Implementing Custom Test Types
You can integrate your test tools into custom test types that run alongside the built-in test types of Visual Studio Application Lifecyle Management by implementing just a few classes. Integrating test tools lets developers and testers use the new test environment as a one-stop tool for running tests. Not only can organizations continue to use their existing test tools, but they also gain all the advantages of using the test environment of Visual Studio Application Lifecyle Management. The following sections describe how to integrate your test tools as custom types into the test environment of Visual Studio Application Lifecyle Management.
In This Section
How to: Implement a Basic Test Type
Describes the primary steps to take to implement a new test type.How to: Add a Custom Editor and a Custom Result Viewer
Describes how to define user-interface functionality for your custom test type and for a custom viewer for the test results that the test type will produce.How to: Add a Test-Type Specific Page To The Run Configuration Dialog Box
Describes how to add a page that users can use to configure the way your custom test type will be run.How to: Provide Custom Context-Sensitive Commands to Your Test Type
Describes how to provide your test with shortcut menu commands.How to: Register a New Test Type
Contains procedures that describes how to register new test types, whether or not the new test types have custom UI elements.How to: Add Support for Load Tests
Describes how to enable your custom test type to be used within a load test.Using Optional TestElement Properties
Describes several optional attributes that you can use to control aspects of test behavior when you implement the TestElement class.
See Also
Packaging and Installing Test Type Extensions in Visual Studio