isNowOnHold
    Type: boolean
    A Boolean value defining whether the method will check to see if the order is currently on hold; optional.

Return Value

Type: boolean
A Boolean value defining whether the order has or has had fraud holds, based on the passed parameters.


Parameter is whether or not you want to only check cleared holds.

If _clearedHolds equals true: returns true if order has fraud hold codes and has been cleared. else false If _clearedHolds equals false: returns true if an order has ever had fraud hold codes. else false If _IsNowOnHold equals true: returns true if an order is now on hold and hasn't been cleared yet.

See Also


SalesTable Table