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Pipeline Component Registration Wizard (Step 3 of 3)

Use the Pipeline Component Registration Wizard (Step 3 of 3) page to register or export the pipeline components.

Use this

To do this

Register components only

Click to update the Implemented Categories of the component for the corresponding registry hive. This option is best for the workstation of a site developer, where components and stages may change regularly.

Export registration data

Click to export the registry information to a registry script. In the Export path box, select the path where you want to export the registry script.

Register and export data

Click to register and export the registration data to a registry script. In the Export path box, select the path where you want to export the registry script.


The Pipeline Component Registration Wizard adds keys under the Implemented Categories entry in the registry to indicate that it is a pipeline component and to indicate which stages the component may appear in. The Implemented Categories entry can be found at \HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\component_classid\implemented categories\stage_clsid key in the Microsoft Windows NT Registry, where stage_class_id is the GUID of the stage with which the component will have an affinity, and component_class_id is the class ID of the component itself.

See Also

Other Resources

Developing with Core Systems Pipelines

Building Pipeline Components

How to Build Pipeline Components Using C#