_BusinessDataAdmin2::ExportCatalogs Method
Use this method to export the profile catalog (profile schema) in the business data store to an XML file.
HRESULT _BusinessDataAdmin2::ExportCatalogs(
BSTR* sFileName,
VARIANT_BOOL* bRemoveCredentials
Sub ExportCatalogs(
sFileName As String,
Optional bRemoveCredentials As Boolean
[C++][in, out] A pointer to A BSTR that specifies the file that will contain the exported profile catalog. This is a local file path — it cannot be a URL.
[Visual Basic]
A String that specifies the file that will contain the exported profile catalog. This is a local file path — it cannot be a URL.
[C++][in, optional] A pointer to a VARIANT_BOOL that specifies whether to remove the credentials from the connection strings in the profile catalog. A value of True indicates remove the credentials. A value of False indicates do not remove the credentials. The default value True.
[Visual Basic]
A Boolean that specifies whether to remove the credentials from the connection strings in the profile catalog. A value of True indicates remove the credentials. A value of False indicates do not remove the credentials. The default value is True.
Return Value
[C++] This method returns an HRESULT indicating whether it completed successfully. See the Error Values section for more details.
[Visual Basic] None.
Error Values
[C++] This method returns S_OK (0x00000000) to indicate success and either standard or custom COM HRESULT error values to indicate failure. For more information about standard COM errors, see Standard COM Errors.
[Visual Basic] This method sets the Number property of the global Err object to S_OK (&H00000000) to indicate success and to either standard or custom COM error values to indicate failure. For more information about standard COM errors, see Standard COM Errors.
The following table shows the custom COM errors that this method can return.
Constant |
Value |
Description |
0x800A00BF &H800A00BF 191 |
No connection is open to the database. The Connect() method should be called first. |
0x800A0072 &H800A0072 114 |
Error: Wrong input parameter (check for Empty or Null input parameter) |
0x800A0075 &H800A0075 117 |
Cannot find profile '%0'. |
0x800A0071 &H800A0071 113 |
Cannot find data-source '%0' in catalog '%1'. |
0x800A00AB &H800A00AB 171 |
Profile '%0' could not be created/updated because it does not have exactly one primary key defined. |
0x800A00AC &H800A00AC 172 |
Profile '%0' could not be created/updated because it does not have exactly one join key defined. |
0x800A00AD &H800A00AD 173 |
The profile-property '%0' is marked as an RDN-attribute, but is not of type 'STRING'. |
0x800A00AE &H800A00AE 174 |
The profile-property '%0' is marked as a hashing key, but is not of type 'STRING'. |
0x800A00AF &H800A00AF 175 |
The profile-property '%0' is marked as a unique, primary, and/or join key, but is not of type 'STRING' or 'NUMBER'. |
0x800A00B3 &H800A00B3 179 |
The profile property '%0' is mapped to a data member in a source which is not referenced by the join key. |
0x800A00B4 &H800A00B4 180 |
The join key '%0' references more than one data member from a single source. A join key may map to only one member from a data object. |
0x800A00BB &H800A00BB 187 |
The property '%0' cannot be multi-valued because it is a key. |
0x800A00BC &H800A00BC 188 |
The property '%0' cannot be marked as multi-valued. It references a data member from an OLEDB-ANSI source of type '%1'. Only members of type 'STRING' may be marked as multi-valued. |
0x800A00B8 &H800A00B8 184 |
The database field '%0' cannot be updated. The value '%1' exceeds the maximum length of %2 characters. |
0x800A00B5 &H800A00B5 181 |
The primary key for this profile may not be a cached (non-persistent) property. |
0x800A00B6 &H800A00B6 182 |
The join key for this profile may not be a cached (non-persistent) property. |
0x800A008D &H800A008D 141 |
The profile '%0' contains multiple properties marked as the RDN Attribute for the data source '%1'. Exactly one RDN Attribute must be defined for each LDAPv3-compliant data source. |
0x800A008E &H800A008E 142 |
The profile '%0' contains multiple properties marked as the hashing key. |
0x800A008F &H800A008F 143 |
The profile-property '%0' is marked as an RDN-attribute, but does not map to an LDAPv3-compliant data-source. |
0x800A0090 &H800A0090 144 |
The profile-property '%0' is marked as a hashing-key, but does not map to any partitioned data-sources. |
0x800A0091 &H800A0091 145 |
The profile '%0' uses an LDAPv3-compliant data-source, but no property is marked as the RDN-attribute. Exactly one RDN Attribute must be defined for each LDAPv3-compliant data source. |
0x800A00C0 &H800A00C0 192 |
The property: [%0] in profile: [%1] is mapped to an incorrect data type. |
0x800A00C1 &H800A00C1 193 |
The property: [%0] in profile: [%1] is incorrectly marked as a reference type. |
0x800A00C2 &H800A00C2 194 |
The property: [%0] in profile: [%1] is incorrectly marked as multivalued. |
0x800A00C3 &H800A00C3 195 |
The property: [%0] in profile: [%1] is referencing an invalid type. |
0x800A00C4 &H800A00C4 196 |
The property: [%0] in profile: [%1] is of incorrect type. |
0x800A00C5 &H800A00C5 197 |
The property: [%0] in profile: [%1] is mapped to a data member: [%2] but this data member does not exist. |
0x800A00C6 &H800A00C6 198 |
The property: [%0] in profile: [%1] is mapped to data member: [%2] of incorrect type |
0x800A00C7 &H800A00C7 199 |
The property: [%0] in profile: [%1] is referencing a profile: [%2] that does not exist. |
0x800A00C8 &H800A00C8 200 |
The property: [%0] in profile: [%1] is referencing a siteterm: [%2] that does not exist. |
You must call the Connect method before calling this method.
The exported XML document will conform to the schema specified in file MSCSProfileSchema.xml, and will contain both site terms and profile definitions.
If the bRemoveCredentials parameter is True, then the credentials (user name and password) will be removed from all connection strings. These credentials will have to be replaced before the catalog can be imported. If the catalog is imported through Commerce Server Manager, the user must enter a user name and password for each data source partition in the catalog.
If the bRemoveCredentials parameter is False, then the credentials will be exported in plain text with the rest of the catalog.
The following example exports the profile catalog to a file: