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Visual SourceSafe Glossary

This glossary defines a number of the terms used in the Visual SourceSafe Help.


advanced dialog box

Dialog box that contains optional or additional settings. Many Visual SourceSafe dialog boxes have an Advanced button that invokes this type of dialog box.

automatic merge

Merge of files during a Check In operation. A file merge is necessary when multiple users have the same file checked out, using the Copy-Modify-Merge work style.


branched file

Previously shared file for which you break the share link using the Branch command.


Process of separating a shared file among two or more branches. During branch creation, the share link is broken for the shared file. After branching, files will have a shared history up to a certain point, and divergent histories after that time.


checked-in file

File stored in the Visual SourceSafe database using the Check In command. This file is unavailable for modification until it is checked out again.

checked-out file

File that has been reserved for modification, using the Check Out command. Checking out a file copies its latest version into the user's working folder. In the default work style, Visual SourceSafe allows only one user at a time to check out a file.

checkout folder

Folder that Visual SourceSafe Explorer reports in the Check Out Folder column of the file pane. This folder is not the user's actual working folder, which is displayed under the Toolbar.


Protecting a project from being affected by certain commands, for example, Check Out, Check In, and Undo Check Out.

column format

Formatting option used with keyword expansion in a file. This option uses two colons instead of one in the keyword instructions. It instructs Visual SourceSafe to align columns of keyword information for a more readable display.


Two or more different changes to the same line of code in a multiple checkout situation. Visual SourceSafe recognizes conflicts during a Merge operation and flags them to enable conflict resolution.

conflict marker

Symbol used to designate conflicting changes to a file. Visual SourceSafe places these symbols in the file after a conflicting Check In or Merge operation in a multiple checkout situation.


One of two work styles available for use of a Visual SourceSafe database. This work style enables multiple checkouts of the same file in a team environment. Using this work style, a user can copy a file from the database, modify it in the working folder, and merge it with changes made by other users. See also Lock-Modify-Unlock.

cross-platform development

Development in an environment that supports multiple processors and operating systems.

current project

Project selected in the project pane of Visual SourceSafe Explorer.

current version

Version of a file most recently stored in a Visual SourceSafe database. The current version of the file has the highest version number.

custom editor

An editor that allows you to view, edit, compare, or merge content inside a SourceSafe database. For more information, see SourceSafe Options Dialog Box, Custom Editors Tab (Explorer and Plug-in).


Delete command

Removes files and projects from a Visual SourceSafe project, and marks them as deleted. The items still exist, however, and can be recovered using the Recover command.


The difference between version x of a file and version x–1 of the same file. Visual SourceSafe uses reverse delta technology to store changes.

Destroy command

Permanently removes deleted files and projects from a Visual SourceSafe database. Once destroyed, the items cannot be recovered.

drag and drop

Combination of standard Windows features that allows the user to drag a source item and drop it onto a target item using the mouse.


file header

Text at the beginning of a file that contains the revision number of the file, the author, the date and time of last modification, and so forth. This information usually appears as comments in programming language files so that it does not interfere with compiling.

file list

List of files in the current project, located in the file pane of Visual SourceSafe Explorer.

file pane

Right side of the Visual SourceSafe Explorer window. This pane contains the file list.



Record of changes to a file or project since it was initially added to a Visual SourceSafe database. The database can return to any point in the file history and recover the file as it existed at that point.


integrated development environment (IDE)

A unified environment for software development, which includes a set of integrated development tools. An example of a system that provides an integrated development environment is Microsoft Visual Studio.


journal file

A text file that records any action in a Visual SourceSafe database that generates a history entry for a file or project. This file is frequently used for auditing purposes.



In Visual SourceSafe, a version marker that you can place in a text file for later use in keyword expansion.

keyword expansion

A process that Visual SourceSafe uses to automatically replace a keyword with meaningful header information when files are checked in or added to a database. For example, the string "$Revision: $" instructs Visual SourceSafe to expand the Revision keyword automatically with the current file version number.



User-defined name attached to a specific version of a file or project.

local copy

Copy of a file stored in a user's working folder on the local computer. The local copy differs from the master copy if the local copy is changed since the last checkout, or if the master copy is changed by another user while the local copy is checked out.


One of two work styles available for use of a Visual SourceSafe database. This classic work style enables exclusive checkout of a file by one user at a time. Using this work style, a user can copy a file from the database and lock it for access by other users, modify it in the working folder, and then check in the file, which unlocks it for access by other users. See also Copy-Modify-Merge.


Ensuring that two processes do not affect the same file or project in a database at the same time. Visual SourceSafe applies native locking, which applies native operating system functions. Visual SourceSafe can also be set to use lock files that create temporary files in the Locks directory included in the Visual SourceSafe installation path.


master copy

Most recently checked-in version of a file or project stored in a Visual SourceSafe database.


