Практическое руководство. Выполнение запроса, возвращающего коллекцию типов-примитивов (платформа Entity Framework)
В этом разделе приведены примеры выполнения запросов, возвращающих коллекцию примитивных типов. Чтобы вернуть только один объект, можно использовать один из следующих методов поверх запроса: First, FirstOrDefault, Single, SingleOrDefault.
Один и тот же пример приводится с использованием всех следующих технологий запросов платформы Entity Framework .
LINQ to Entities
Сущность Entity SQL с ObjectQuery<T>
Методы построителя запросов ObjectQuery<T>
Пример в этом разделе основан на модели Adventure Works Sales. Чтобы запустить код, используемый в данном разделе, нужно сначала добавить к проекту модель Adventure Works Sales и настроить его для использования платформы Entity Framework. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе Как использовать мастер моделей EDM (Entity Framework) или Как вручную настроить проект Entity Framework и Как определить модель EDM вручную (Entity Framework).
Далее приведен пример LINQ to Entities .
Dim contactId As Integer = 377
Using context As New AdventureWorksEntities()
' Select a value.
Dim orders As ObjectSet(Of SalesOrderHeader) = context.SalesOrderHeaders
Dim orderQuery As IQueryable(Of Int32) = From order In orders _
Where order.Contact.ContactID = contactId _
Select order.PurchaseOrderNumber.Length
' Iterate through the collection of values.
For Each result As Int32 In orderQuery
Console.WriteLine("{0}", result)
' Use a nullable DateTime value because ShipDate can be null.
Dim shipDateQuery As IQueryable(Of System.Nullable(Of DateTime)) = From order In orders _
Where order.Contact.ContactID = contactId _
Select order.ShipDate
' Iterate through the collection of values.
For Each shipDate As System.Nullable(Of DateTime) In shipDateQuery
Dim shipDateMessage As String = "date not set"
If shipDate IsNot Nothing Then
shipDateMessage = shipDate.ToString()
End If
Console.WriteLine("Ship Date: {0}.", shipDateMessage)
End Using
int contactId = 377;
using (AdventureWorksEntities context
= new AdventureWorksEntities())
// Select a value.
ObjectSet<SalesOrderHeader> orders
= context.SalesOrderHeaders;
IQueryable<Int32> orderQuery =
from order in orders
where order.Contact.ContactID == contactId
select order.PurchaseOrderNumber.Length;
// Iterate through the collection of values.
foreach (Int32 result in orderQuery)
Console.WriteLine("{0}", result);
// Use a nullable DateTime value because ShipDate can be null.
IQueryable<DateTime?> shipDateQuery =
from order in orders
where order.Contact.ContactID == contactId
select order.ShipDate;
// Iterate through the collection of values.
foreach (DateTime? shipDate in shipDateQuery)
string shipDateMessage = "date not set";
if (shipDate != null)
shipDateMessage = shipDate.ToString();
Console.WriteLine("Ship Date: {0}.", shipDateMessage);
Далее приведен пример Entity SQL .
Dim contactId As Integer = 377
Using context As New AdventureWorksEntities()
Dim orderQueryString As String = "SELECT VALUE Length(order.PurchaseOrderNumber) FROM " & _
" AdventureWorksEntities.SalesOrderHeaders AS order WHERE order.CustomerID = @contactId"
Dim shipDateQueryString As String = "SELECT VALUE order.ShipDate" & _
" FROM AdventureWorksEntities.SalesOrderHeaders AS order WHERE order.CustomerID = @contactId"
' Use the SelectValue method to select a value.
Dim orderQuery As New ObjectQuery(Of Int32)(orderQueryString, context, MergeOption.NoTracking)
orderQuery.Parameters.Add(New ObjectParameter("contactId", contactId))
' Iterate through the collection of values.
For Each result As Int32 In orderQuery
Console.WriteLine("{0}", result)
' Use a nullable DateTime value because ShipDate can be null.
Dim shipDateQuery As New ObjectQuery(Of Nullable(Of DateTime))(shipDateQueryString, context, MergeOption.NoTracking)
shipDateQuery.Parameters.Add(New ObjectParameter("contactId", contactId))
' Iterate through the collection of values.
