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Create a plug-in using Visual Studio

This article provides information on how to create a plug-in using the Power Platform Tools extension for Visual Studio.


Create a solution with plug-in library

Follow these instructions to create a solution with plug-in library, connect to your Power Platform environment and register custom code assemblies, steps, and more.

  1. Use Power Platform Tools extension for Visual Studio to create a new solution with a plug-in library. For instructions, go to the Create a Power Platform Tools project article.

    If you already have an existing solution set up, follow instructions in Add a new project to a Power Platform solution to add a Plug-in Library project to the solution using the Power Platform Tools template.

  2. In the Tools menu, select Connect to Dataverse.

  3. Select the desired options in the dialog and select Login.

  4. Select an existing solution or the Default solution. This solution contains your registered plug-in and workflow activity assemblies for later distribution to other environments.

  5. Select Done when finished.

The Power Platform Explorer view is displayed or you can open that view from the View menu. Expand the nodes to see what kinds of environment data you can view. Right-click on nodes to see what options are available.


The Power Platform Explorer view of the Power Platform Tools extension is capable of more than plug-in and workflow activity registration. Documentation for additional features will be provided in a future documentation release. In the meantime, feel free to explore.

Register a plug-in step with Dataverse

Follow these instructions to register a plug-in step (also known as an SDK message processing step). The step identifies what data table and event causes your plug-in to execute. More information: Event framework, Register plug-in step

  1. Select View > Power Platform Explorer, expand your environment node and the Tables subnode.

  2. Right-click on the table type (for example, "Account") that the step is to be registered on, then select Create Plug-in.

    Create a plug-in.


    You can also create a plug-in by expanding the Event Catalog, right-clicking a business event, and choose Add Plug-in.

  3. Fill out the Register New Step dialog information and choose Register New Step when done.

    The class name that you specify when filling out the step information is used to name your new plug-in class. The class is placed in the plug-in project library specified by the Handler Assembly dialog field. If there's only one Plug-in Library project in the solution, the Handler Assembly field is inactive.

A new step registration is added to the solution. However, you'll need to build and deploy your plug-in library before the plug-in assembly and step are added to the specified Dataverse environment and solution.

Add another plug-in class to the library

Let's say that you followed the steps previously described to create a plug-in class in the plug-in project library and add a step. Now you want to add another plug-in class to that same library. How do you do that? You have two options both are through context menus of the Power Platform Tools extension.

  1. The first method is to do the same as you did previously by expanding the Table node in the Power Platform Explorer view, right-clicking a table type, and then selecting Create Plug-in. When registering the step, specify the same plug-in project library in the Handler Assembly, and the new class name in the Class Name form field.

  2. For the second method, let's say that you already built and deployed the plug-in library assembly to the Dataverse environment. In this case, you'll see the deployed assembly and step you created after you refresh the explorer view and expand the Plug-in Assemblies node. At that point, you can simply right-click the target assembly node and select Add Plug-in. Doing so displays the step registration form, which you can now fill out for your new plug-in class.

Afterwards, build and deploy the plug-in library project to update the target environment and solution.

Add a plug-in step

You can add a step for an existing registered plug-in that you own. To do so, expand the target plug-in assembly node in the Power Platform Explorer view to display the registered plug-in. Right-click that plug-in's node and select Add Step. Fill out the Register New Step form.

You don't need to build and deploy the plug-in project for the step registration to be available in the target environment and solution.

The PluginBase abstract class

PluginBase is automatically generated from the Plug-in Library template. Your custom plug-in class should derive from this base class. The base class implements common plug-in code that helps to make you more productive sooner. Take a look at the PluginBase class code in your plug-in project to see what it does.

