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ICorDebugManagedCallback2::ExceptionUnwind Method

Provides a status notification during the exception unwinding process.

HRESULT ExceptionUnwind (
    [in] ICorDebugAppDomain                  *pAppDomain,
    [in] ICorDebugThread                     *pThread,
    [in] CorDebugExceptionUnwindCallbackType  dwEventType,
    [in] DWORD                                dwFlags


Parameter Description


[in] A pointer to an ICorDebugAppDomain Interface object that represents the application domain containing the thread on which the exception was thrown.


[in] A pointer to an ICorDebugThread Interface object that represents the thread on which the exception was thrown.


[in] A value of the CorDebugExceptionUnwindCallbackType Enumeration enumeration that specifies the event that is being signaled by the callback during the unwind phase.


[in] A value of the CorDebugExceptionFlags Enumeration enumeration that specifies additional information about the exception.


ExceptionUnwind is called at various points during the unwind phase of the exception-handling process. ExceptionUnwind can be called more than once while unwinding a single exception.

If dwEventType = DEBUG_EXCEPTION_INTERCEPTED, the instruction pointer will be in the leaf frame of the thread, at the sequence point before (this may be several instructions before) the instruction that led to the exception.


Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family

Header: CorDebug.idl

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Version: 2.0

See Also


ICorDebugManagedCallback2 Interface
ICorDebugManagedCallback Interface