Этот раздел содержит разделы справки по командлетам PowerShell SQL Server.
Add-RoleMember |
Adds a member to a specific Role of a specific database. |
Add-SqlAvailabilityDatabase |
Adds primary databases to an availability group or joins secondary databases to an availability group. |
Add-SqlAvailabilityGroupListenerStaticIp |
Adds a static IP address to an availability group listener. |
Add-SqlAzureAuthenticationContext |
Performs authentication to Azure and acquires an authentication token. |
Add-SqlColumnEncryptionKeyValue |
Adds an encrypted value for an existing column encryption key object in the database. |
Add-SqlFirewallRule |
Adds a Windows Firewall rule to allow connections to a specific instance of SQL Server. |
Add-SqlLogin |
Creates a Login object in an instance of SQL Server. |
Backup-ASDatabase |
Enables a database administrator to take the backup of Analysis Service Database to a file. |
Backup-SqlDatabase |
Backs up SQL Server database objects. |
Complete-SqlColumnMasterKeyRotation |
Completes the rotation of a column master key. |
Convert-UrnToPath |
Converts a SQL Server Management Object URN to a Windows PowerShell provider path. |
ConvertFrom-EncodedSqlName |
Returns the original SQL Server identifier when given an identifier that has been encoded into a format usable in Windows PowerShell paths. |
ConvertTo-EncodedSqlName |
Encodes extended characters in SQL Server names to formats usable in Windows PowerShell paths. |
Disable-SqlAlwaysOn |
Disables the Always On Availability Groups feature for a server. |
Enable-SqlAlwaysOn |
Enables the Always On Availability Groups feature. |
Export-SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentBaselineSet |
Exports a Vulnerability Assessment baseline set to a file. |
Export-SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScan |
Exports a Vulnerability Assessment scan to a file. |
Get-SqlAgent |
Gets a SQL Agent object that is present in the target instance of SQL Server. |
Get-SqlAgentJob |
Gets a SQL Agent Job object for each job that is present in the target instance of SQL Agent. |
Get-SqlAgentJobHistory |
Gets the job history present in the target instance of SQL Agent. |
Get-SqlAgentJobSchedule |
Gets a job schedule object for each schedule that is present in the target instance of SQL Agent Job. |
Get-SqlAgentJobStep |
Gets a SQL JobStep object for each step that is present in the target instance of SQL Agent Job. |
Get-SqlAgentSchedule |
Gets a SQL job schedule object for each schedule that is present in the target instance of SQL Agent. |
Get-SqlAssessmentItem |
Gets SQL Assessment best practice checks available for a chosen SQL Server object. |
Get-SqlBackupHistory |
Gets backup information about databases and returns SMO BackupSet objects for each Backup record found based on the parameters specified to this cmdlet. |
Get-SqlColumnEncryptionKey |
Gets all column encryption key objects defined in the database, or gets one column encryption key object with the specified name. |
Get-SqlColumnMasterKey |
Gets the column master key objects defined in the database or gets one column master key object with the specified name. |
Get-SqlCredential |
Gets a SQL credential object. |
Get-SqlDatabase |
Gets a SQL database object for each database that is present in the target instance of SQL Server. |
Get-SqlErrorLog |
Gets the SQL Server error logs. |
Get-SqlInstance |
Gets a SQL Instance object for each instance of SQL Server that is present on the target computer. |
Get-SqlLogin |
Returns Login objects in an instance of SQL Server. |
Get-SqlSensitivityClassification |
Get the sensitivity label and information type of columns in the database. |
Get-SqlSensitivityRecommendations |
Get recommended sensitivity labels and information types for columns in the database. |
Get-SqlSmartAdmin |
Gets the SQL Smart Admin object and its properties. |
Grant-SqlAvailabilityGroupCreateAnyDatabase |
Grants the |
Import-SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentBaselineSet |
Imports a Vulnerability Assessment baseline set from a file. |
Invoke-ASCmd |
Enables database administrators to execute an XMLA script, TMSL script, Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) query, Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) query, or Data Mining Extensions (DMX) statement against an instance of Analysis Services. |
Invoke-PolicyEvaluation |
Invokes one or more SQL Server policy-based management policy evaluations. |
Invoke-ProcessASDatabase |
Conducts the Process operation on a specified Database with a specific ProcessType or RefreshType depending on the underlying metadata type. |
Invoke-ProcessCube |
Conducts the Process operation on a specified Cube of a specific database with a specific ProcessType value. |
Invoke-ProcessDimension |
Conducts the Process operation on a specified Cube of a specific database with a specific ProcessType value. |
Invoke-ProcessPartition |
Conducts the Process operation on a specific Partition of a specific database having a specific Cube name and a MeasureGroup name with a specific ProcessType value. |
Invoke-ProcessTable |
Conducts the Process operation on a specified Table with a specific RefreshType. |
Invoke-SqlAssessment |
Runs SQL Assessment best practice checks for a chosen SQL Server object and returns their results. |
Invoke-Sqlcmd |
Runs a script containing statements supported by the SQL Server SQLCMD utility. |
Invoke-SqlColumnMasterKeyRotation |
Initiates the rotation of a column master key. |
Invoke-SqlNotebook |
Executes a SQL Notebook file (.ipynb) and outputs the materialized notebook. |
Invoke-SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScan |
Invokes a new Vulnerability Assessment scan. |
Join-SqlAvailabilityGroup |
Joins the local secondary replica to an availability group. |
