Практическое руководство. Реализация виртуального режима для элемента управления DataGridView в Windows Forms
Следующий пример кода демонстрирует управление большими наборами данных при помощи элемента управления DataGridView со свойством VirtualMode равным true.
Полное описание этого примера кода см. в разделе Пример. Реализация виртуального режима для элемента управления DataGridView в Windows Forms.
Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class Form1
Inherits Form
Private WithEvents dataGridView1 As New DataGridView()
' Declare an ArrayList to serve as the data store.
Private customers As New System.Collections.ArrayList()
' Declare a Customer object to store data for a row being edited.
Private customerInEdit As Customer
' Declare a variable to store the index of a row being edited.
' A value of -1 indicates that there is no row currently in edit.
Private rowInEdit As Integer = -1
' Declare a variable to indicate the commit scope.
' Set this value to false to use cell-level commit scope.
Private rowScopeCommit As Boolean = True
<STAThreadAttribute()> _
Public Shared Sub Main()
Application.Run(New Form1())
End Sub
Public Sub New()
' Initialize the form.
Me.dataGridView1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
Me.Text = "DataGridView virtual-mode demo (row-level commit scope)"
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
Handles Me.Load
' Enable virtual mode.
Me.dataGridView1.VirtualMode = True
' Add columns to the DataGridView.
Dim companyNameColumn As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
With companyNameColumn
.HeaderText = "Company Name"
.Name = "Company Name"
End With
Dim contactNameColumn As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
With contactNameColumn
.HeaderText = "Contact Name"
.Name = "Contact Name"
End With
Me.dataGridView1.AutoSizeColumnsMode = _
' Add some sample entries to the data store.
Me.customers.Add(New Customer("Bon app'", "Laurence Lebihan"))
Me.customers.Add(New Customer("Bottom-Dollar Markets", _
"Elizabeth Lincoln"))
Me.customers.Add(New Customer("B's Beverages", "Victoria Ashworth"))
' Set the row count, including the row for new records.
Me.dataGridView1.RowCount = 4
End Sub
Private Sub dataGridView1_CellValueNeeded(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs) _
Handles dataGridView1.CellValueNeeded
' If this is the row for new records, no values are needed.
If e.RowIndex = Me.dataGridView1.RowCount - 1 Then
End If
Dim customerTmp As Customer = Nothing
' Store a reference to the Customer object for the row being painted.
If e.RowIndex = rowInEdit Then
customerTmp = Me.customerInEdit
customerTmp = CType(Me.customers(e.RowIndex), Customer)
End If
' Set the cell value to paint using the Customer object retrieved.
Select Case Me.dataGridView1.Columns(e.ColumnIndex).Name
Case "Company Name"
e.Value = customerTmp.CompanyName
Case "Contact Name"
e.Value = customerTmp.ContactName
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub dataGridView1_CellValuePushed(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs) _
Handles dataGridView1.CellValuePushed
Dim customerTmp As Customer = Nothing
' Store a reference to the Customer object for the row being edited.
If e.RowIndex < Me.customers.Count Then
' If the user is editing a new row, create a new Customer object.
If Me.customerInEdit Is Nothing Then
Me.customerInEdit = New Customer( _
CType(Me.customers(e.RowIndex), Customer).CompanyName, _
CType(Me.customers(e.RowIndex), Customer).ContactName)
End If
customerTmp = Me.customerInEdit
Me.rowInEdit = e.RowIndex
customerTmp = Me.customerInEdit
End If
' Set the appropriate Customer property to the cell value entered.
Dim newValue As String = TryCast(e.Value, String)
Select Case Me.dataGridView1.Columns(e.ColumnIndex).Name
Case "Company Name"
customerTmp.CompanyName = newValue
Case "Contact Name"
customerTmp.ContactName = newValue
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub dataGridView1_NewRowNeeded(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowEventArgs) _
Handles dataGridView1.NewRowNeeded
' Create a new Customer object when the user edits
' the row for new records.
Me.customerInEdit = New Customer()
Me.rowInEdit = Me.dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1
End Sub
Private Sub dataGridView1_RowValidated(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) _
Handles dataGridView1.RowValidated
' Save row changes if any were made and release the edited
' Customer object if there is one.
If e.RowIndex >= Me.customers.Count AndAlso _
e.RowIndex <> Me.dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1 Then
' Add the new Customer object to the data store.
