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How do I create my own App Registration?

Creating your own App Registration will be necessary for situations like the following:

  • You created your bot in the Bot Framework portal (such as https://dev.botframework.com/bots/new)
  • You are unable to make app registrations in your organization and need another party to create the App ID for the bot you're building
  • You otherwise need to manually create your own App ID (and password)

To create your own App ID, follow the steps below.

  1. Sign into your Azure account. If you don't have an Azure account, you can sign up for a free account.

  2. Go to the app registrations blade and click New registration in the action bar at the top.

    new registration

  3. Enter a display name for the application registration in the Name field and select the supported account types. The name does not have to match the bot ID.


    In the Supported account types, select the Accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Xbox, Outlook.com) radio button. If any of the other options are selected, the bot will be unusable.

    registration details

  4. Click Register

    After a few moments, the newly created app registration should open a blade. Copy the Application (client) ID in the Overview blade and paste it in to the App ID field.

    application id

If you're creating your bot through the Bot Framework portal, then you're done setting up your app registration; the secret will be generated automatically.

If you're making your bot in the Azure portal, you need to generate a secret for your app registration.

  1. Click on Certificates & secrets in the left navigation column of your app registration's blade.

  2. In that blade, click the New client secret button. In the dialog that pops up, enter an optional description for the secret and select Never from the Expires radio button group.

    new secret

  3. Copy your secret's value from the table under Client secrets and paste it into the Password field for your application, and click OK at the bottom of that blade. Then, proceed with the bot creation.


    The secret will only be visible while on this blade, and you won't be able to retreive it after you leave that page. Be sure to copy it somewhere safe.

    new app id

Deploy a bot

What files do I need to zip up for deployment?

You must manually create a zip archive with all the files in the project, as described in the step: zip up the code directory manually step.

Please, make sure that you select all the files and folders in your bot's project folder. Then, while still in the project folder, zip up all the selected files and folders as shown in the picture below.

select all and zip

What version of Azure CLI should I use to deploy a bot?

It is recommended that you use the latest version of the Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) otherwise you will get deprecated commands errors. See Install the Azure CLI.

What should I do when getting Azure CLI deprecation errors?

You should upgrade to the latest version of the Azure CLI. For Azure CLI version 2.2.0 or later, you must use az deployment sub create and az deployment group create instead of az deployment create and az group deployment create commands respectively.

Change log of the Azure CLI commands used to deploy a bot to Azure

Azure ClI version Command1 Command 2
Azure CLI 2.2.0 and later versions az deployment group create az deployment sub create
Azure CLI 2.1.0 and earlier versions az group deployment create az deployment create

Read more in the Azure CLI change log.

The following are the az deployment deprecated commands:

Deprecated Replaced By
az deployment <create/list show/delete/validate/export/cancel> az deployment **sub** <create/list/show/delete/validate/export/cancel>
az deployment operation <list/show> az deployment operation **sub** <list/show>
az group deployment <create/list/show/delete/validate/export/cancel> az deployment **group** <create/list/show/delete/validate/export/cancel>
az group deployment operation <list/show> az deployment operation **group** < list/show>

How do I know whether the Azure CLI commands are deprecated?

To know if an Azure CLI command is deprecated, execute the the command with the -h (help) option as shown in the picture below.

cli help

Azure CLI Change Log

Read more about Azure CLI change log.

Azure Resource Management (ARM)

The following is a consolidated list of the commands that fit the current Azure CLI design: az {command group} {?sub-command-group} {operation} {parameters}.

  • az resource: Improve the examples of the resource module
  • az policy assignment list: Support listing policy assignments at Management Group scope
  • Add az deployment group and az deploymnent operation group for template deployment at resource groups. This is a duplicate of az group deployment and az group deployment operation.
  • Add az deployment sub and az deployment operation sub for template deployment at subscription scope. This is a duplicate of az deployment and az deployment operation.
  • Add az deployment mg and az deployment operation mg for template deployment at management groups
  • Add ad deployment tenant and az deployment operation tenant for template deployment at tenant scope
  • az policy assignment create: Add a description to the --location parameter
  • az group deployment create: Add parameter --aux-tenants to support cross tenants.