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Installing Visual SourceSafe

Topics in this section tell you how to prepare the machines in your environment to work with a Visual SourceSafe database and how to install Visual SourceSafe programs. The product is available in retail stores, via MSDN on CD/DVD, or as a subscriber download.

To perform the installation procedures for the server and the database, you should be the database administrator for your site. Individual users can perform the client setup and installation procedures on their workstations, but they should have Windows administrator access to do so.

Before attempting an installation, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the information in Requirements for Installing Visual SourceSafe. After you have installed the product, be sure to check the Readme file for any last-minute information that you need for using Visual SourceSafe. For more information, see How to: Locate Readme Files.


ASP.NET is required to run Visual SourceSafe. The programs that install Visual SourceSafe install the .NET Framework, which includes ASP.NET.

In This Section

See Also


How to: Locate Readme Files


Adding and Configuring a Database

Other Resources

Introducing Visual SourceSafe