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Power Pages version 9.6.1.x Release Notes

Power Pages version 9.6.1.x is now available. This article describes the bug fixes and updates that are included in this release.

Repaired Functionality

The following list details issues that are resolved/updated in this update.


  • Bootstrap version 5: Mandatory fields on the forms including captcha and file column are sometimes not announced as required by Screenreaders.
  • Entity List Control: Keyboard navigation is not working for actions meny in entity list.
  • Issue fixed by narrator to announce properly when focus moved on the navigation item
  • Issue fixed to update aria role name for pcf controls


  • File Names of downloaded files are garbled if the file name consists of double byte characters like Chinese or Japanese language characters.
  • "charset-utf8" encoding is automatically sent to all the requests for css and js files.
  • Issue fixed to return search result from all tables along with enhanced data model tables
  • Issue fixed to prevent generating multiple sr-only attribute on the input form when text in textbox exceeds max-length

New Feature Announcements

  • TLS 1.3 support is added to Power Pages websites. This support is live in North America and US GCC/GCCH regions and will be rolled out to rest of the regions in upcoming month
  • To improve debuggability of websites under development, when sites are in Private mode, they will always display Custom plugin errors originating from Dataverse even if Site/EnableCustomPluginError is set to false.
  • We are introducing the ability to setup generic http headers apart from the specific headers described here

Library Upgrades

  • Upgraded jquery-ui library version to 1.13.2