Process of combining differences in two or more changed copies of a file. Merging creates a new version of the file made up of the results of difference reconciliation. Merging can occur when the user merges two branches, using the Merge command, or when the Check In or Get Latest Version command is used.

multiple checkout

Simultaneous Check Out operations by two or more users, or multiple checkouts to different locations by one user. The database administrator must enable multiple checkouts to create a Copy-Modify-Merge work style in a team environment.


parent project

The project that contains a file or subproject. For example, the parent of the file $/Project/Abc.txt is $/Project, and the parent of the project $/Project is the root ($/).


Text string used to verify the identity of a user for security purposes. A user password is often required to use a Visual SourceSafe database.


Group of related files, for example, all files required to develop a software component. Files can be grouped within a project to create subprojects. Projects can be defined in any way meaningful to the user(s), for example, one project per version, or one project per language. Projects are organized in the same way as file directories.

project list

List of all the projects available in the Visual SourceSafe database. The project list is located in the project pane of Visual SourceSafe Explorer.

project pane

Left side of the Visual SourceSafe Explorer window. The project pane contains the project list.

project rights

Rights to use a Visual SourceSafe project, for each database user. Visual SourceSafe include project rights include Read, Check Out/Check In, Add/Rename/Delete, and Destroy. Each succeeding right includes all rights preceding it. The Destroy access right provides unlimited access.

Purge command

Permanently removes previously deleted files and subprojects from a Visual SourceSafe project. Once purged, the items cannot be recovered.


read-only file

File marked as read-only in its file attributes. Such a file can be viewed in an appropriate text editor, but cannot be modified. Visual SourceSafe marks a file as read-only when processing Check In and Get Latest Version commands.


Term applied to an operation on a project and all the files and subprojects of that project. For example, you can use the Check Out command recursively to check out all files in the project list simultaneously and avoid selecting each file individually.

results pane

Portion of the Visual SourceSafe Explorer window that displays the results of Visual SourceSafe operations. For example, when you check in a file, this pane shows the name of the file.

reverse delta

Change storage technology used by Visual SourceSafe. The reverse delta technology stores incremental changes to a baseline file instead of storing each successive version of the file in its entirety. Visual SourceSafe uses the current version of a file as the baseline, and saves changes from previous versions. Use of reverse delta technology reduces disk storage requirements and speeds up file access.

rights propagation

Default assignment of access rights in subprojects based on rights assigned in the parent project. The default rights assignment can be changed.

root project

The highest-level project in the project list, having the name "$/". All projects in a Visual SourceSafe database are subprojects of the root project.


shadow folder

An optional file system folder that contains current copies of all files in a project. The shadow folder provides a location from which to view the files without accessing the Visual SourceSafe database and serves as a convenient place to build or compile the project.

Link between copies of the same file that are shared among two or more projects. Visual SourceSafe uses the share link to update the shared file with any checked-in changes, regardless of the project from which the file was checked out.

shared file

File simultaneously used by, and part of, more than one project.

source control

Management of the change history of a file and the project(s) containing the file. Visual SourceSafe provides project-oriented source control.


Project within a parent project.


user list

List of users of a Visual SourceSafe database. The list is maintained by the database administrator and displayed in the main window of the Visual SourceSafe Administrator program.

user name

Unique identifying string for a specific database user.


variable inheritance

Inheritance of initialization variables by Visual SourceSafe subprojects. Each subproject inherits the variables of its parent project and the initialization file arrangement used by the parent project.

version control

Control of multiple file and project versions, including changes between versions.

version number

Number that indicates the version of a file or project. The number changes for each revision that the item undergoes in the database.

version tracking

Record-keeping process used by Visual SourceSafe to maintain the history of and changes to a file or project from the initial version to the current version.

visual merge

Merge operation that resolves merge conflicts visually in a graphical user interface.

Visual SourceSafe Administrator

Program used by the database administrator to control the location of the database, the user list, sharing permissions and project rights for each user, and enable Web Service and LAN Service. The program also allows the database administrator to perform maintenance on the database and optimize its performance.

Visual SourceSafe database

Central database where all master copies, history, project structures, and user information are stored. A Visual SourceSafe project is always contained in one database, and multiple projects can be stored in one database. Multiple databases can be used and accessed from the client programs.

Visual SourceSafe Explorer

Main client program used to interact with the Visual SourceSafe database.

Visual SourceSafe Internet Service

The Web service enables remote Internet access to Visual SourceSafe databases over HTTP or HTTPS using the Visual SourceSafe Internet plug-in for Visual Studio source control.

Visual SourceSafe LAN Service

The optional Windows RPC service that enhances performance over Local Area Networks. Also referred to as "LAN Booster."


Web project

Project designated as a Web project in the Visual SourceSafe Administrator program.

wildcard characters

Characters, such as the asterisk (*) and the question mark (?), which can be used to match patterns during searches.

working folder

Folder on a user's local computer that is used to store files when they are checked out of a Visual SourceSafe database. A user makes changes to the files in the working folder and then checks the modified files back into the Visual SourceSafe database for version tracking.

See Also


How Visual SourceSafe Works

Other Resources

Visual SourceSafe Reference