StopProc01 (C#) Sample Code
Here is the complete C# code for the StopProc01 sample cmdlet.
You can download the C# (stopproc01.cs) source file for the Stop-Proc cmdlet using the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit for Windows Vista and .NET Framework 3.0 Runtime Components. For download instructions, see How to Install Windows PowerShell and Download the Windows PowerShell SDK. The downloaded source files are available in the <PowerShell Samples> directory.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections;
using Win32Exception = System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception;
using System.Management.Automation; // Windows PowerShell namespace
using System.Globalization;
// This sample shows how to implement a PassThru parameter that indicates that
// the user wants the cmdlet to return an object, and how to request
// user feedback by calls to the ShouldProcess and ShouldContinue methods.
// To test this cmdlet, create a module folder that has the same name as
// this assembly (StopProcesssample01), save the assembly in the module folder, and then run the
// following command:
// import-module stopprocesssample01
namespace Microsoft.Samples.PowerShell.Commands
#region StopProcCommand
/// <summary>
/// This class implements the stop-proc cmdlet.
/// </summary>
[Cmdlet(VerbsLifecycle.Stop, "Proc",
SupportsShouldProcess = true)]
public class StopProcCommand : Cmdlet
#region Parameters
/// <summary>
/// This parameter provides the list of process names on
/// which the Stop-Proc cmdlet will work.
/// </summary>
Position = 0,
Mandatory = true,
ValueFromPipeline = true,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true
public string[] Name
get { return processNames; }
set { processNames = value; }
private string[] processNames;
/// <summary>
/// This parameter overrides the ShouldContinue call to force
/// the cmdlet to stop its operation. This parameter should always
/// be used with caution.
/// </summary>
public SwitchParameter Force
get { return force; }
set { force = value; }
private bool force;
/// <summary>
/// This parameter indicates that the cmdlet should return
/// an object to the pipeline after the processing has been
/// completed.
/// </summary>
public SwitchParameter PassThru
get { return passThru; }
set { passThru = value; }
private bool passThru;
#endregion Parameters
#region Cmdlet Overrides
/// <summary>
/// The ProcessRecord method does the following for each of the
/// requested process names:
/// 1) Check that the process is not a critical process.
/// 2) Attempt to stop that process.
/// If no process is requested then nothing occurs.
/// </summary>
protected override void ProcessRecord()
foreach (string name in processNames)
// For every process name passed to the cmdlet, get the associated
// processes.
// Write a nonterminating error for failure to retrieve
// a process.
Process[] processes;
processes = Process.GetProcessesByName(name);
catch (InvalidOperationException ioe)
WriteError(new ErrorRecord(ioe,"UnableToAccessProcessByName",
ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, name));
// Try to stop the processes that have been retrieved.
foreach (Process process in processes)
string processName;
processName = process.ProcessName;
catch (Win32Exception e)
WriteError(new ErrorRecord(e, "ProcessNameNotFound",
ErrorCategory.ReadError, process));
// Confirm the operation with the user first.
// This is always false if the WhatIf parameter is set.
if (!ShouldProcess(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,"{0} ({1})", processName,
// Make sure that the user really wants to stop a critical
// process that could possibly stop the computer.
bool criticalProcess =
if (criticalProcess &&!force)
string message = String.Format
"The process \"{0}\" is a critical process and should not be stopped. Are you sure you wish to stop the process?",
// It is possible that the ProcessRecord method is called
// multiple times when objects are received as inputs from
// the pipeline. So to retain YesToAll and NoToAll input that
// the user may enter across multiple calls to this function,
// they are stored as private members of the cmdlet.
if (!ShouldContinue(message, "Warning!",
ref yesToAll, ref noToAll))
} // if (criticalProcess...
// Stop the named process.
catch (Exception e)
if ((e is Win32Exception) || (e is SystemException) ||
(e is InvalidOperationException))
// This process could not be stopped so write
// a nonterminating error.
WriteError(new ErrorRecord(e, "CouldNotStopProcess",
ErrorCategory.CloseError, process));
} // if ((e is...
else throw;
} // catch
// If the PassThru parameter is
// specified, return the terminated process.
if (passThru)
} // foreach (Process...
} // foreach (string...
} // ProcessRecord
#endregion Cmdlet Overrides
#region Private Data
private bool yesToAll, noToAll;
/// <summary>
/// Partial list of critical processes that should not be
/// stopped. Lower case is used for case insensitive matching.
/// </summary>
private ArrayList criticalProcessNames = new ArrayList(
new string[] { "system", "winlogon", "spoolsv" }
#endregion Private Data
} // StopProcCommand
#endregion StopProcCommand
See Also
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