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Settings tab settings

The Settings tab of a report definition lets you specify the following report details:

  • The formatting and rounding amounts to use in the report.

  • The calculation priority of rows and column calculations.

  • The order that report components are processed.

  • The reporting units to use in the report.

  • The formatting for negative numbers in a report.

This topic contains the following sections:

  • Specify rounding options in a report definition

  • Specify calculation priority in a report definition

  • Adjust processing order in a report definition

  • Specify reporting units to include in a report

  • Specify other formatting in report definitions

Specify rounding options in a report definition

Rounding adjustments may be required if a report is generated in whole dollars or one of the other rounding options available in the report settings. How a report is displayed is also affected by the processing order of calculations with regard to rounding.

You can specify a level of rounding for the numeric values in a report on the Settings tab of the report definition.

If you select a rounding option for a report, you may have to make rounding adjustments, which involves setting the calculation priority and processing order.

For example, if calculations are performed before rounding, the balance sheet may balance, but not foot. If rounding is performed before calculations, the balance sheet will foot. However, the two sections (assets compared to liabilities and equity) may not balance. For more information about rounding adjustments, see Specify calculation priority in a report definition.


The term foot means to total down to the row calculation. The term cross-foot means to total across, rolling up the child units to the parent unit.

Change the level of rounding used in your report

  1. In Report Designer, open the report definition to modify. Click the Settings tab.

  2. In the Rounding precision field, select a rounding option for the report. For a description of rounding options and examples, see the rounding options and the example later in this topic.

Rounding options

The following table describes the rounding options.

Rounding option

Rounding example

No Rounding


Whole Dollars


Nearest Hundred


Thousands (000.0)


Whole Thousands (000)




Whole Millions




Whole Billions


Examples of rounding reporting units

When you round a report, you can select to round the report values before or after totaling, and you can select to round the reporting units before or after rolling up to the parent unit. The following table identifies the different rounding option combinations and the effect on rounding differences.

Rounding selections



Roll up Rounded Values in the Tree



This section shows examples of how totals and roll ups perform using the different rounding option combinations. In all cases, Management Reporter consistently totals the parent unit rows after rolling up the child units.

The following table displays report values that are not rounded. All reports foot and cross-foot to the Combined report.









Accounts Receivable




Prepaid Expenses




Total Current Assets




The following table contains two examples that use rounded values in calculations and totals.

Example 1

Example 2

Roll up Rounded Values in the Tree















Accounts Receivable







Prepaid Expenses







Total Current Assets







Specify calculation priority in a report definition

If you select a rounding option for your report, you may have to make rounding adjustments that involve setting the calculation priority and processing order. For more information about processing order, see Adjust processing order in a report definition. For example, if calculations are performed before rounding, a balance sheet may balance, but not foot. If rounding is performed before calculations, the balance sheet will foot. However, the two sections (assets compared to liabilities and equity) may not balance. You can use the calculation priority setting to indicate the order in which rows and columns are calculated.


The term foot means to total down to the row calculation. The term cross-foot means to total across, rolling up the child units to the parent unit.

Specify calculation priority

  1. In Report Designer, open the report definition to modify. Click the Settings tab.

  2. Under Calculation priority, select one of the following options:

    • Perform column calculation first and then row – Perform the column calculations before the row calculations. This option might be necessary when a column calculation (CALC) intersects a total (TOT) or calculation (CAL) row, and the row calculation should overwrite the column calculation.

    • Perform row calculation first and then column – Perform the row calculation before the column calculations. This option works best for the following situations:

      • Report with a CALC column or with simple calculations

      • Row definition and column definition that use only simple mathematical operator (+ and -).

Adjust processing order in a report definition

Use the Processing order options to specify the order in which rollups, calculations, and rounding are completed when a report is generated. The following processing order options are available.



Rollup values in reporting tree

Rounds the reporting unit values and then rolls up the results into the summary unit. When you use this option, every report in your tree correctly totals (foots). However, the totals in the summary report might not be the same as a similar summary report that does not use a reporting tree.

Perform calculations

Calculates rows and columns.

Apply rounding

Applies rounding to all values if you select any Rounding precision option other than None.

Adjust the processing order

  1. In Report Designer, open the report definition to modify. Click the Settings tab.

  2. In the Processing order field, select a process, and then click Move Up or Move Down to indicate the processing order for the report.

Specify reporting units to include in a report

You can specify the reporting units that are included in a report in the report definition Settings tab.

