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Обновлен: Ноябрь 2007

Represents a single ink stroke. A stroke is a set of properties and point data that the digitizer captures that represent the coordinates and properties of a known ink mark. It is the set of data that is captured in a single pen down, up, or move sequence.

Тип Stroke предоставляет следующие члены.


  Имя Описание
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Clip Removes the portions of the Stroke object that are outside a given rectangle.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Equals Определяет, равен ли заданный объект Object текущему объекту Object. (Унаследовано от Object.)
ms552721.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Finalize Позволяет объекту Object попытаться освободить ресурсы и выполнить другие операции очистки, перед тем как объект Object будет утилизирован в процессе сборки мусора. (Унаследовано от Object.)
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif FindIntersections Finds the points where this Stroke object intersects other Stroke objects within a given Strokes collection.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetBoundingBox Перегружен. Returns the bounding Rectangle that contains the Stroke object.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetFlattenedBezierPoints Перегружен. Returns the array of points that are used to approximate the Bezier representation of a Stroke object.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetHashCode Играет роль хэш-функции для определенного типа. (Унаследовано от Object.)
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetPacketData Перегружен. Returns the packet data associated with one or more points in a Stroke object.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetPacketDescriptionPropertyMetrics Returns the metrics for a given packet description type.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetPacketValuesByProperty Перегружен. Returns the data for a specified packet property from one or more packets in the Stroke object.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetPoint Returns the Point structure at the specified index in a Stroke object.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetPoints Перегружен. Returns an array of Point structures that make up the Stroke object.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetRectangleIntersections Returns an array of StrokeIntersection structures that indicate where a Stroke object intersects a given Rectangle.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetType Возвращает объект Type для текущего экземпляра. (Унаследовано от Object.)
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif HitTest Returns a value that indicates whether a Stroke object is either completely inside or intersected by a given circle.
ms552721.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif MemberwiseClone Создает неполную копию текущего объекта Object. (Унаследовано от Object.)
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Move Applies a translation to the ink of the Stroke object.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif NearestPoint Перегружен. Returns the location on the Stroke object nearest to a specified Point.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Rotate Rotates the Stroke object around a center point.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Scale Scales the Stroke object in the X and Y dimensions.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif ScaleToRectangle Scales the Stroke object to fit in the specified Rectangle structure.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SetPacketValuesByProperty Перегружен. Sets the data for a specified packet property for one or more packets in the Stroke object.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SetPoint Sets the Point structure at the specified index in a Stroke object.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SetPoints Перегружен. Sets an array of Point structures at the specified indices in a Stroke object.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Shear Shears the Stroke object by the specified horizontal and vertical factors.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Split Splits the Stroke object at the specified location on the Stroke object and returns the new Stroke object.
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif ToString Возвращает объект String, который представляет текущий объект Object. (Унаследовано от Object.)
ms552721.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Transform Перегружен. Applies a linear transformation to a Stroke object.

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  Имя Описание
ms552721.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif BezierCusps Gets an array that contains the indices of the cusps of the Bezier approximation of the Stroke object.
ms552721.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif BezierPoints Gets the array of control points that represent the Bezier approximation of the stroke.
ms552721.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Deleted Gets a value that indicates whether the Stroke object has been deleted from its parent Ink object.
ms552721.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif DrawingAttributes Gets or sets the drawing attributes to apply to ink as it is drawn.
ms552721.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif ExtendedProperties Gets the collection of application-defined data.
ms552721.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Id Gets the identifier of the Stroke object.
ms552721.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Ink Gets the parent Ink object of the Stroke object.
ms552721.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif PacketCount Gets the number of packet received for a Stroke object.
ms552721.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif PacketDescription Gets an array of type Guid that describes the types of packet data stored in the Stroke object.
ms552721.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif PacketSize Gets the size, in bytes, of a packet.
ms552721.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif PolylineCusps Gets an array that contains the indices of the cusps of the Stroke object.
ms552721.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SelfIntersections Gets the self-intersections of the Stroke object.

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См. также


Stroke Класс

Microsoft.Ink - пространство имен