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Implementing a DataAdapter

If you are implementing the complete set of .NET Framework data provider interfaces, the implementation of the DataAdapter requires minimal coding, as the System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter class provides most of the implementation.

To use DbDataAdapter

  1. Provide implementations of IDbConnection, IDbCommand, IDataReader, and so on. The DbDataAdapter class leverages these components in its implementation.

  2. Create a class that inherits from DbDataAdapter and IDbDataAdapter. For example:

    Public Class TemplateDataAdapter
      Inherits DbDataAdapter
      Implements IDbDataAdapter
    End Class
    [C#]public class TemplateDataAdapter : DbDataAdapter, IDbDataAdapter
  3. Implement the IDbDataAdapter interface, and provide property and method implementations that supply "strong typing". This allows users of your .NET Framework data provider to reference the objects you provide directly, instead of through interfaces such as IDbCommand.

    The following example shows a SelectCommand property that returns a strongly typed TemplateCommand. The TemplateDataAdapter.SelectCommand property will return an IDbCommand when the TemplateDataAdapter is cast as IDbDataAdapter.

    Private m_selectCommand As TemplateCommand
    Property IDbDataAdapterSelectCommand As IDbCommand Implements IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand
        Return m_selectCommand
      End Get
        m_selectCommand = CType(value, TemplateCommand)
      End Set
    End Property
    Public Property SelectCommand As TemplateCommand
        Return m_selectCommand
      End Get
        m_selectCommand = value
      End Set
    End Property
    [C#]private TemplateCommand m_selectCommand;
    public TemplateCommand SelectCommand 
      get { return m_selectCommand; }
      set { m_selectCommand = value; }
    IDbCommand IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand 
      get { return m_selectCommand; }
      set { m_selectCommand = (TemplateCommand)value; }
  4. Implement provider-specific versions of RowUpdatedEventArgs and RowUpdatingEventArgs, as well as associated event handler types (this is boilerplate code). The overloaded event types also exist to provide strong typing, allowing both the event object itself as well as appropriate properties (such as the Command property) to be exposed in a strongly typed manner. For example:

    Public Class TemplateRowUpdatingEventArgs
      Inherits RowUpdatingEventArgs
      Public Sub New(row As DataRow, command As IDbCommand, statementType As StatementType, tableMapping As DataTableMapping)
                     MyBase.New(row, command, statementType, tableMapping)
      End Sub
      ' Hide the inherited implementation of the command property.
      Public Shadows Property Command As TemplateCommand
          Return CType(MyBase.Command, TemplateCommand)
        End Get
          MyBase.Command = value
        End Set
      End Property
    End Class
    Public Class TemplateRowUpdatedEventArgs
      Inherits RowUpdatedEventArgs
      Public Sub New(row As DataRow, command As IDbCommand, statementType As StatementType, tableMapping As DataTableMapping)
        MyBase.New(row, command, statementType, tableMapping) 
      End Sub
      ' Hide the inherited implementation of the command property.
      Public Shadows ReadOnly Property Command As TemplateCommand 
          Return CType(MyBase.Command, TemplateCommand)
        End Get
      End Property
    End Class
    [C#]public class TemplateRowUpdatingEventArgs : RowUpdatingEventArgs
      public TemplateRowUpdatingEventArgs(DataRow row, IDbCommand command, StatementType statementType, DataTableMapping tableMapping) 
        : base(row, command, statementType, tableMapping) 
      // Hide the inherited implementation of the command property.
      new public TemplateCommand Command
        get  { return (TemplateCommand)base.Command; }
        set  { base.Command = value; }
    public class TemplateRowUpdatedEventArgs : RowUpdatedEventArgs
      public TemplateRowUpdatedEventArgs(DataRow row, IDbCommand command, StatementType statementType, DataTableMapping tableMapping)
        : base(row, command, statementType, tableMapping) 
      // Hide the inherited implementation of the command property.
      new public TemplateCommand Command
        get  { return (TemplateCommand)base.Command; }
  5. Implement the abstract methods of the DbDataAdapter. For example:

