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This topic shows the Device Description Framework (DDF) file for the DMS Configuration Service Provider. DDF files and the example in this topic are used only for OMA DM provisioning. For more information, see OMA Device Management.


The first line of the DDF file is the namespace reference for Microsoft custom properties. For more information, see Managing Microsoft Custom Properties (OMA DM).

<MgmtTree xmlns:MSFT="https://schemas.microsoft.com/MobileDevice/DM">
        <Get />
      <Description>This interior node is a common parent to all OMA DM server account nodes that use OMA DM 1.2 protocol.</Description>
        <node />
        <One />
        <Permanent />
          <Add />
          <Get />
          <Delete />
          <Replace />
        <Description>This interior node acts as a placeholder for zero or more OMA DM server accounts. If this OMA DM server account is bootstrapped using the w7 APPLICATION, the name of this node is generated from the MD5 hash of the w7 PROVIDER-ID parm.</Description>
          <node />
          <ZeroOrMore />
          <Dynamic />
            <Add />
            <Get />
            <Replace />
          <Description>The only supported value is w7.</Description>
            <chr />
            <One />
            <Dynamic />
          <DFTitle>Application ID for DM Account MO</DFTitle>
            <Add />
            <Get />
            <Replace />
            <chr />
            <One />
            <Dynamic />
          <DFTitle>Server Identifier</DFTitle>
            <Add />
            <Get />
            <Replace />
            <chr />
            <ZeroOrOne />
            <Dynamic />
          <DFTitle>Displayable name for the Management Server</DFTitle>
            <Add />
            <Get />
            <Replace />
          <Description>The only supported values include the NAPID of a bootstrapped NAP management object or a connection GUID used by connection manager. If this node is missing, the device will use the default connection provided by connection manager.</Description>
            <chr />
            <ZeroOrOne />
            <Dynamic />
          <DFTitle>Reference to preferred connectivity</DFTitle>
            <Add />
            <Get />
          <Description>Only the first address provisioned is used.</Description>
            <node />
            <One />
            <Dynamic />
          <DFTitle>A collection of references to DM server address</DFTitle>
              <Add />
              <Get />
              <node />
              <One />
              <Dynamic />
            <DFTitle>The "name" node for AppAddr object</DFTitle>
                <Add />
                <Get />
                <Replace />
                <chr />
                <One />
                <Dynamic />
              <DFTitle>Management Server Address</DFTitle>
                <Add />
                <Get />
                <Replace />
                <chr />
                <One />
                <Dynamic />
              <DFTitle>Management Server Address Type</DFTitle>
                <Add />
                <Get />
                <node />
                <ZeroOrOne />
                <Dynamic />
              <DFTitle>A collection of all Port objects</DFTitle>
                  <Add />
                  <Get />
                  <Replace />
                  <node />
                  <One />
                  <Dynamic />
                <DFTitle>The "name" node for a Port object</DFTitle>
                    <Add />
                    <Get />
                    <Replace />
                    <chr />
                    <One />
                    <Dynamic />
            <Add />
            <Get />
            <Replace />
          <Description>Supported values: BASIC, DIGEST</Description>
            <chr />
            <ZeroOrOne />
            <Dynamic />
          <DFTitle>Application Authentication Type preference</DFTitle>
            <Add />
            <Get />
            <node />
            <ZeroOrOne />
            <Dynamic />
          <DFTitle>A collection of all references to multiple Application
Authentication objects</DFTitle>
              <Add />
              <Get />
              <node />
              <OneOrMore />
              <Dynamic />
            <DFTitle>The "name" node for multiple Application Authentication objects</DFTitle>
                <Add />
                <Get />
                <Replace />
                <chr />
                <One />
                <Dynamic />
              <DFTitle>Application Authentication level</DFTitle>
                <Add />
                <Get />
                <Replace />
              <Description>If AAuthLevel is CLCRED, the supported types include BASIC and DIGEST. If AAuthLevel is SRVCRED, the only supported type is DIGEST.</Description>
                <chr />
                <One />
                <Dynamic />
              <DFTitle>Application Authentication Type</DFTitle>
                <Add />
                <Get />
                <Replace />
                <chr />
                <ZeroOrOne />
                <Dynamic />
              <DFTitle>Application Authentication Name</DFTitle>
                <Add />
                <Replace />
                <chr />
                <ZeroOrOne />
                <Dynamic />
              <DFTitle>Application Authentication Secret</DFTitle>
                <Add />
                <Replace />
                <bin />
                <ZeroOrOne />
                <Dynamic />
              <DFTitle>Application Authentication Data</DFTitle>
            <Get />
            <node />
            <One />
            <Dynamic />
          <DFTitle>Vendor specific information</DFTitle>
              <Get />
              <node />
              <One />
              <Dynamic />
            <DFTitle>The collection of Microsoft specific settings</DFTitle>
                <Get />
                <Replace />
              <Description>If this node is unspecified, its default value is the access role of the session that created the server account. The value for this node must be a subset of the roles used in creating this server account.</Description>
                <int />
                <One />
                <Dynamic />
              <DFTitle>The security role mask that the DM session should run with</DFTitle>
                <Add />
                <Get />
                <Replace />
              <Description>This node value corresponds to what the client would put in the VerDTD element of an OMA-DM package. No default value is assumed. The only valid value for this node is 1.1 or 1.2.</Description>
                <chr />
                <ZeroOrOne />
                <Dynamic />
              <DFTitle>The OMA-DM protocol version that the client should use in communicating with the server</DFTitle>
                <Add />
                <Replace />
                <Get />
              <Description>This node specifies the encoding that the OMA-DM client will use to encode its first package.  Valid values include "application/vnd.syncml.dm+xml" (for XML) and "application/vnd.syncml.dm+wbxml" (for WBXML).  If this node is left unspecified, the OMA-DM client defaults to "application/vnd.syncml.dm+xml".</Description>
                <chr />
                <ZeroOrOne />
                <Dynamic />
                <Add />
                <Replace />
                <Get />
              <Description>A value of true indicates that, during an OMA-DM session with this server, the value of the ./DevInfo/DevId node is the hardware ID of device (e.g, IMEI for a GSM device, ESN for a CDMA Device, hashed UUID for a non-radio device). The default value of false indicates that the value of ./DevInfo/DevId node is a hash of the UUID of the device.
                <bool />
                <ZeroOrOne />
                <Dynamic />
                <Add />
                <Get />
                <Replace />
              <Description>This node specifies whether a connection to the server is roaming aware during a scheduled, client-initiated OMA-DM session. 

