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TwoPaneLayout Jetpack Compose component for foldables


This article describes functionality and guidance that is in public preview and may be substantially modified before it's generally available. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.

TwoPaneLayout is a Jetpack Compose component that helps you create UI for dual-screen, foldable, and large-screen devices. TwoPaneLayout provides a two-pane layout for use at the top level of a UI. The component will place two panes side-by-side when the app is spanned on dual-screen, foldable and large-screen devices, otherwise only one pane will be shown. These panes can be horizontal or vertical, depending on the orientation of the device and the selected paneMode.


TwoPaneLayout considers a device to be large-screen when the width window size class is expanded, meaning greater than 840 dp.

When the app is spanned across a separating vertical hinge or fold, or when the width is larger than the height of the screen on a large-screen device, pane 1 will be placed on the left, while pane 2 will be on the right. If the device rotates, the app is spanned across a separating horizontal hinge or fold, or the width is smaller than the height of screen on large-screen device, pane 1 will be placed on the top and pane 2 will be on the bottom.

Add dependency

  1. Make sure you have the mavenCentral() repository in your top-level build.gradle file:

    allprojects {
        repositories {
  2. Add dependencies to the module-level build.gradle file (current version may be different from what's shown here):

    implementation "com.microsoft.device.dualscreen:twopanelayout:1.0.1-alpha05"
  3. Also ensure the compileSdkVersion is set to API 33 and the targetSdkVersion is set to API 32 or newer in the module-level build.gradle file:

    android { 
        compileSdkVersion 33
        defaultConfig { 
            targetSdkVersion 32
  4. Build layout with TwoPaneLayout or TwoPaneLayoutNav.

    Please refer to the TwoPaneLayout sample and TwoPaneLayoutNav sample for more details.

Use TwoPaneLayout in your project

There are several important concepts to consider when using TwoPaneLayout in your projects:

  • TwoPaneLayout constructors

    Depending on your application, there are three different TwoPaneLayout constructors you can use at the top level of your project: basic TwoPaneLayout, TwoPaneLayout with navController, and TwoPaneLayoutNav.

  • Customize your layout

    TwoPaneLayout offers two ways to customize how panes are displayed: weight and pane mode.

  • Navigate with TwoPaneLayout

    TwoPaneLayout also offers internal navigation methods that can control the content shown in each pane. Depending on which constructor is used, you will have access to either TwoPaneScope or TwoPaneNavScope methods.

  • Test TwoPaneLayout composables

    To help test composables that use TwoPaneScope or TwoPaneNavScope, TwoPaneLayout offers test implementations of both scopes for use in UI tests.

TwoPaneLayout constructors

TwoPaneLayout should always be the top-level composable in your app for pane size to be computed correctly. There are three different TwoPaneLayout constructors available for use in different scenarios. For more API reference information, check out the TwoPaneLayout README.md.

Basic TwoPaneLayout

fun TwoPaneLayout(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    paneMode: TwoPaneMode = TwoPaneMode.TwoPane,
    pane1: @Composable TwoPaneScope.() -> Unit,
    pane2: @Composable TwoPaneScope.() -> Unit

The basic TwoPaneLayout constructor should be used when you only need to display up to two screens of content. Within the pane1 and pane2 composables, you can access the fields and methods provided by the TwoPaneScope interface.

Example usage:

    pane1 = { Pane1Content() },
    pane2 = { Pane2Content() }

TwoPaneLayout with navController

fun TwoPaneLayout(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    paneMode: TwoPaneMode = TwoPaneMode.TwoPane,
    navController: NavHostController,
    pane1: @Composable TwoPaneScope.() -> Unit,
    pane2: @Composable TwoPaneScope.() -> Unit

The TwoPaneLayout with navController constructor should be used when:

  • you only need to display up to two screens of content
  • you need access to navigation information in your app

Within the pane1 and pane2 composables, you can access the fields and methods provided by the TwoPaneScope interface.

Example usage:

val navController = rememberNavController()

    navController = navController,
    pane1 = { Pane1Content() },
    pane2 = { Pane2Content() }


fun TwoPaneLayoutNav(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    navController: NavHostController,
    paneMode: TwoPaneMode = TwoPaneMode.TwoPane,
    singlePaneStartDestination: String,
    pane1StartDestination: String,
    pane2StartDestination: String,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

The TwoPaneLayoutNav constructor should be used when you want to display more than two screens of content and you need customizable navigation support. Within each destination composable, you can access the fields and methods provided by the TwoPaneNavScope interface.

Example usage:

val navController = rememberNavController()

    navController = navController,
    singlePaneStartDestination = "A",
    pane1StartDestination = "A",
    pane2StartDestination = "B"
) {
    composable("A") {
    composable("B") {
    composable("C") {

Customize your layout

There are two ways to customize TwoPaneLayout:

  • weight - determines how to lay out the two panes proportionally
  • paneMode - determines when to show one or two panes in dual-screen mode horizontally and vertically


TwoPaneLayout is able to assign children widths or heights according to their weights provided using the TwoPaneScope.weight and TwoPaneNavScope.weight modifiers.

Example usage:

    pane1 = { Pane1Content(modifier = Modifier.weight(.3f)) },
    pane2 = { Pane2Content(modifier = Modifier.weight(.7f)) }

Weight affects the layout differently on these different devices:

  • large screens
  • foldables

Large screens

When no weight is provided, the two panes are divided equally.

When weight is provided, the layout is split up proportionally according to the ratio of weights.

For example, this screenshot shows TwoPaneLayout on a tablet with a 3:7 weight ratio:

TwoPaneLayout on a tablet/large screen device, with weight modifiers of 0.3 and 0.7 so panes are divided in a 3:7 ratio


When a separating fold is present, the layout is split up according to the fold's boundaries, regardless of whether or not weight was provided.