Me.customerInEdit = Nothing
Me.rowInEdit = -1
ElseIf (Me.customerInEdit IsNot Nothing) AndAlso _
e.RowIndex < Me.customers.Count Then
' Save the modified Customer object in the data store.
Me.customers(e.RowIndex) = Me.customerInEdit
Me.customerInEdit = Nothing
Me.rowInEdit = -1
ElseIf Me.dataGridView1.ContainsFocus Then
Me.customerInEdit = Nothing
Me.rowInEdit = -1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub dataGridView1_RowDirtyStateNeeded(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.QuestionEventArgs) _
Handles dataGridView1.RowDirtyStateNeeded
If Not rowScopeCommit Then
' In cell-level commit scope, indicate whether the value
' of the current cell has been modified.
e.Response = Me.dataGridView1.IsCurrentCellDirty
End If
End Sub
Private Sub dataGridView1_CancelRowEdit(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.QuestionEventArgs) _
Handles dataGridView1.CancelRowEdit
If Me.rowInEdit = Me.dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 2 AndAlso _
Me.rowInEdit = Me.customers.Count Then
' If the user has canceled the edit of a newly created row,
' replace the corresponding Customer object with a new, empty one.
Me.customerInEdit = New Customer()
' If the user has canceled the edit of an existing row,
' release the corresponding Customer object.
Me.customerInEdit = Nothing
Me.rowInEdit = -1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub dataGridView1_UserDeletingRow(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowCancelEventArgs) _
Handles dataGridView1.UserDeletingRow
If e.Row.Index < Me.customers.Count Then
' If the user has deleted an existing row, remove the
' corresponding Customer object from the data store.
End If
If e.Row.Index = Me.rowInEdit Then
' If the user has deleted a newly created row, release
' the corresponding Customer object.
Me.rowInEdit = -1
Me.customerInEdit = Nothing
End If
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Customer
Private companyNameValue As String
Private contactNameValue As String
Public Sub New()
' Leave fields empty.
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal companyName As String, ByVal contactName As String)
companyNameValue = companyName
contactNameValue = contactName
End Sub
Public Property CompanyName() As String
Return companyNameValue
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
companyNameValue = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property ContactName() As String
Return contactNameValue
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
contactNameValue = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class Form1 : Form
private DataGridView dataGridView1 = new DataGridView();
// Declare an ArrayList to serve as the data store.
private System.Collections.ArrayList customers =
new System.Collections.ArrayList();
// Declare a Customer object to store data for a row being edited.
private Customer customerInEdit;
// Declare a variable to store the index of a row being edited.
// A value of -1 indicates that there is no row currently in edit.
private int rowInEdit = -1;
// Declare a variable to indicate the commit scope.
// Set this value to false to use cell-level commit scope.
private bool rowScopeCommit = true;
public static void Main()
Application.Run(new Form1());
public Form1()
// Initialize the form.
this.dataGridView1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
this.Load += new EventHandler(Form1_Load);
this.Text = "DataGridView virtual-mode demo (row-level commit scope)";
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Enable virtual mode.
this.dataGridView1.VirtualMode = true;
// Connect the virtual-mode events to event handlers.
this.dataGridView1.CellValueNeeded += new
this.dataGridView1.CellValuePushed += new
this.dataGridView1.NewRowNeeded += new
this.dataGridView1.RowValidated += new
this.dataGridView1.RowDirtyStateNeeded += new
this.dataGridView1.CancelRowEdit += new
this.dataGridView1.UserDeletingRow += new
// Add columns to the DataGridView.
DataGridViewTextBoxColumn companyNameColumn = new
companyNameColumn.HeaderText = "Company Name";
companyNameColumn.Name = "Company Name";
DataGridViewTextBoxColumn contactNameColumn = new
contactNameColumn.HeaderText = "Contact Name";
contactNameColumn.Name = "Contact Name";
this.dataGridView1.AutoSizeColumnsMode =
// Add some sample entries to the data store.
this.customers.Add(new Customer(
"Bon app'", "Laurence Lebihan"));
this.customers.Add(new Customer(
"Bottom-Dollar Markets", "Elizabeth Lincoln"));
this.customers.Add(new Customer(
"B's Beverages", "Victoria Ashworth"));
// Set the row count, including the row for new records.
this.dataGridView1.RowCount = 4;
private void dataGridView1_CellValueNeeded(object sender,
System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs e)
// If this is the row for new records, no values are needed.
