Options (Database Tools/Schema Compare)
Use this page to specify the options for comparing the schemas (structures) of two databases or of a database and a database project. These options apply only to new instances of Schema Compare. Existing instances will obtain the new options when you click Refresh.
- Include dependencies
If you select this check box, dependent objects are updated when you synchronize databases or database projects. For example, a view that depends on a table is synchronized if you synchronize the table. This check box could cause objects to be included for non-obvious reasons. For example, if a view depends on a table and the table has a trigger that references a table that has changed, then the second table will be updated. It will appear in the user interface, changes that were made to the second table will be scripted, and a message will appear in the Error List window. By default, this check box is selected.
- Force table column order to be identical
If you select this check box, the target table will be rebuilt after synchronization if necessary to guarantee that the column order is the same as that of the source table. This situation might occur, for example, if one or more columns are inserted into the middle of a table. By default, this check box is selected.
- Treat items as case-sensitive
If you select this check box, case-sensitive comparisons are performed on all supported object types and object names such as MyCustomer and myCustomer are treated as different. By default, this check box is cleared.
Block schema updates if data loss might occur
If you select this check box, compare two schemas, and try to update the target schema so that it matches the source, the update will terminate if those changes might cause data to be lost. For example, the update will terminate if one or more tables in the target database would be dropped and recreated, which would lose all data in those tables. However, you might clear this check box to update the target faster if it is in your isolated development environment and you plan to use Data Generator to refill the table with test data after you update the target. By default, this check box is selected.Warning
If you clear this check box, data might be lost when you write updates to the target database. Clear this check box only if your tables do not contain data that you must preserve.
Include SQL plumbing for transactional synchronization scripts
If you select this check box, transactions and associated error handling are added to the synchronization scripts. If you clear this check box, you can produce more readable SQL but the updates will not be automatically rolled back if an error occurs during synchronization. You can also clear this check box to help debug synchronization problems. By default, this check box is selected.Warning
If you clear this check box, your database might be left in an inconsistent state after you synchronize it with another database or database project.
- Ignore fill factor and index padding
If you select this check box, the fill factor in indexes is ignored when you compare and synchronize databases. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Ignore permissions
If you select this check box, permissions on objects are ignored when you compare and synchronize them. By default, this check box is selected.
- Ignore whitespace
If you select this check box, white space such as new lines, tabs, and spacesare ignored when you compare objects. By default, this check box is cleared.
If you select this check box, these statements are ignored when you compare database objects such as views and stored procedures. These statements still appear in synchronization scripts. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Ignore extended properties
If you select this check box, extended properties are ignored when you compare and synchronize databases. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Ignore full text indexing
If you select this check box, full text indexes and catalogs are ignored when you compare and synchronize databases. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Ignore collation order
If you select this check box, collation orders on columns that have the char data type are ignored when you compare and synchronize databases. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Ignore comments
If you select this check box, comments are ignored when you compare database objects. Comments still appear in the synchronization scripts. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Ignore indexes
If you select this check box, indexes are ignored when you compare and synchronize databases. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Ignore foreign keys
If you select this check box foreign keys are ignored when you compare and synchronize databases. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Ignore check constraints
If you select this check box, check constraints are ignored when you compare and synchronize databases. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Ignore triggers
If you select this check box, all Data Manipulation Language (DML) triggers, including INSTEAD OF triggers, are ignored when you compare and synchronize databases. However, database triggers (also known as Data Definition Language [DDL] triggers) are not ignored. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Ignore INSTEAD OF triggers
If you select this check box INSTEAD OF triggers (but not other DML triggers or DDL triggers) are ignored when you compare and synchronize databases. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Ignore file groups
If this check box is selected, FILEGROUP clauses on objects such as tables, indexes, queues, partitions, full-text catalogs and keys are ignored when you compare and synchronize databases. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Ignore identity seed and increment values
If you select this check box, identity seed and increment values are ignored when you compare databases. However, they still appear in synchronization scripts. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Ignore WITH NOCHECK on foreign keys and check constraints
If you select this check box, the 'not trusted' flag on foreign keys and check constraints is ignored. If the Ignore foreign keys and Ignore check constraints check boxes are selected, then differences in the WITH NOCHECK setting will still be reported. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Ignore constraint and index names
If you select this check box the names of indexes, foreign keys, primary keys, default constraints, unique constraints, and check constraints are ignored when you compare databases. However, these names will still be scripted and synchronized. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Ignore statistics
If you select this check box, statistics are ignored when you compare and synchronize databases. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Add WITH ENCRYPTION to stored procedures, views, and triggers
If you select this check box, WITH ENCRYPTION is added when scripts are generated to create or update stored procedures, functions, views, and triggers. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Do not use ALTER ASSEMBLY statements to update CLR types
If you select this check box, stored procedures that instantiate and use common language runtime (CLR) types will be dropped and recreated rather than using the ALTER ASSEMBLY statement to update them. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Perform 'smart' column name matching when you add or rename a column
Specifies whether to apply a heuristic when you write updates to determine when to rename a column instead of performing a DROP and an ADD operation. The heuristic is based on the properties of the column and the names of the source and target columns. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Use Defaults
You can click this button to reset the check boxes on this page to their default states.
See Also
How to: Compare the Schemas of Two Databases
Overview of Comparing Database Schemas
Terminology Overview of Team Edition for Database Professionals