Possible Values:
false (default) -- The OMA-DM session is not roaming-aware. The DM client always connects to the server at the scheduled time.  
true -- The OMA-DM Session is roaming-aware. Whether the DM client will connect to the server and (if so) how frequently is dependent on the value of the RoamingConnectFrequency node.

NOTE 1: Roaming here means cellular roaming. Wi-Fi and desktop pass-through channels are not considered roaming.

NOTE 2: The roaming policy, defined by both RoamingAware and RoamingConnectFreqency together, does not impact server-initiated OMA-DM sessions or any nonscheduled device-initiated sessions.
                <bool />
                <ZeroOrOne />
                <Dynamic />
                <Add />
                <Get />
                <Replace />
              <Description>This node specifies the delay multiplier for a scheduled, client-initiated OMA-DM session.  If a session is to be initiated after interval X, setting this node extends that interval (i.e., new interval = X * RoamingConnectFrequency). If the value of this node is 0, the device will never connect to the server when roaming. 

The default value is 4.

NOTE: This node takes effect only if the RoamingAware node value is true.

For example, assume the DM client is scheduled to connect to the server every 8 hours. If the device is roaming, the RoamingAware node value is true, and the RoamingConnectFrequency node value is 4, the DM client will connect to the server every 32 hours. However, the regular, non-roaming schedule still applies, should the device go out of roaming before 32 hours; for example, if the device goes out of roaming just before reaching the 8th hour, the DM client will connect (instead of waiting for the complete 32 hours).
                <int />
                <ZeroOrOne />
                <Dynamic />
                <Add />
                <Get />
                <Replace />
              <Description>This node specifies the client certificate search criteria. In Windows Mobile 6.5, searching by subject name string and certificate stores is supported. Other criteria if provided is ignored. The string data is a concatenation of name-value pairs, delimited by the ampersand character. The name and values themselves are delimited by the "=" character. If the node contains multiple values, each value is separated by the unicode character U+F000; (%EF%80%80).If the name or value contains characters in the reserved set specified in RFC2396, then they are URI-escaped per that RFC.The supported names are Subject and Store.
                <chr />
                <ZeroOrOne />
                <Dynamic />
                <Add />
                <Get />
                <Replace />
              <Description>This node specifies how many times DM client will retry a connection to the server if the connection fails. The default value is 3 retries.</Description>
                <int />
                <ZeroOrOne />
                <Dynamic />
                <Add />
                <Get />
                <Replace />
              <Description>This node specifies the initial amount of time (in milliseconds) that the DM client waits before attempting a connection retry. After the initial wait, the wait time grows exponentially. The default value is 16000 milliseconds.</Description>
                <int />
                <ZeroOrOne />
                <Dynamic />
                <Add />
                <Get />
                <Replace />
              <Description>This node specifies the maximum number of milliseconds to wait before attempting a connection retry. The default value is 86400000.</Description>
                <int />
                <ZeroOrOne />
                <Dynamic />
                <Add />
                <Get />
                <Replace />
              <Description>This node specifies whether to disable the ability of the DM client to communicate with a down-level server.

Possible Values:
false (default) -- Compatibility with down-level servers is enabled
true -- Compatibility with down-level servers is disabled
                <bool />
                <ZeroOrOne />
                <Dynamic />
                <Add />
                <Get />
                <Replace />
              <Description>This node specifies whether the DM client can use the nonce resynchronization protocol when authentication of a server notification fails. If nonce resynchronization is disabled and authentication of the server notification fails, the notification is dropped.

Possible Values:
false (default) : Nonce resynchronization is disabled.
true : Nonce resynchronization is enabled.
                <bool />
                <ZeroOrOne />
                <Dynamic />

See Also


DMS Configuration Service Provider