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MCRCustPaymTable.adjustExistingRefundCheck Method

Supports consolidating refund check payments for a specific sales order that has not yet been printed/posted.


private void adjustExistingRefundCheck(AmountCur _adjustedAmount)

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Pre Condition: Caller has already determined this is an open refund check (use MCRCustPaymTable::findOpenRefChk()).

This logic is based off the RC settlement table.

Multiple settlement records get created for a single SO refund check (RC) payment. The first record gets created when the payment is submitted for auth.

This record acts as kind of header record for the RC settlement records that are created later in the process. It points to the auth table so you can see who authorized it and also tracks the amount for which a refund check transaction has not yet been created.

The subsequent settlement records created are for the payments generated for the refund check transactions that get generated as you invoice product (if its not a pre-pay). In other words, when the system posts againts the RC customer payment the new settlement records are created (for prepay this happens when the payment is submitted for auth).

See Also


MCRCustPaymTable Table