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w4 APPLICATION Configuration Service Provider


An APPLICATION configuration service provider that has an APPID of w4 is used to configure Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS).


Access to this configuration service provider is determined by security roles. Because OEMs and mobile operators can selectively disallow access, ask them about the availability of this configuration service provider. For more information about roles, see Security Roles and Default Roles for Configuration Service Providers.

In the root characteristic, the default security roles are defined. The default security role maps to each subnode unless specific permission is granted to the subnode. The following table shows the default settings.

Access type


Roles allowed to query and update setting



Operator - TPS

The following image shows the configuration service provider in tree format as used by OMA Client Provisioning.



The following table defines the parameters used by the w4 APPLICATION configuration service provider.

    Required. The APPID parameter is used in the APPLICATION characteristic to differentiate the types of available application services and protocols.

    The only possible value to configure the OMA Client Provisioning MMS APPID is:

    • w4

    The following table shows the configuration information for the APPID parameter.

    Data type




  • NAME
    The NAME is used in the APPLICATION characteristic to specify a user readable application identity. This parameter is used to define part of the registry path for the APPLICATION parameters.

    The possible values to configure the NAME parameter are:

    • <string>
    • no value specified

    If no value is specified, the registry location will default to <unnamed>.

    The registry location of the NAME parameter is: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\MMS\Profiles\<NAME>

    The following table shows the configuration information for the NAME parameter.

    Data type




    The TO-PROXY parameter is used in the APPLICATION characteristic to reference a logical proxy with a matching PROXY-ID. Several TO-PROXY parameters may be listed. The order of the list indicates the priority of the proxies.

    The possible values to configure the TO-PROXY parameter are:

    • Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the Proxy

    The registry location of the TO-PROXY parameter is:

    HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\MMS\Profiles\ <NAME> \TO-PROXY

    The following table shows the configuration information for the TO-PROXY parameter.

    Data type




    The TO-NAPID parameter is used in the APPLICATION characteristic to reference a network access point with a matching NAPID parameter. It is only possible to refer to network access points defined within the same provisioning file (except if the INTERNET attribute is set in the NAPDEF characteristic). For more information about the NAPDEF characteristic, see NAPDEF Configuration Service Provider. Several TO-NAPID parameters may be listed. The order of the list indicates the priority of the individual network access points. If the TO-NAPID is INTERNET, it implies that the mobile equipment can select any network access point with the attribute INTERNET defined.

    The possible values to configure the TO-NAPID parameter are:

    • Network Access Point Identification names defined in the provisioning file

    The registry location of the TO-NAPID parameter is:

    HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\MMS\Profiles\ <NAME> \TO-NAPID

    The following table shows the configuration information for the TO-NAPID parameter.

    Data type




  • ADDR
    The ADDR parameter is used in the APPLICATION characteristic to specify the address of the MMS application server.

    The possible values to configure the ADDR parameter are:

    • A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
    • An IPv4 address represented in decimal format with dots as delimiters
    • A fully qualified Internet domain name

    The registry location of the ADDR parameter is:

    HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\MMS\Profiles\ <NAME> \MMSC URL

    The following table shows the configuration information for the ADDR parameter.

    Data type




  • CM
    The CM (creation mode) parameter is used in the APPLICATION characteristic to facilitate creation of interoperable multimedia messages. Three creation modes are defined:

    Restricted   The device will only create and submit multimedia messages belonging to the core multimedia message content domain.

    Warning   The device will guide the user to create and submit multimedia messages belonging to the core multimedia message content domain. The user has the option to ignore the guidance.

    Free   The device will allow the user to add any content to a multimedia message.

    The possible values to configure the CM parameter are:

    • R - equal to restricted
    • W - equal to warning
    • F - equal to free

    The registry location of the CM parameter is:

    HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\MMS\Profiles\ <NAME> \CM

    The following table shows the configuration information for the CM parameter.

    Data type




  • RM
    The RM (resubmission mode) parameter is used in the APPLICATION characteristic to allow submission of earlier retrieved multimedia messages.

    When re-submission follows the creation mode and the creation mode is warning or free, this parameter has no effect. When re-submission follows the creation mode and the creation mode is restricted, then the three re-submission modes are:

    Restricted   The device will only re-submit multimedia messages belonging to the core multimedia message content domain.

    Warning   The device will guide the user to re-submit only multimedia messages belonging to the core multimedia message content domain. If the guidance is ignored the device may allow the user to re-submit any retrieved multimedia message.

    Free   The device will allow the user to re-submit any earlier retrieved multimedia message.

    The possible values to configure the RM parameter are:

    • R - equal to restricted
    • W - equal to warning
    • F - equal to free

    The registry location of the RM parameter is:

    HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\MMS\Profiles\ <NAME> \RM

    The following table shows the configuration information for the RM parameter.

    Data type




  • MS
    The MS (maximum authorized size) parameter is used in the APPLICATION characteristic to set the maximum size of multimedia content the client supports.

    The possible values to configure the MS parameter are:

    • 300
    • 600

    The values for this parameter are in kilobytes.

    The registry location of the MS parameter is:

    HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\MMS\Profiles\ <NAME> \MS

    The following table shows the configuration information for the MS parameter.

    Data type




    The PC-ADDR (postcard address) parameter is used in the APPLICATION characteristic to specify information that supports MMS Postcard service. MMS Postcard is a service where content is printed and physically delivered using postal services. This parameter is defined only to enable consistent implementation of these services.

    The possible values to configure the PC-ADDR parameter are:

    • <Recipient full name and postal address>
    • <Greeting text>

    The registry location of the PC-ADDR parameter is:

    HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\MMS\Profiles\ <NAME> \PCADDR

    The following table shows the configuration information for the PC-ADDR parameter.

    Data type




  • Ma
    The Ma (MMSA interface) parameter is used in the APPLICATION characteristic to allow the user or the network operator to enable or disable the MMS client interface, and allows the network operator to lock the MMS client interface.

    In the disabled state the MMS client will not submit multimedia messages and will not hand over data from multimedia messages to any application.

    In the enabled state the MMS client can submit multimedia messages and can hand over data from multimedia messages to applications.

    In the locked state, the user does not have the ability to change the state of the MMSA interface and the client will behave the same as in the disabled state.

    The default state is disabled.

    The possible values to configure the Ma parameter are:

    • disabled
    • enabled
    • locked

    The registry location of the Ma parameter is: MMS\Profiles\<NAME>\Ma.

    The following table shows the configuration information for the Ma parameter.

    Data type





Many sets of MMS parameters can exist on a Windows Mobile device, but each set must have a unique name. Multiple sub-keys, each representing a different set of MMS parameters, are located under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\MMS\Profiles\. If provisioned again with the same application name, however, the previously held values will be overwritten.

For more information about the parameters used by the w4 APPLICATION configuration service provider and how they are used, see the OMA MMS Conformance Document (OMA-TS-MMS-CONF-V1_3-20051027-C) available from this OMA Web site.

See Also


w4 APPLICATION Configuration Service Provider Examples for OMA Client Provisioning


APPLICATION Configuration Service Provider