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CFirePropNotifyEvent Class


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The latest version of this topic can be found at CFirePropNotifyEvent Class.

This class provides methods for notifying the container's sink regarding control property changes.


This class and its members cannot be used in applications that execute in the Windows Runtime.


class CFirePropNotifyEvent


Public Methods

Name Description
CFirePropNotifyEvent::FireOnChanged (Static) Notifies the container's sink that a control property has changed.
CFirePropNotifyEvent::FireOnRequestEdit (Static) Notifies the container's sink that a control property is about to change.


CFirePropNotifyEvent has two methods that notify the container's sink that a control property has changed or is about to change.

If the class implementing your control is derived from IPropertyNotifySink, the CFirePropNotifyEvent methods are invoked when you call FireOnRequestEdit or FireOnChanged. If your control class is not derived from IPropertyNotifySink, calls to these functions return S_OK.

For more information about creating controls, see the ATL Tutorial.


Header: atlctl.h


Notifies all connected IPropertyNotifySink interfaces (on every connection point of the object) that the specified object property has changed.

static HRESULT FireOnChanged(IUnknown* pUnk, DISPID dispID);


[in] Pointer to the IUnknown of the object sending the notification.

[in] Identifier of the property that has changed.

Return Value

One of the standard HRESULT values.


This function is safe to call even if your control does not support connection points.


Notifies all connected IPropertyNotifySink interfaces (on every connection point of the object) that the specified object property is about to change.

static HRESULT FireOnRequestEdit(IUnknown* pUnk, DISPID dispID);


[in] Pointer to the IUnknown of the object sending the notification.

[in] Identifier of the property about to change.

Return Value

One of the standard HRESULT values.


This function is safe to call even if your control does not support connection points.

See Also

Class Overview