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Обновлен: Ноябрь 2007

Represents an object that is used to capture ink from available tablet devices.

Тип InkCollector предоставляет следующие члены.


  Имя Описание
ms552236.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif InkCollector Перегружен. Initializes a new instance of the InkCollector class.

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  Имя Описание
ms552236.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Dispose Перегружен. Releases resources used by the InkCollector object.
ms552236.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Equals Определяет, равен ли заданный объект Object текущему объекту Object. (Унаследовано от Object.)
ms552236.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Finalize Frees the resources of the current InkCollector object before it is reclaimed by the garbage collector. (Переопределяет Object.Finalize().)
ms552236.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetGestureStatus Returns a value that indicates whether the InkCollector object has interest in a particular application gesture.
ms552236.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetHashCode Играет роль хэш-функции для определенного типа. (Унаследовано от Object.)
ms552236.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetType Возвращает объект Type для текущего экземпляра. (Унаследовано от Object.)
ms552236.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif GetWindowInputRectangle Gets the window rectangle, in pixels, within which ink is drawn.
ms552236.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif MemberwiseClone Создает неполную копию текущего объекта Object. (Унаследовано от Object.)
ms552236.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnCursorButtonDown Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the CursorButtonDown event.
ms552236.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnCursorButtonUp Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the CursorButtonUp event.
ms552236.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnCursorDown Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the CursorDown event.
ms552236.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnCursorInRange Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the CursorInRange event.
ms552236.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnCursorOutOfRange Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the CursorOutOfRange event.
ms552236.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnDoubleClick Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the DoubleClick event.
ms552236.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnGesture Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the Gesture event.
ms552236.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnMouseDown Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the MouseDown event.
ms552236.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnMouseMove Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the MouseMove event.
ms552236.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnMouseUp Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the MouseUp event.
ms552236.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnMouseWheel Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the MouseWheel event.
ms552236.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnNewInAirPackets Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the NewInAirPackets event.
ms552236.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnNewPackets Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the NewPackets event.
ms552236.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnStroke Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the Stroke event.
ms552236.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnSystemGesture Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the SystemGesture event.
ms552236.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnTabletAdded Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the TabletAdded event.
ms552236.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif OnTabletRemoved Allows derived classes to modify the default behavior of the TabletRemoved event.
ms552236.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SetAllTabletsMode Перегружен. Sets the InkCollector object to collect ink from any tablet attached to the Tablet PC.
ms552236.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SetGestureStatus Sets whether or not the InkCollector object has interest in a known application gesture.
ms552236.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SetSingleTabletIntegratedMode Sets the InkCollector object to collect ink from only one tablet attached to the Tablet PC. Ink from other tablets is ignored by the InkCollector object.
ms552236.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SetWindowInputRectangle Sets the window rectangle, in pixels, within which ink is drawn.
ms552236.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif ToString Возвращает объект String, который представляет текущий объект Object. (Унаследовано от Object.)

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  Имя Описание
ms552236.pubfield(ru-ru,VS.90).gif ClipInkToMargin Not implemented.
ms552236.pubfield(ru-ru,VS.90).gif DefaultMargin Returns the default margin used by the MarginX and MarginY properties.

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  Имя Описание
ms552236.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif AttachedControl Gets or sets the control to which the InkCollector object is attached.
ms552236.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif AutoRedraw Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the InkCollector object repaints the ink when the window is invalidated.
ms552236.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif CollectingInk Gets a value that specifies whether ink is currently being drawn on an InkCollector object.
ms552236.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif CollectionMode Gets or sets the collection mode that determines whether ink, gesture, or both are recognized as the user writes.
ms552236.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Cursor Gets or sets the cursor that appears when the mouse pointer is over the InkCollector control.
ms552236.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Cursors Gets the Cursors collection that is available for use in the inking region.
ms552236.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif DefaultDrawingAttributes Gets or sets the default DrawingAttributes object, which specifies the drawing attributes that are used when drawing and displaying ink.
ms552236.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif DesiredPacketDescription Gets or sets interest in aspects of the packet associated with ink drawn on the InkCollector object.
ms552236.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif DynamicRendering Gets or sets a value that indicates whether ink is rendered as it is drawn.
ms552236.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Enabled Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the InkCollector object collects pen input.
ms552236.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Handle Gets or sets the handle of the window to which the InkCollector object is attached.
ms552236.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Ink Gets or sets the Ink object that is associated with the InkCollector object.
ms552236.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif MarginX Gets or sets the margins along the x-axis, in pixels.
ms552236.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif MarginY Gets or sets the margins along the y-axis, in pixels.
ms552236.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Renderer Gets or sets the Renderer object that is used to draw ink.
ms552236.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SupportHighContrastInk Gets or sets a value that specifies whether ink is rendered as just one color when the system is in High Contrast mode.
ms552236.pubproperty(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Tablet Gets the tablet device that the InkCollector object is currently using to collect input.

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  Имя Описание
ms552236.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif CursorButtonDown Occurs when the InkCollector object detects a CursorButton object that is down.
ms552236.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif CursorButtonUp Occurs when the InkCollector detects a CursorButton object that is up.
ms552236.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif CursorDown Occurs when the cursor tip contacts the digitizing tablet surface.
ms552236.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif CursorInRange Occurs when a cursor enters the physical detection range (proximity) of the tablet context.
ms552236.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif CursorOutOfRange Occurs when a cursor leaves the physical detection range (proximity) of the tablet context.
ms552236.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif DoubleClick Occurs when a user double-clicks the InkCollector object.
ms552236.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Gesture Occurs when an application gesture is recognized.
ms552236.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif MouseDown Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the InkCollector and the user presses a mouse button.
ms552236.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif MouseMove Occurs when the a user moves the mouse pointer over the InkCollector object.
ms552236.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif MouseUp Occurs when a user releases a mouse button while the mouse pointer is over the InkCollector object.
ms552236.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif MouseWheel Occurs when a user moves the mouse wheel while the InkCollector object has focus.
ms552236.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif NewInAirPackets Occurs when the InkCollector objects detects an in-air packet.
ms552236.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif NewPackets Occurs when the InkCollector object receives packets.
ms552236.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Stroke Occurs when the user finishes drawing a new stroke on any tablet.
ms552236.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif SystemGesture Occurs when an InkCollector object recognizes a system gesture.
ms552236.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif TabletAdded Occurs when a Tablet object is added to the system.
ms552236.pubevent(ru-ru,VS.90).gif TabletRemoved Occurs when a Tablet object is removed from the system.

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См. также


InkCollector Класс

Microsoft.Ink - пространство имен