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Menu Item Properties

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

The following properties are available for all menu items (display, output, and action), including those used for Web menus.



New in this version of
 Microsoft Dynamics AX


Select which configuration key is required to enable the menu item. Use the key for the module that the object belongs to.


Specifies whether to copy the query from the calling form to the target form. This enables the target form to display the same data that was being viewed in the original form. The default value is Auto.

AX 2012


Specifies whether correct permission will be available to select when privileges are assigned to the menu item. The options are as follows:

  • Auto – the permission will be available to select as a privilege on this menu item Privileges node under the Entry Points node.

  • No – the permission will not be available to select as a privilege on the menu item.

The default value is Auto.

AX 2012


Set a country-specific key in addition to or instead of a standard configuration key. Optional.


Specifies the country region code(s) where the menu item is valid. The client uses this property to enable or disable country or region specific features. To specify the country codes, you create a string that includes a comma-separated list of ISO country codes. The values must match the data that is contained in the global address book.

AX 2012


Specifies whether create permission will be available to select when privileges are assigned to the menu item. The options are as follows:

  • Auto – the permission will be available to select as a privilege on this menu item Privileges node under the Entry Points node.

  • No – the permission will not be available to select as a privilege on the menu item.

The default value is Auto.

AX 2012


Specifies whether delete permission will be available to select when privileges are assigned to the menu item. The options are as follows:

  • Auto – the permission will be available to select as a privilege on this menu item Privileges node under the Entry Points node.

  • No – the permission will not be available to select as a privilege on the menu item.

The default value is Auto.

AX 2012


Specifies the image that will be used when the menu item is disabled. If this property is not set, the system generates a disabled image based on the setting for the NormalImage property.

AX 2012


Specifies the location of the image to use for a disabled control. You can use images found in a file, the Resources node of the AOT, or an EmbeddedResource. The selection made in this property determines what values are used to populate the DisabledImage property. If the property is not set, the system generates a disabled image based on the setting of the ImageLocation property.

AX 2012

EnumTypeParameter and EnumParameter

Choose an enumerated type as a parameter for the Object, and then select an enum value as the EnumParameter property. Optional.

These properties are typically used when one form is used in several different situations. You can change the behavior of the form, depending on the EnumParameter value. For example, the PriceDiscGroup form is used by three different display menu items (PriceDiscGroup_*), which each have a different EnumParameter value. In the form's init method, a switch construct checks the value, and then the form is created accordingly.


Specifies that the menu item appears under all companies, instead of in the context of a single company. The default value is No.

AX 2012


Specifies the form mode to use. Options are as follows:

  • Auto

  • Grid

  • Details

The default value is Auto.

AX 2012


Create a Help string for the menu item. The text appears on the status bar when you select the object opened by the menu item (for example, a form).


To write a Help topic for the menu item, find the topic with the same name as your menu item in the Application Documentation/Menu Items node in the Application Object Tree for Microsoft Dynamics AX. This will then be displayed instead of any Help written about the object opened by the menu item.


Specifies the location of the image to use for a control. You can use images found in a file, the Resources node of the AOT, or EmbeddedResources. The selection made in this property determines what values are used to populate the NormalImage property.

AX 2012


Select a label to use as the name displayed for the item in menus and on buttons.


Specifies another object (for example, a form or report) whose permissions are to be applied to this menu item. Typically used with Action menu items.

AX 2012


Specifies the type of the object pointed to by the LinkedPermissionObject property.

AX 2012


Choose to enable use of the menu item on multiple record selections in forms.


Specifies which model the table is in.

A model is a logical grouping of elements in a layer. An element can be located in exactly one model in a layer. Examples of elements are a table or class. The same element can be located in a customized version in a model in a higher layer.

AX 2012


The name of the menu item.


Define the minimum access required if the menu item is to appear on a menu or a button. This property is used to set access to the menu items for different user groups.


Specifies whether a button that represents the menu item is enabled if no record is present. The default value is No.

You can use this property to ensure that an action can be completed. For example, you have a menu item button that opens a detail form. You might want to disable the button if there are no records in the list page.

AX 2012


Specifies the image that will be used when the menu item is associated with an enabled button control.

AX 2012


Choose an object of object type specified in the Class property.


Select the kind of object that the menu item will open.


You should use SSRSReport for a menu item for a SSRS report. Do not use SQLReportLibraryReport for new menu items. The SQLReportLibraryReport option is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.


Specifies the view mode of the target form. The possible values include the following:

  • Auto

  • View

  • Edit

  • New

The default value is Auto.

You use this property to specify whether the target form opens in edit or read-only mode.

AX 2012


Specify the arguments that are passed to the object. Optional.


Specifies the query passed to the target form for the IntialQuery method. The query is selected from a drop down list.

AX 2012


Specifies whether read permission will be available to select when privileges are assigned to the menu item. The options are as follows:

  • Auto – The permission will be available to select as a privilege on this menu item Privileges node under the Entry Points node.

  • No – The permission will not be available to select as a privilege on the menu item.

The default value is Auto.

AX 2012


Specifies which report design to use for a specific SSRS report model. You select the design from a drop-down list.

AX 2012


Choose whether the menu item should be executed on the client, the server, or where it is called from. Mostly used for menu items opening reports.

This property will only determine where the application object is executed from if the object has its own RunOn property set to Called from.

  • A form is instantiated and run on the client because the FormRun class always runs on the client.

  • A report is instantiated and run as specified by the menu item's RunOn property because the ReportRun class always runs where it was called from. You should set to Called from. If you set the report to run on Client and the report is run in a batch, the report will fail. If you set the report to run on Server and the report is displayed to the screen, the report will fail.

  • A class' main method is run as specified by its modifier. The class itself is instantiated as specified by its RunOn property. The instantiation might happen in the main method.


Specifies whether update permission will be available to select when privileges are assigned to the menu item. The options are as follows:

  • Auto – The permission will be available to select as a privilege on this menu item Privileges node under the Entry Points node.

  • No – The permission will not be available to select as a privilege on the menu item.

The default value is Auto.

AX 2012


Specify the URL to open when you run the menu item.

The value of the property is no longer used. Do not use this property.


Select a Web-specific configuration key in addition to a standard configuration key. Web menu items only. Optional.


Specifies the menu item to include in a Web menu. The possible values depend on the WebMenuItemType property setting.

AX 2012


Specifies the type of the Web menu item. There are two categories of Web menu items:

  • URL

  • Action

You select this value to determine the list of Web menu item names that appear in the WebMenuItemName drop-down list.

AX 2012


Specify the Web page that is linked to the menu item.

The value of the property is no longer used. Do not use this property.


Select whether the menu item requires secure transactions (SSL). Web menu items only.


When you use the Parameters or EnumParameter properties, errors such as type mismatches can only be found at run time—not at compile time.