The generated plug-in class code

The Plug-in Library template provides the PluginBase abstract class. Your plug-in must derive from PluginBase if it's to work well with the Power Platform Tools extension. Here is the generated derived class when creating a plug-in from Power Platform Explorer. You typically would add your code where the TODO comments are. Notice that the standard IPlugin interface Execute method is now ExecuteCdsPlugin in the plug-in code.

using System;
using System.ServiceModel;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;

namespace PPTools_Sample_Solution.NotifyPlugin
    public class NotifyAccountCreate: PluginBase
        public NotifyAccountCreate(string unsecure, string secure)
            : base(typeof(NotifyAccountCreate))
           // TODO: Implement your custom configuration handling.

        protected override void ExecuteCdsPlugin(LocalPluginContext localContext)
            if (localContext == null)
                throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(nameof(localContext));
            ITracingService tracingService = localContext.TracingService;

                IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)localContext.PluginExecutionContext;
                IOrganizationService service = localContext.OrganizationService;

                // TODO: Implement your custom Plug-in business logic.

            catch (Exception ex)
                tracingService?.Trace("An error occurred executing Plugin PPTools_Sample_Solution.NotifyPlugin.NotifyAccountCreate : {0}", ex.ToString());
                throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("An error occurred executing Plugin PPTools_Sample_Solution.NotifyPlugin.NotifyAccountCreate .", ex);

At this point, you would add your custom plug-in code where indicated by the TODO code comments. For more information, read some of these related articles: Pass configuration data to your plug-in, Understand the execution context, and Tracing and logging.


We encourage you to use the Power Platform Tools context menus. When you use the Power Platform Explorer context menus to add plug-ins, classes are generated using the provided information and deployment entries in the CrmPackage project's RegisterFile.crmregister file are maintained. It is this information that is used for deployment of assemblies, plug-ins, and steps.

Sign the assembly

All plug-in and custom workflow assemblies must be digitally signed before they're uploaded to the Dataverse server. To sign the assembly, follow these steps.

  1. Select the plug-in or workflow activity project in Solution Explorer.

  2. Choose Project > <project name> Properties to edit the project's properties.

  3. On the Signing tab, check Sign the assembly, and then specify a strong name key file.

Deploy the plug-in to the environment solution

After you're done modifying code and are ready to deploy the plug-in assembly and steps to your environment, follow these steps.

  1. Build the plug-in library.

  2. Right-click the plug-in library project in Solution Explorer.

  3. Select Deploy in the context menu.


You can deploy all projects in the Visual Studio solution by right-clicking the CrmPackage project and choosing Deploy.

After deployment completes, select the refresh icon in Power Platform Explorer. Expand the Plug-in Assemblies subnode of your environment node to see your registered assembly. Right-click on the plug-in assembly and step in Power Platform Explorer to see what operations are supported. Selecting Delete Assembly unregisters the assembly and its related steps.

Add an entity image

Entity images are snapshots of entity data before or after the core operation (for example: a create or update). You may (optionally) add entity images on plug-in steps using the Power Platform Explorer view. To add an image to a step in the Power Platform Explorer view, expand the Plug-in Assemblies node tree to display the target plug-in step, and then right-click on the step to display the context menu from which you can choose Add Image.

Add an image to a step.

You can also add an image in the Power Platform Explorer view under Event Catalog on a step of an event plug-in.

Add an image to an event step.

After you select Add Image in the context menu, fill out the form that appears.

Define an entity image.

In the form, Pre Image/Post Image specifies the entity data as it exists before (Pre) or after (Post) the core operation. The Name field defines the logical name of the entity that you want data for. Entity Alias is the named index that you'll use in your code to identify the row in the image table that contains the target entity data. Parameters is the list of entity data columns that you want. Click the "..." button to the right of the Parameters form field and then specify only the columns that you need since plug-in performance is reduced the more columns you specify.

More information: Define entity images.

Providing tool feedback

You can send tool feedback to Microsoft using the feedback icon in the Power Platform Explorer view.

Provide feedback.

See Also

Tutorial: Debug a plug-in
Event framework
Use plug-ins to extend business processes