Merge-Partition |
This cmdlet merges the data of one or more source partitions into a target partition and deletes the source partitions. |
New-RestoreFolder |
Restores an original folder to a new folder. |
New-RestoreLocation |
Used to add a restore location to the server. |
New-SqlAvailabilityGroup |
Creates an availability group. |
New-SqlAvailabilityGroupListener |
Creates an availability group listener and attaches it to an availability group. |
New-SqlAvailabilityReplica |
Creates an availability replica. |
New-SqlAzureKeyVaultColumnMasterKeySettings |
Creates a SqlColumnMasterKeySettings object describing an asymmetric key stored in Azure Key Vault. |
New-SqlBackupEncryptionOption |
Creates the encryption options for the Backup-SqlDatabase cmdlet or the Set-SqlSmartAdmin cmdlet. |
New-SqlCertificateStoreColumnMasterKeySettings |
Creates a SqlColumnMasterKeySettings object referencing the specified certificate. |
New-SqlCngColumnMasterKeySettings |
Creates a SqlColumnMasterKeySettings object describing an asymmetric key stored in a key store supporting the CNG API. |
New-SqlColumnEncryptionKey |
Creates a column encryption key object in the database. |
New-SqlColumnEncryptionKeyEncryptedValue |
Creates the encrypted value of a column encryption key. |
New-SqlColumnEncryptionSettings |
Creates a SqlColumnEncryptionSettings object that encapsulates information about a single column's encryption, including CEK and encryption type. |
New-SqlColumnMasterKey |
Creates a column master key object in the database. |
New-SqlColumnMasterKeySettings |
Creates a SqlColumnMasterKeySettings object describing a master key stored in an arbitrarily specified key store provider and path. |
New-SqlCredential |
Creates a SQL Server credential object. |
New-SqlCspColumnMasterKeySettings |
Creates a SqlColumnMasterKeySettings object describing an asymmetric key stored in a key store with a CSP supporting CAPI. |
New-SqlHADREndpoint |
Creates a database mirroring endpoint on a SQL Server instance. |
New-SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentBaseline |
Creates a new instance of Microsoft.SQL.VulnerabilityAssessment.SecurityCheckBaseline. |
New-SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentBaselineSet |
Creates a new instance of Microsoft.SQL.VulnerabilityAssessment.SecurityCheckBaselineSet. |
Read-SqlTableData |
Reads data from a table of a SQL database. |
Read-SqlViewData |
Reads data from a view of a SQL database. |
Read-SqlXEvent |
Reads SQL Server XEvents from XEL file or live SQL XEvent session. |
Remove-RoleMember |
Removes a member from the specific Role of a specific database. |
Remove-SqlAvailabilityDatabase |
Removes an availability database from its availability group. |
Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup |
Removes an availability group. |
Remove-SqlAvailabilityReplica |
Removes a secondary availability replica. |
Remove-SqlColumnEncryptionKey |
Removes the column encryption key object from the database. |
Remove-SqlColumnEncryptionKeyValue |
Removes an encrypted value from an existing column encryption key object in the database. |
Remove-SqlColumnMasterKey |
Removes the column master key object from the database. |
Remove-SqlCredential |
Removes the SQL credential object. |
Remove-SqlFirewallRule |
Disables the Windows Firewall rule that allows connections to a specific instance of SQL Server. |
Remove-SqlLogin |
Removes Login objects from an instance of SQL Server. |
Remove-SqlSensitivityClassification |
Remove the sensitivity label and/or information type of columns in the database. |
Restore-ASDatabase |
Restores a specified Analysis Service database from a backup file. |
Restore-SqlDatabase |
Restores a database from a backup or transaction log records. |
Resume-SqlAvailabilityDatabase |
Resumes data movement on an availability database. |
Revoke-SqlAvailabilityGroupCreateAnyDatabase |
Revokes the |
Save-SqlMigrationReport |
Generates In-Memory OLTP Migration Checklist |
Set-SqlAuthenticationMode |
Configures the authentication mode of the target instance of SQL Server. |
Set-SqlAvailabilityGroup |
Sets settings on an availability group. |
Set-SqlAvailabilityGroupListener |
Sets the port setting on an availability group listener. |
Set-SqlAvailabilityReplica |
Sets the settings on an availability replica. |
Set-SqlAvailabilityReplicaRoleToSecondary |
Sets the Availability Group replica role to secondary. |
Set-SqlColumnEncryption |
Encrypts, decrypts, or re-encrypts specified columns in the database. |
Set-SqlCredential |
Sets the properties for the SQL Credential object. |
Set-SqlErrorLog |
Sets or resets the maximum number of error log files before they are recycled. |
Set-SqlHADREndpoint |
Sets the properties of a database mirroring endpoint. |
Set-SqlNetworkConfiguration |
Sets the network configuration of the target instance of SQL Server. |
Set-SqlSensitivityClassification |
Set the information type and/or sensitivity label and information type of columns in the database. |
Set-SqlSmartAdmin |
Configures or modifies backup retention and storage settings. |
Start-SqlInstance |
Starts the specified instance of SQL Server. |
Stop-SqlInstance |
Stops the specified instance of SQL Server. |
Suspend-SqlAvailabilityDatabase |
Suspends data movement on an availability database. |
Switch-SqlAvailabilityGroup |
Starts a failover of an availability group to a secondary replica. |
Test-SqlAvailabilityGroup |
Evaluates the health of an availability group. |
Test-SqlAvailabilityReplica |
Evaluates the health of availability replicas. |
Test-SqlDatabaseReplicaState |
Evaluates the health of an availability database. |
Test-SqlSmartAdmin |
Tests the health of Smart Admin by evaluating SQL Server policy based management (PBM) policies. |
Write-SqlTableData |
Writes data to a table of a SQL database. |