if (e.RowIndex == this.dataGridView1.RowCount - 1) return;
Customer customerTmp = null;
// Store a reference to the Customer object for the row being painted.
if (e.RowIndex == rowInEdit)
customerTmp = this.customerInEdit;
customerTmp = (Customer)this.customers[e.RowIndex];
// Set the cell value to paint using the Customer object retrieved.
switch (this.dataGridView1.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name)
case "Company Name":
e.Value = customerTmp.CompanyName;
case "Contact Name":
e.Value = customerTmp.ContactName;
private void dataGridView1_CellValuePushed(object sender,
System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs e)
Customer customerTmp = null;
// Store a reference to the Customer object for the row being edited.
if (e.RowIndex < this.customers.Count)
// If the user is editing a new row, create a new Customer object.
if (this.customerInEdit == null)
this.customerInEdit = new Customer(
customerTmp = this.customerInEdit;
this.rowInEdit = e.RowIndex;
customerTmp = this.customerInEdit;
// Set the appropriate Customer property to the cell value entered.
String newValue = e.Value as String;
switch (this.dataGridView1.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name)
case "Company Name":
customerTmp.CompanyName = newValue;
case "Contact Name":
customerTmp.ContactName = newValue;
private void dataGridView1_NewRowNeeded(object sender,
System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowEventArgs e)
// Create a new Customer object when the user edits
// the row for new records.
this.customerInEdit = new Customer();
this.rowInEdit = this.dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1;
private void dataGridView1_RowValidated(object sender,
System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
// Save row changes if any were made and release the edited
// Customer object if there is one.
if (e.RowIndex >= this.customers.Count &&
e.RowIndex != this.dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1)
// Add the new Customer object to the data store.
this.customerInEdit = null;
this.rowInEdit = -1;
else if (this.customerInEdit != null &&
e.RowIndex < this.customers.Count)
// Save the modified Customer object in the data store.
this.customers[e.RowIndex] = this.customerInEdit;
this.customerInEdit = null;
this.rowInEdit = -1;
else if (this.dataGridView1.ContainsFocus)
this.customerInEdit = null;
this.rowInEdit = -1;
private void dataGridView1_RowDirtyStateNeeded(object sender,
System.Windows.Forms.QuestionEventArgs e)
if (!rowScopeCommit)
// In cell-level commit scope, indicate whether the value
// of the current cell has been modified.
e.Response = this.dataGridView1.IsCurrentCellDirty;
private void dataGridView1_CancelRowEdit(object sender,
System.Windows.Forms.QuestionEventArgs e)
if (this.rowInEdit == this.dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 2 &&
this.rowInEdit == this.customers.Count)
// If the user has canceled the edit of a newly created row,
// replace the corresponding Customer object with a new, empty one.
this.customerInEdit = new Customer();
// If the user has canceled the edit of an existing row,
// release the corresponding Customer object.
this.customerInEdit = null;
this.rowInEdit = -1;
private void dataGridView1_UserDeletingRow(object sender,
System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowCancelEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.Index < this.customers.Count)
// If the user has deleted an existing row, remove the
// corresponding Customer object from the data store.
if (e.Row.Index == this.rowInEdit)
// If the user has deleted a newly created row, release
// the corresponding Customer object.
this.rowInEdit = -1;
this.customerInEdit = null;
public class Customer
private String companyNameValue;
private String contactNameValue;
public Customer()
// Leave fields empty.
public Customer(String companyName, String contactName)
companyNameValue = companyName;
contactNameValue = contactName;
public String CompanyName
return companyNameValue;
companyNameValue = value;
public String ContactName
return contactNameValue;
contactNameValue = value;
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
public ref class Customer
String^ companyNameValue;
String^ contactNameValue;
// Leave fields empty.
Customer( String^ companyName, String^ contactName )
companyNameValue = companyName;
contactNameValue = contactName;
property String^ CompanyName
String^ get()
return companyNameValue;
void set( String^ value )
companyNameValue = value;
property String^ ContactName
String^ get()
return contactNameValue;
void set( String^ value )
contactNameValue = value;
public ref class Form1: public Form
DataGridView^ dataGridView1;
// Declare an ArrayList to serve as the data store.
System::Collections::ArrayList^ customers;
// Declare a Customer object to store data for a row being edited.
Customer^ customerInEdit;
// Declare a variable to store the index of a row being edited.
