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Microsoft.Web.Services3.Security.Cryptography Namespace

The set of classes that perform cryptographic operations.


Class Description
AES Represents the abstract base class from which other classes that perform AES cryptography must derive.
AES128 Used for AES cryptographic operations when using keys that are 128 bits long. This class cannot be inherited.
AES128EncryptionFormatter Represents an implementation of the EncryptionFormatter class used for encryption with 128-bit AES keys. This class cannot be inherited.
AES128KeyExchangeFormatter Represents the Kkey exchange formatter for AES key encryption with 128- bit keys. This class cannot be inherited.
AES192 Used for AES cryptographic operations when using a key that is 192 bits long. This class cannot be inherited.
AES192EncryptionFormatter Represents an implementation of the EncryptionFormatter class used for encryption with 192-bit AES keys. This class cannot be inherited.
AES192KeyExchangeFormatter Key exchange formatter for AES key encryption with 192 bit keys.
AES256 Used for AES cryptographic operations when using a key that is 256 bits long. This class cannot be inherited.
AES256EncryptionFormatter Represents an implementation of the EncryptionFormatter class used for encryption with 256-bit AES keys. This class cannot be inherited.
AES256KeyExchangeFormatter Key exchange formatter for AES key encryption with 256 bit keys.
AESKeyExchangeFormatter Represents the abstract base class for KeyExchangeFormatter classes that implement the AES algorithm.
AsymmetricEncryptionFormatter Represents the abstract base class from which implementations of asymmetric encryption must derive.
AsymmetricKeyAlgorithm Represents the abstract base class from which all implementations of asymmetric key algorithms must inherit.
AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter Represents the abstract base class from which implementers of key exchange with asymmetric algorithms must derive.
AsymmetricSignatureFormatter Represents the abstract class from which implementations of signature formatters with asymmetric keys must derive.
EncryptionFormatter Represents the abstract class from which implementations of encryption formatters must derive.
HMACSHA1SignatureFormatter Represents an implementation of the KeyedHashSignatureFormatter class for HMACSHA1. This class cannot be inherited.
KeyAlgorithm Represents the abstract base class from which all implementations of key algorithms must inherit.
KeyedHashSignatureFormatter Represents the abstract base class from which implementations of keyed hash algorithms must derive.
KeyExchangeFormatter Represents the abstract class from which implementations of key exchange formatters must derive.
PSHA1 Create P-SHA1 hashes of the supplied data. This class cannot be inherited.
RSA The abstract base class from which other classes that perform RSA cryptography must derive.
RSA15 Represents an implementation of RSA used for RSA 1.5 cryptography. This class cannot be inherited.
RSA15EncryptionFormatter Represents an implementation of the AsymmetricEncryptionFormatter class used with RSA 1.5 encryption. This class cannot be inherited.
RSA15KeyExchangeFormatter Represents the key exchange formatter for RSA 1.5 key encryption. This class cannot be inherited.
RSAOAEP Represents an implementation of RSA used for RSA_OEAP cryptography. This class cannot be inherited.
RSAOAEPKeyExchangeFormatter Key exchange formatter for RSA OEAP key encryption. This class cannot be inherited.
RSASHA1SignatureFormatter Represents an implementation of KeyedHashSignatureFormatter for RSASHA1. This class cannot be inherited.
SignatureFormatter Represents the abstract base class from which all signature formatters derive.
SymmetricEncryptionFormatter Represents the abstract base class for symmetric encryption formatters.
SymmetricKeyAlgorithm Represents the abstract base class from which all implementations of symmetric algorithms must inherit.
SymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter Represents the abstract class from which implementations of symmetric key exchange formatters must derive.
TripleDES Represents the abstract base class from which other classes performing Triple DES cryptography must derive.
TripleDESEncryptionFormatter Represents an implementation of the EncryptionFormatter class used for Triple DES encryption. This class cannot be inherited.
TripleDESKeyExchangeFormatter Represeents an abstract base class for KeyExchangeFormatter classes that implement the Triple DES algorithm. This class cannot be inherited.