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Обновлен: Ноябрь 2007

Represents a node in a tree of objects that are created as part of ink analysis.

Тип ContextNodeBase предоставляет следующие члены.


  Имя Описание
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif AddPropertyData Adds a piece of application-specific data.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Confirm Sets the confirmation type, which restricts what the InkAnalyzerBase can change about the node.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif ContainsPropertyData Returns true if the ContextNodeBase object contains application-specific data stored under the specified identifier.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif CreatePartiallyPopulatedSubNode For use with base classes only. Creates a child ContextNodeBase object that contains only the following information: Type, Id, and Location.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif CreateSubNode Creates a new child ContextNodeBase object.
ms610166.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif CreateSubNodeBase This member supports the InkAnalyzer infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif DeleteSubNode Deletes a child ContextNodeBase object.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Equals Определяет, равен ли заданный объект Object текущему объекту Object. (Унаследовано от Object.)
ms610166.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Finalize Позволяет объекту Object попытаться освободить ресурсы и выполнить другие операции очистки, перед тем как объект Object будет утилизирован в процессе сборки мусора. (Унаследовано от Object.)
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetHashCode Играет роль хэш-функции для определенного типа. (Унаследовано от Object.)
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetPacketData For use with base classes only. Gets the data packets that make up the stroke specified by the stroke identifier.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetPacketDescription For use with base classes only. Gets an array of type Guid that describes the types of packet data stored in the stroke with the specified identifier.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetPropertyData Returns application-specific data that was added with the specified identifier.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetPropertyDataIds Returns the identifiers for which there is property data.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetStrokeIds For use with base objects only. Returns an array of identifiers for the strokes within the ContextNodeBase object.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetTextRangeFromNodes Finds the text range in the recognized string that corresponds to a collection of context nodes.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetType Возвращает объект Type для текущего экземпляра. (Унаследовано от Object.)
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif IsConfirmed Gets a value that indicates whether the ContextNodeBase object is confirmed. InkAnalyzerBase cannot change the node type and associated strokes for confirmed objects.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif IsStringSupported Перегружен. Indicates whether the recognized string of the current ContextNodeBase comes from the system dictionary, user dictionary, or word list. Any restricting data, like the wordlists, guides or factoids in any corresponding AnalysisHintNode is used to determine if the string is supported.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif LoadPropertiesData Recreates the application-specific and internal property data for an array of bytes that was previously created with SavePropertiesData.
ms610166.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif MemberwiseClone Создает неполную копию текущего объекта Object. (Унаследовано от Object.)
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif MoveSubNodeToPosition Reorders a specified child ContextNodeBase object to be at the specified index.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif RemovePropertyData Removes a piece of application-specific data.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Reparent Removes this ContextNodeBase object from its current parent and adds it to another parent.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif ReparentStrokes For use with base objects only. Moves the strokes from this ContextNodeBase object to the specified ContextNodeBase object.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SavePropertiesData Returns an array of bytes that can be stored and later used to recreate application-specific and internal property data on a ContextNodeBase object.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SetStrokes This method supports the InkAnalyzer infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ms610166.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif ToString Returns a human-readable string typefor the ContextNodeBase object. (Переопределяет Object.ToString().)

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  Имя Описание
ms610166.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Id Gets the identifier of the ContextNodeBase object.
ms610166.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Links Gets a collection of ContextLinkBase objects that represent relationships between other ContextNodeBase objects.
ms610166.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Location Gets the position and size of the ContextNodeBase object.
ms610166.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif ParentNode Gets the parent node of the ContextNodeBase in the context node tree.
ms610166.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif PartiallyPopulated Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a ContextNodeBase object is partially or fully populated.
ms610166.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SubNodes Gets the direct children of the ContextNodeBase object.
ms610166.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Type Gets the context node type for this ContextNodeBase object.

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См. также


ContextNodeBase Класс

System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore - пространство имен