If the fold is non-separating, the device is treated as a large or single screen, depending on its size.

For instance, this image shows TwoPaneLayout layout on a dual-screen device, which has a separating fold:

TwoPaneLayout on a dual-screen device (Surface Duo), regardless of weight the panes are divided according to the fold boundaries

Pane mode

The pane mode affects when two panes are shown for TwoPaneLayout. By default, whenever there is a separating fold or a large window, two panes will be shown, but you can choose to show only one pane in these cases by changing the pane mode.

A separating fold means there's a FoldingFeature present that returns true for the isSeparating property.

A large window is one with a width WindowSizeClass of EXPANDED and a height size classs of at least MEDIUM.

Example usage:

    paneMode = TwoPaneMode.HorizontalSingle,
    pane1 = { Pane1Content() },
    pane2 = { Pane2Content() }

There are four possible paneMode values:

  • TwoPane
  • HorizontalSingle
  • VerticalSingle
  • SinglePane


TwoPane is the default pane mode, and it always shows two panes when there is a separating fold or large window, regardless of the orientation

TwoPane pane mode on a foldable device


HorizontalSingle shows one big pane when there is a horizontal separating fold or a portrait large window (combines top/bottom panes).

HorizontalSingle pane mode on a dual-screen device


VerticalSingle shows one big pane when there is a vertical separating fold or a landscape large window (combines left/right panes).

VerticalSingle pane mode on a foldable device


SinglePane always shows one pane, regardless of window features and orientation.

Pane mode behavior table

To summarize, this table explains when one 🟩 or two 🟦🟦 panes will be shown for different pane modes and device configurations:

Pane mode Small window without separating fold Portrait large window / horizontal separating fold Landscape large window / vertical separating fold
TwoPane 🟩 🟦🟦 🟦🟦
HorizontalSingle 🟩 🟩 🟦🟦
VerticalSingle 🟩 🟦🟦 🟩
SinglePane 🟩 🟩 🟩

TwoPaneLayout provides two interfaces with options for internal navigation. Depending on which constructor you use, you will have access to different fields and methods.


interface TwoPaneScope {

    fun navigateToPane1()

    fun navigateToPane2()

    val currentSinglePaneDestination: String


With TwoPaneScope, you can navigate between panes 1 and 2 in single pane mode.

Animation showing navigateToPane1 and navigateToPane2 methods in action

You can also access the route of the current single pane destination, which will either equal Screen.Pane1.route or Screen.Pane2.route.

Example usage:

        pane1 = { Pane1Content(modifier = Modifier.clickable { navigateToPane2() }) },
        pane2 = { Pane2Content(modifier = Modifier.clickable { navigateToPane1() }) }


interface TwoPaneNavScope {

    fun NavHostController.navigateTo(
        route: String,
        launchScreen: Screen,
        builder: NavOptionsBuilder.() -> Unit = { }

    fun NavHostController.navigateBack(): Boolean
    val twoPaneBackStack: MutableList<TwoPaneBackStackEntry>

    val currentSinglePaneDestination: String

    val currentPane1Destination: String

    val currentPane2Destination: String

    val isSinglePane: Boolean


With TwoPaneNavScope, you can navigate to different destinations in both single and two pane mode.

Animation showing how TwoPaneLayoutNav can be used to navigate between more than two destinations in both single and two pane mode.

You can also access the routes of the current destinations, whether that's the single pane destination or the pane 1 and pane 2 destinations. These values will depend on the routes of the destinations passed into the TwoPaneLayoutNav constructor.

TwoPaneLayoutNav maintains an internal backstack, so navigation history will be saved when switching between one and two panes. The default component behavior supports back press only in single pane mode. If you want to add back press handling to two pane mode, or override the default behavior in single pane mode, create a custom BackHandler in your composable that calls navigateBack. This will ensure that the internal backstack is maintained correctly. The backstack is also exposed through the interface with the twoPaneBackStack field, so you can access backstack size and contents if needed.

Animation showing how TwoPaneLayoutNav maintains a backstack and supports back press behavior in single pane mode.

Example usage:

val navController = rememberNavController()

    navController = navController,
    singlePaneStartDestination = "A",
    pane1StartDestination = "A",
    pane2StartDestination = "B"
) {
    composable("A") {
        ContentA(Modifier.clickable { navController.navigateTo("B", Screen.Pane2) })
    composable("B") {
        ContentB(Modifier.clickable { navController.navigateTo("C", Screen.Pane2) })
    composable("C") {
        ContentC(Modifier.clickable { navController.navigateTo("A", Screen.Pane1) })

Test TwoPaneLayout composables

When writing UI tests for composables that are used within TwoPaneLayout, you can use test scope classes to set up your tests. These classes, TwoPaneScopeTest and TwoPaneNavScopeTest, provide empty implementations for all interface methods and allow you to set field values in the class constructor.

class TwoPaneScopeTest(
    currentSinglePaneDestination: String  = "",
    isSinglePane: Boolean = true
) : TwoPaneScope

class TwoPaneNavScopeTest(
    currentSinglePaneDestination: String  = "",
    currentPane1Destination: String = "",
    currentPane2Destination: String = "",
    isSinglePane: Boolean = true
) : TwoPaneNavScope

Example usage:

// Composable function in app
fun TwoPaneScope.Example() {
    if (isSinglePane)
        Text("single pane")
        Text("two pane")


// UI test in androidTest directory
fun exampleTest() {
    composeTestRule.setContent {
        val twoPaneScope = TwoPaneScopeTest(isSinglePane = true)

    composeTestRule.onNodeWithText("single pane").assertIsDisplayed()
    composeTestRule.onNodeWithText("two pane").assertDoesNotExist()