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CComFakeCriticalSection Class


The new home for Visual Studio documentation is Visual Studio 2017 Documentation on docs.microsoft.com.

The latest version of this topic can be found at CComFakeCriticalSection Class.

This class provides the same methods as CComCriticalSection but does not provide a critical section.


class CComFakeCriticalSection


Public Methods

Name Description
CComFakeCriticalSection::Init Does nothing since there is no critical section.
CComFakeCriticalSection::Lock Does nothing since there is no critical section.
CComFakeCriticalSection::Term Does nothing since there is no critical section.
CComFakeCriticalSection::Unlock Does nothing since there is no critical section.


CComFakeCriticalSection mirrors the methods found in CComCriticalSection. However, CComFakeCriticalSection does not provide a critical section; therefore, its methods do nothing.

Typically, you use CComFakeCriticalSection through a typedef name, either AutoCriticalSection or CriticalSection. When using CComSingleThreadModel or CComMultiThreadModelNoCS, both of these typedef names reference CComFakeCriticalSection. When using CComMultiThreadModel, they reference CComAutoCriticalSection and CComCriticalSection, respectively.


Header: atlcore.h


Does nothing since there is no critical section.

HRESULT Init() throw();

Return Value

Returns S_OK.


Does nothing since there is no critical section.

HRESULT Lock() throw();

Return Value

Returns S_OK.


Does nothing since there is no critical section.

HRESULT Term() throw();

Return Value

Returns S_OK.


Does nothing since there is no critical section.

HRESULT Unlock() throw();

Return Value

Returns S_OK.

See Also

Class Overview