// A value of -1 indicates that there is no row currently in edit.
int rowInEdit;
// Declare a variable to indicate the commit scope.
// Set this value to false to use cell-level commit scope.
bool rowScopeCommit;
static void Main()
Application::Run( gcnew Form1 );
dataGridView1 = gcnew DataGridView;
customers = gcnew System::Collections::ArrayList;
rowInEdit = -1;
rowScopeCommit = true;
// Initialize the form.
this->dataGridView1->Dock = DockStyle::Fill;
this->Controls->Add( this->dataGridView1 );
this->Load += gcnew EventHandler( this, &Form1::Form1_Load );
void Form1_Load( Object^ /*sender*/, EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
// Enable virtual mode.
this->dataGridView1->VirtualMode = true;
// Connect the virtual-mode events to event handlers.
this->dataGridView1->CellValueNeeded += gcnew
DataGridViewCellValueEventHandler( this, &Form1::dataGridView1_CellValueNeeded );
this->dataGridView1->CellValuePushed += gcnew
DataGridViewCellValueEventHandler( this, &Form1::dataGridView1_CellValuePushed );
this->dataGridView1->NewRowNeeded += gcnew
DataGridViewRowEventHandler( this, &Form1::dataGridView1_NewRowNeeded );
this->dataGridView1->RowValidated += gcnew
DataGridViewCellEventHandler( this, &Form1::dataGridView1_RowValidated );
this->dataGridView1->RowDirtyStateNeeded += gcnew
QuestionEventHandler( this, &Form1::dataGridView1_RowDirtyStateNeeded );
this->dataGridView1->CancelRowEdit += gcnew
QuestionEventHandler( this, &Form1::dataGridView1_CancelRowEdit );
this->dataGridView1->UserDeletingRow += gcnew
DataGridViewRowCancelEventHandler( this, &Form1::dataGridView1_UserDeletingRow );
// Add columns to the DataGridView.
DataGridViewTextBoxColumn^ companyNameColumn = gcnew DataGridViewTextBoxColumn;
companyNameColumn->HeaderText = L"Company Name";
companyNameColumn->Name = L"Company Name";
DataGridViewTextBoxColumn^ contactNameColumn = gcnew DataGridViewTextBoxColumn;
contactNameColumn->HeaderText = L"Contact Name";
contactNameColumn->Name = L"Contact Name";
this->dataGridView1->Columns->Add( companyNameColumn );
this->dataGridView1->Columns->Add( contactNameColumn );
this->dataGridView1->AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode::AllCells;
// Add some sample entries to the data store.
this->customers->Add( gcnew Customer( L"Bon app'",L"Laurence Lebihan" ) );
this->customers->Add( gcnew Customer( L"Bottom-Dollar Markets",L"Elizabeth Lincoln" ) );
this->customers->Add( gcnew Customer( L"B's Beverages",L"Victoria Ashworth" ) );
// Set the row count, including the row for new records.
this->dataGridView1->RowCount = 4;
void dataGridView1_CellValueNeeded( Object^ /*sender*/,
System::Windows::Forms::DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs^ e )
Customer^ customerTmp = nullptr;
// Store a reference to the Customer object for the row being painted.
if ( e->RowIndex == rowInEdit )
customerTmp = this->customerInEdit;
customerTmp = dynamic_cast<Customer^>(this->customers[ e->RowIndex ]);
// Set the cell value to paint using the Customer object retrieved.
int switchcase = 0;
if ( (this->dataGridView1->Columns[ e->ColumnIndex ]->Name)->Equals( L"Company Name" ) )
switchcase = 1;
if ( (this->dataGridView1->Columns[ e->ColumnIndex ]->Name)->Equals( L"Contact Name" ) )
switchcase = 2;
switch ( switchcase )
case 1:
e->Value = customerTmp->CompanyName;
case 2:
e->Value = customerTmp->ContactName;
void dataGridView1_CellValuePushed( Object^ /*sender*/,
System::Windows::Forms::DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs^ e )
Customer^ customerTmp = nullptr;
// Store a reference to the Customer object for the row being edited.
if ( e->RowIndex < this->customers->Count )
// If the user is editing a new row, create a new Customer object.
if ( this->customerInEdit == nullptr )
this->customerInEdit = gcnew Customer(
(dynamic_cast<Customer^>(this->customers[ e->RowIndex ]))->CompanyName,
(dynamic_cast<Customer^>(this->customers[ e->RowIndex ])->ContactName) );
customerTmp = this->customerInEdit;
this->rowInEdit = e->RowIndex;
customerTmp = this->customerInEdit;
// Set the appropriate Customer property to the cell value entered.