Specify reporting units

  1. In Report Designer, open the report definition to modify. Click the Settings tab.

  2. Under Reporting unit selection, select one of the following options:

    • Select units at runtime - Displays the Select Reporting Units dialog box every time that this report is generated.

    • Include all units - Includes all reporting units in the report.

    • Include specific number of levels down from starting unit - Includes the specified number of reporting unit levels in the report.

Specify other formatting in report definitions

You can control the formatting and rounding of amounts at the report level by modifying the settings on the report definition Settings tab.

Specify other formatting options

  1. In Report Designer, open the report definition to modify. Click the Settings tab.

  2. Under Other formatting, select the formatting to use in the report.

The following table describes the available formatting options.



Use parentheses for negative numbers

Indicates negative numbers by using parentheses ( ). If you do not select this option, the report indicates negative numbers with a minus sign (-).

Display negative numbers in red

Displays negative numbers in red font. If you do not select this option, the negative numbers appear in the font color that was selected for that row.

Display digit separators

Displays digit separators, for example, 120,346,000.

Display currency symbol on first row

Displays a currency symbol in all amount columns on the first row of each page. If you select this option, you do not have to enter a CS print control in the first row of the row definition.

Display blanks for zero amounts

Displays spaces instead of zeros for all zero balances in the whole report.

Display rows with no amounts

Displays rows with zero balances. By default, Management Reporter for Microsoft Dynamics ERP suppresses rows with zero balances in all amount columns.

Display reports that have no active rows

Generates a report for every unit of a reporting tree, even if no amounts appear.

Empty reports might appear if title rows or other format rows are present. To prevent extraneous titles from printing on a report without amounts, relate each descriptive row to an amount row. For more information about how to relate rows, see the “Relate a format row to an amount row” section in Modify row definition cells.

Include line numbers

Displays line numbers for all rows in a report, or for detail and calculation lines only. By default, line numbers are not displayed.

Extra lines between rows

Changes the number of lines that are printed between the report rows.

Spaces between columns

Changes the default number of spaces that are printed between the report columns.

In addition, in the Extra Spaces Before Column cell in the column definition, you can enter the number of spaces to use before a column. For more information, see “Add special formatting options” in Format columns.

Report Settings dialog box

To change the layout, page numbering, and other details for a report, you must modify the settings in the Report Settings dialog box.

Open the Report Settings dialog box

  1. In Report Designer, open the report definition to modify.

  2. Click the Settings tab.

  3. Click the Other button to open the Report Settings dialog box.

The Report Settings dialog box contains the following tabs:

  • Page Setup. For more information, see Page setup options.

  • Account and Transaction Details. For more information, see Account & Transaction Detail in report definitions.

  • Additional Options. For more information, see Additional options for report settings.

Page setup options in a report definition

You can change report setup options, such as margins, orientation, scaling, page order, and page size in the report definition Report Settings dialog box.

Change page setup options

  1. In Report Designer, open the report definition to modify.

  2. Click the Settings tab, and then click the Other button.

  3. Click the Page Setup tab and select setup options, which are described in Page setup options.

  4. Click OK.

Page setup tab




The Left, Right, Top, and Bottom Margins boxes display the report page margin.

To change the margins, select the margin value and type the new value.


Management Reporter supports portrait or landscape orientation.

  • Portrait – Displays the report vertically on the page.

  • Landscape – Displays the report horizontally on the page.


Displays the percentage of scaling in a report. To change the scaling, select one of the following options:

  • Reduce or enlarge to – Changes the report size to the percentage that you enter in the % box.

  • Shrink to page width – Fits the report columns in the width of a single page.

Page order

Controls the layout of the report pages.

  • Down, then over – Report pages appear in columns.

    Page Setup Down Over

  • Over, then down – Report pages appear in rows.

    Page Setup Over Down


Displays paper and copy settings. This option contains the following settings:

  • Size – Indicates the size of the paper in the printer.

  • Copies – Indicates the number of report copies to print.

  • Collate – Collates multiple report copies.

    Collating prints all pages of each document together. For example, if you print two copies of a three-page document and you select not to collate the pages, the pages print in this order: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3. If you select to collate, the pages print in this order: 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3.

Account & Transaction Detail tab in the Report Settings dialog box

You can select which account and transaction details to include in a report, such as displaying the row code or printing subtotals by period, by making modifications on the report definition Account & Transaction Detail tab in the Report Settings dialog box.


