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Microsoft.Web.Services3.Security.Configuration Namespace

The set of classes that handle the configuration that controls security for a WSE application.


Class Description
BinarySecurityTokenManagerCollection Represents a collection of <securityTokenManager> elements that specifies the user-supplied custom security token managers for XML-based security tokens within an application domain.
BinarySecurityTokenManagerElement Represents a <binarySecurityTokenManager> element that defines the user-supplied custom security managers for an application domain.
BinaryTokenKeyAlgorithmElement Represents the <keyAlgorithm> element that specifies the cryptographic algorithm used by the specified binary security token to transform data
BinaryTokenSessionKeyElement Represents the key algorithm used for the security token for bulk encryption operations.
CacheLimitConfigElement Represents the <cacheLimit> Element that sets the limit on the number of security tokens that are cached
DefaultTtlConfigElement Represents the <defaultTtlInSeconds> Element
EncryptionFormatterCollection Represents a collection of <encryptionFormatters> Elements.
Formatter Configuration handler for cryptography formatter elements such as encryptionFormatters, keyExchangeFormatters and signatureFormatters.
FormatterCollection Represents a collection of Formatter elements. This is the base class for all the cryptography formatter collection configuration element handlers.
GenerationLimitConfigElement Represents the <generationLimit> Element that specifies the maximum position at which the derived key is located in the byte stream generated by the derived key generator, for DerivedKeyToken security tokens.
KeyAlgorithmCollection Configuration element handler for the <keyAlgorithm> element.
KeyAlgorithmElement Configuration element handler for each entry of add child element of the keyAlgorithm element.
KeyExchangeFormatterCollection Represents a collection of <encryptionFormatters> Elements
KeyIdentifierMappingCollection Represents a collection of KeyIdentifierMappingElement objects.
KeyIdentifierMappingElement Specifies the key identifier for the security token.
KeyInfoConfiguration Configuration element handler for the <keyInfo> element inside the <serviceToken> elements
LabelConfigElement Represents the <label> Element that specifies the label parameter in the key generation algorithm for UsernameToken security tokens.
OffsetLimitConfigElement Represents the <offsetLimit> Element, which specifies the maximum position at which the derived key is located in the byte stream generated by the derived key generator, for DerivedKeyToken security tokens.
RenewalWindowConfigElement Represents the <renewalWindowInSeconds> element that specifies the period of time immediately prior to expiration, in which the security token should be renewed, for KerberosToken and SecurityContextToken security tokens.
ReplayDetectionElement Represents the <replayDetection> Element that controls whether to enable replay detection against the UsernameToken Nonce for a period of time.
RevocationModeValidation Validates the revocationMode attribute of the <x509> Element.
SecurityConfiguration Represents the <security> configuration element.
SecurityCryptographyConfiguration Represents the <cryptography> Element that specifies the list of cryptographic algorithms that are available to place keys, encrypted data, and digital signatures in a SOAP message.
SecurityLimitsConfiguration Represents the <limits> element that specifies the limitations on incoming SOAP messages.
SecurityLimitsValidation Configuration handler for the <limits> element of the <security> element.
SecurityTokenKeyAlgorithmElement Represents the cryptographic algorithm used by the specified XML-based security token to transform data.
SecurityTokenManagerCollection Represents a collection of <securityTokenManager> elements that specifies the user-supplied custom security token managers for XML-based security tokens within an application domain.
SecurityTokenManagerElement Represents a <securityTokenManager> element that specifies the user-supplied custom security token managers for XML-based security tokens within an application domain.
ServiceTokenCollection Represents a collection of <serviceToken> elements that specifies the X509SecurityToken security token that protects the SOAP messages.
ServiceTokenConfiguration Represents a <serviceToken> element that specifies the X509SecurityToken security token that protects the SOAP messages.
SignatureFormatterCollection Represents a collection of <serviceToken> elements that specify the types that take a digital signature and place it within a SOAP message according to the specified cryptographic algorithm.
SkiModeValidation Validates the skiMode attribute value for the <x509> element.
StatefulSCTConfiguration Represents the <statefulSecurityContextToken> element that specifies whether stateful SecurityContextToken security tokens are used.
StoreLocationValidation Validates the storeLocation attribute value for the <x509> element.
TimeToleranceConfigElement Represents the <timeToleranceInSeconds> Element that specifies the time buffer used by WSE to determine when a SOAP message is valid.
TokenIssuerConfiguration Contains methods and properties used to process the <tokenIssuer> section in the configuration file.
TtlInSecondsConfigElement Represents the <ttlInSeconds> Element, that specifies in seconds, how long issued SecurityContextToken security tokens are valid.
TtlInSecondsConfigElement.TtlInSecondsValidationAttribute Configuration element handler for the <ttlInSeconds> Element.
VerificationModeValidation Validates the verificationMode attribute of the <x509> Element.
X509Configuration Represents the <x509> Element that specifies where WSE looks for X.509 certificates and specifies how to verify them.


Enumeration Description
VerificationMode Specifies whether WSE searches the TrustedPeople certificate store before verifying the certificate chain.