    Protected Overrides Function CreateRowUpdatedEvent(dataRow As DataRow, command As IDbCommand, statementType As StatementType, tableMapping As DataTableMapping) As RowUpdatedEventArgs
      Return New TemplateRowUpdatedEventArgs(dataRow, command, statementType, tableMapping)
    End Function
    Protected Overrides Function CreateRowUpdatingEvent(dataRow As DataRow, command As IDbCommand, statementType As StatementType, tableMapping As DataTableMapping) As RowUpdatingEventArgs
      Return New TemplateRowUpdatingEventArgs(dataRow, command, statementType, tableMapping)
    End Function
    Protected Overrides Sub OnRowUpdating(value As RowUpdatingEventArgs)
      Dim handler As TemplateRowUpdatingEventHandler  = CType(Events(EventRowUpdating), TemplateRowUpdatingEventHandler)
      If Not handler Is Nothing And value.GetType() Is Type.GetType("TemplateRowUpdatingEventArgs") Then 
        handler(Me, CType(value, TemplateRowUpdatingEventArgs))
      End If
    End Sub
    Protected Overrides Sub OnRowUpdated(value As RowUpdatedEventArgs)
      Dim handler As TemplateRowUpdatedEventHandler  = CType(Events(EventRowUpdated), TemplateRowUpdatedEventHandler)
      If Not handler Is Nothing And value.GetType() Is Type.GetType("TemplateRowUpdatedEventArgs") Then 
        handler(Me, CType(value, TemplateRowUpdatedEventArgs))
      End If
    End Sub
    [C#]override protected RowUpdatedEventArgs CreateRowUpdatedEvent(DataRow dataRow, IDbCommand command, StatementType statementType, DataTableMapping tableMapping)
      return new TemplateRowUpdatedEventArgs(dataRow, command, statementType, tableMapping);
    override protected RowUpdatingEventArgs CreateRowUpdatingEvent(DataRow dataRow, IDbCommand command, StatementType statementType, DataTableMapping tableMapping)
      return new TemplateRowUpdatingEventArgs(dataRow, command, statementType, tableMapping);
    override protected void OnRowUpdating(RowUpdatingEventArgs value)
      TemplateRowUpdatingEventHandler handler = (TemplateRowUpdatingEventHandler) Events[EventRowUpdating];
      if ((null != handler) && (value is TemplateRowUpdatingEventArgs)) 
        handler(this, (TemplateRowUpdatingEventArgs) value);
    override protected void OnRowUpdated(RowUpdatedEventArgs value)
      TemplateRowUpdatedEventHandler handler = (TemplateRowUpdatedEventHandler) Events[EventRowUpdated];
      if ((null != handler) && (value is TemplateRowUpdatedEventArgs)) 
        handler(this, (TemplateRowUpdatedEventArgs) value);
  6. Finish implementing events on the DbDataAdapter derived class as in the following example. Note that the events are a part of the TemplateDataAdapter class, and the delegates are a part of the namespace.

    Public Event RowUpdating As TemplateRowUpdatingEventHandler 
    Public Event RowUpdated As TemplateRowUpdatedEventHandler 
    Public Delegate Sub TemplateRowUpdatingEventHandler(sender As Object, e As TemplateRowUpdatingEventArgs)
    Public Delegate Sub TemplateRowUpdatedEventHandler(sender As Object, e As TemplateRowUpdatedEventArgs)
    [C#]public event TemplateRowUpdatingEventHandler RowUpdating
      add { Events.AddHandler(EventRowUpdating, value); }
      remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventRowUpdating, value); }
    public event TemplateRowUpdatedEventHandler RowUpdated
      add { Events.AddHandler(EventRowUpdated, value); }
      remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventRowUpdated, value); }
    public delegate void TemplateRowUpdatingEventHandler(object sender, TemplateRowUpdatingEventArgs e);
    public delegate void TemplateRowUpdatedEventHandler(object sender, TemplateRowUpdatedEventArgs e);

The following topics contain sample code for an implementation of a DataAdapter object.

For a sample Visual Basic implementation:

For a sample C# implementation:

See Also

Implementing a .NET Framework Data Provider | Sample .NET Framework Data Provider