int switchcase = 0;
if ( (this->dataGridView1->Columns[ e->ColumnIndex ]->Name)->Equals( L"Company Name" ) )
switchcase = 1;
if ( (this->dataGridView1->Columns[ e->ColumnIndex ]->Name)->Equals( L"Contact Name" ) )
switchcase = 2;
switch ( switchcase )
case 1:
customerTmp->CompanyName = dynamic_cast<String^>(e->Value);
case 2:
customerTmp->ContactName = dynamic_cast<String^>(e->Value);
void dataGridView1_NewRowNeeded( Object^ /*sender*/,
System::Windows::Forms::DataGridViewRowEventArgs^ /*e*/ )
// Create a new Customer object when the user edits
// the row for new records.
this->customerInEdit = gcnew Customer;
this->rowInEdit = this->dataGridView1->Rows->Count - 1;
void dataGridView1_RowValidated( Object^ /*sender*/,
System::Windows::Forms::DataGridViewCellEventArgs^ e )
// Save row changes if any were made and release the edited
// Customer object if there is one.
if ( e->RowIndex >= this->customers->Count && e->RowIndex != this->dataGridView1->Rows->Count - 1 )
// Add the new Customer object to the data store.
this->customers->Add( this->customerInEdit );
this->customerInEdit = nullptr;
this->rowInEdit = -1;
if ( this->customerInEdit != nullptr && e->RowIndex < this->customers->Count )
// Save the modified Customer object in the data store.
this->customers[ e->RowIndex ] = this->customerInEdit;
this->customerInEdit = nullptr;
this->rowInEdit = -1;
if ( this->dataGridView1->ContainsFocus )
this->customerInEdit = nullptr;
this->rowInEdit = -1;
void dataGridView1_RowDirtyStateNeeded( Object^ /*sender*/,
System::Windows::Forms::QuestionEventArgs^ e )
if ( !rowScopeCommit )
// In cell-level commit scope, indicate whether the value
// of the current cell has been modified.
e->Response = this->dataGridView1->IsCurrentCellDirty;
void dataGridView1_CancelRowEdit( Object^ /*sender*/,
System::Windows::Forms::QuestionEventArgs^ /*e*/ )
if ( this->rowInEdit == this->dataGridView1->Rows->Count - 2 &&
this->rowInEdit == this->customers->Count )
// If the user has canceled the edit of a newly created row,
// replace the corresponding Customer object with a new, empty one.
this->customerInEdit = gcnew Customer;
// If the user has canceled the edit of an existing row,
// release the corresponding Customer object.
this->customerInEdit = nullptr;
this->rowInEdit = -1;
void dataGridView1_UserDeletingRow( Object^ /*sender*/,
System::Windows::Forms::DataGridViewRowCancelEventArgs^ e )
if ( e->Row->Index < this->customers->Count )
// If the user has deleted an existing row, remove the
// corresponding Customer object from the data store.
this->customers->RemoveAt( e->Row->Index );
if ( e->Row->Index == this->rowInEdit )
// If the user has deleted a newly created row, release
// the corresponding Customer object.
this->rowInEdit = -1;
this->customerInEdit = nullptr;
int main()
Компиляция кода
Для этого примера необходимо следующее:
- Ссылки на сборки System и System.Windows.Forms.
Дополнительные сведения о построении этого примера из командной строки в среде Visual Basic или Visual C# см. в разделе Построение из командной строки (Visual Basic) или Построение из командной строки с помощью csc.exe. Можно также построить этот пример в Visual Studio путем вставки кода в новый проект. Дополнительные сведения см. в следующем разделе. Практическое руководство. Компиляция и выполнение откомпилированного примера кода формы Windows Forms с помощью Visual Studio и Практическое руководство. Компиляция и выполнение откомпилированного примера кода формы Windows Forms с помощью Visual Studio и Практическое руководство. Компиляция и выполнение откомпилированного примера кода формы Windows Forms с помощью Visual Studio.
См. также
Пример. Реализация виртуального режима для элемента управления DataGridView в Windows Forms
Основные понятия
Виртуальный режим элемента управления DataGridView в Windows Forms
Другие ресурсы
Оптимизация производительности элемента управления DataGridView в Windows Forms