Not all data providers support unposted transactions. For more information, see the data integration guide for your Microsoft Dynamics ERP system.

Configure account and transaction details

  1. In Report Designer, open the report definition to modify.

  2. Click the Settings tab, and then click Other.

  3. Click the Account & Transaction Detail tab.

  4. Modify the Account & Transaction Details settings as needed, and then click OK. For descriptions of these options, see Account detail options and Account and transaction detail options.

Account detail options

The following account detail options are available.



Display account code or dimensions

Includes the segment or dimension values from the financial data system in the report. The segment or dimension value is added into the report description (DESC) column at the account and transaction detail level.

Display account code or dimension description from chart

Includes the segment or dimension descriptions from the financial data system in the account and transaction detail report. As much of the description as will fit into the report description (DESC) column is included.

Display row code

Displays the row definition row codes in the account and transaction detail report.

Combine posted and unposted amounts

Combines posted and unposted balances in the account and transaction detail report. If you do not select this option, Management Reporter for Microsoft Dynamics ERP displays the posted and unposted amounts on separate account detail line items for each account that has unposted activity.

Display underscore before totals

Displays an underscore line before each row total in account detail reports. For transaction detail reports, select this option to print an underscore before and after each period total, account total, and row total.

Mark unposted accounts with *

Displays an asterisk (*) for unposted balances or transactions. If you select this option, an asterisk appears at the transaction detail level for every unposted transaction. If you do not select this option, an asterisk appears at the account detail level for the unposted account balance, and at the transaction detail level for all unposted transactions.

Include detail for non-printing rows

Includes nonprinting rows that you defined in the Print Control column in the row definition (NP).

Sort by natural or main segment

Sorts multiple accounts that are listed at the same level. The overriding sort order for reports is determined by the account order in the row definition.

Display CBR calculation

Determines whether the calculation is performed if you select an account or transaction detail level report. By default, this option is selected because a report that has many accounts can take longer to process. If you include a base row calculation in the column definition, specify a BASEROW row in the row definition. By using these specifications, the appropriate calculations are performed on each row of the financial statement, regardless of detail level.

Account and transaction detail options

The following options are available for account and transaction detail reports.



Subtotal by period

Prints the opening balance, period subtotals, and YTD total in the Periods column. If you do not select this option, only the opening balance and YTD total prints on the report.

Display out of balance message when amount is greater than

Displays a message when the amount is larger than the number that you specify.

Additional Options tab for report settings

There are additional options that you can include in a report, such as excluding inactive accounts. You can select these options in the Report Settings dialog box on the Additional Options tab.

Select additional options

  1. In Report Designer, open the report definition to modify. Click the Settings tab.

  2. Click the Other button.

  3. In the Report Settings dialog box, click the Additional Options tab.

  4. Select the additional options to include in the report, and then click OK.

    For more information about the additional options sections, see the following tables.

Other options



Include amounts in future periods

Includes amounts in columns that specify periods beyond the base period that is defined on the Report tab. If the future period amounts should not appear in the report, clear this box.

Include missing unit warning

Displays a warning message during report processing when a column or row is restricted to a reporting unit and the reporting unit does not exist or was not selected in the tree (the default). To use a restricted row or column in other reports and you do not want to see this warning, clear this check box.

Exclude inactive accounts

Generates reports that exclude inactive accounts if the Microsoft Dynamics ERP system supports the exclusion of inactive accounts. If you select this check box and the ERP system does not support inactive accounts, your reports are not affected.

Other reporting tree options



Restart numbering with every unit

Restarts the page numbering of each reporting tree unit throughout a report. To use sequential page numbering for all of the selected reporting units, do not select this check box.

Allow rollup less than 1%

Allows a rollup of less than 1 percent. If this check box is not selected, an entry of .25 in the Rollup % cell of the reporting tree indicates that 25 percent of each row should be rolled up to the parent. If this check box is selected, an entry of .25 would limit the roll up to one-fourth of one percent.

Disable unit security

Removes unit security so all users can drill down into all detail levels.

Consolidate companies with different fiscal year ends



Rollup by using default company period number

Rolls up accounts by period numbers in multiple-company reporting trees.

Rollup by using default company period end date

Rolls up accounts by period dates in multiple-company reporting trees.

See Also

Report definition

Report tab settings

Output and Distribution tab settings

Headers and Footers tab settings