For Each shipDate As Nullable(Of DateTime) In shipDateQuery
Dim shipDateMessage As String = "date not set"
If shipDate IsNot Nothing Then
shipDateMessage = shipDate.ToString()
End If
Console.WriteLine("Ship Date: {0}.", shipDateMessage)
End Using
int contactId = 377;
using (AdventureWorksEntities context =
new AdventureWorksEntities())
string orderQueryString = @"SELECT VALUE Length(order.PurchaseOrderNumber)
FROM AdventureWorksEntities.SalesOrderHeaders AS order
WHERE order.CustomerID = @contactId";
string shipDateQueryString = @"SELECT VALUE order.ShipDate
FROM AdventureWorksEntities.SalesOrderHeaders AS order
WHERE order.CustomerID = @contactId";
// Use the SelectValue method to select a value.
ObjectQuery<Int32> orderQuery =
new ObjectQuery<Int32>(orderQueryString,
context, MergeOption.NoTracking);
new ObjectParameter("contactId", contactId));
// Iterate through the collection of values.
foreach (Int32 result in orderQuery)
Console.WriteLine("{0}", result);
// Use a nullable DateTime value because ShipDate can be null.
ObjectQuery<Nullable<DateTime>> shipDateQuery =
new ObjectQuery<Nullable<DateTime>>(shipDateQueryString,
context, MergeOption.NoTracking);
new ObjectParameter("contactId", contactId));
// Iterate through the collection of values.
foreach (Nullable<DateTime> shipDate in shipDateQuery)
string shipDateMessage = "date not set";
if (shipDate != null)
shipDateMessage = shipDate.ToString();
Console.WriteLine("Ship Date: {0}.", shipDateMessage);
Далее приведен пример метода построителя запросов.
Dim contactId As Integer = 377
Using context As New AdventureWorksEntities()
' Use the SelectValue method to select a value.
Dim orderQuery As ObjectQuery(Of Int32) = context.SalesOrderHeaders.Where("it.CustomerID = @contactId", _
New ObjectParameter("contactId", contactId)).SelectValue(Of Int32)("Length(it.PurchaseOrderNumber)")
' Iterate through the collection of values.
For Each result As Int32 In orderQuery
Console.WriteLine("{0}", result)
' Use a nullable DateTime value because ShipDate can be null.
Dim shipDateQuery As ObjectQuery(Of Nullable(Of DateTime)) = _
context.SalesOrderHeaders.Where("it.CustomerID = @contactId", _
New ObjectParameter("contactId", contactId)).SelectValue(Of Nullable(Of DateTime))("it.ShipDate")
' Iterate through the collection of values.
For Each shipDate As Nullable(Of DateTime) In shipDateQuery
Dim shipDateMessage As String = "date not set"
If shipDate IsNot Nothing Then
shipDateMessage = shipDate.ToString()
End If
Console.WriteLine("Ship Date: {0}.", shipDateMessage)
End Using
int contactId = 377;
using (AdventureWorksEntities context =
new AdventureWorksEntities())
// Use the SelectValue method to select a value.
ObjectQuery<Int32> orderQuery =
.Where("it.CustomerID = @contactId",
new ObjectParameter("contactId", contactId))
// Iterate through the collection of values.
foreach (Int32 result in orderQuery)
Console.WriteLine("{0}", result);
// Use a nullable DateTime value because ShipDate can be null.
ObjectQuery<Nullable<DateTime>> shipDateQuery =
.Where("it.CustomerID = @contactId",
new ObjectParameter("contactId", contactId))
// Iterate through the collection of values.
foreach (Nullable<DateTime> shipDate in shipDateQuery)
string shipDateMessage = "date not set";
if (shipDate != null)
shipDateMessage = shipDate.ToString();
Console.WriteLine("Ship Date: {0}.", shipDateMessage);
См. также
Как выполнить запрос, возвращающий объекты типа сущностей (платформа Entity Framework)
Как выполнить запрос, возвращающий коллекцию анонимных типов (платформа Entity Framework)
Как выполнять параметризованный запрос (платформа Entity Framework)