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FBNonFiscalOpCreditSourceCode_BR Enumeration

Style: ComboBox


Name Value Description
GoodsAcquisitionForResale 1 Goods acquisition for resale
GoodsAcquistionForConsume 2 Goods acquisition for consume
ServiceAcquisitionForConsume 3 Service acquisition for consume
EletricAndThermalPower 4 Electric and thermal power
BuildingRentals 5 Building rentals
MachineAndEquipmentRentals 6 Machine and equipment rentals
GoodStorageAndFreight 7 Good storage and freight in the sale operation
Leasing 8 Leasing
AssetDepreciation 9 Assets (credit over depreciation)
AssetAcquisition 10 Assets (credit over acquisition)
AmortizationAndDepreciationInBuildings 11 Amortization and depreciation in buildings in real state
SalesReturn 12 Sales returns over Non-Cumulative regime
OtherCreditOperations 13 Other credit operations
CargoActivity 14 Cargo activity - Subcontracting
RealEstateActivityCurrentCost 15 Real estate activity - Current cost
RealEstateActivityBudgetedCost 16 Real estate activity - Budgeted cost
CleaningServices 17 Activity of cleaning services and other related
InventoryOpenBalance 18 Inventory opening balance

See Also


Base Enum Properties

Data Types in X++