Поделиться через User Authentication

Processing of this event is handled as specified in [MS-CIFS] section, with the following additions:

If Client.Connection.ShareLevelAccessControl is FALSE:

For each existing Connection to the server in Client.ConnectionTable[ServerName], the client MUST search the Client.Connection.SessionTable for a Session that corresponds to the user that establishes the connection to the share. The client MUST search for a valid Session by either a security context or a UID representing the user.

  • If a Connection with an existing Session for this user is found, then the client MUST reuse the Session and continue processing.

  • If none of the existing Connections to the server has a valid Session for this user, the client SHOULD<80> reuse one of the existing Connections identified or established in section The client MUST establish a new Session for the user. The user's credentials, typically a username or principal and an associated password or password hash, MUST be stored in Client.Session.UserCredentials.


The client-global Client.MessageSigningPolicy MUST be compared against the selected Client.Connection.ServerSigningState, as per the following table. If the result is Blocked, the underlying transport connection SHOULD be closed.<81>

Client signing state

Server signing state






Message Unsigned

Message Unsigned

Message Unsigned



Message Unsigned

Message Unsigned

Message Unsigned

Message Signed


Message Unsigned

Message Unsigned

Message Signed

Message Signed



Message Signed

Message Signed

Message Signed

If the client's Client.MessageSigningPolicy is "Required", the client MUST set the SMB_FLAGS2_SMB_SECURITY_SIGNATURE_REQUIRED bit in the Flags2 field of the SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX request SMB header to indicate that the client refuses to connect if signing is not used.

Extended Security

If Client.Connection.ServerCapabilities has the CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY flag set (which indicates that the server supports extended security), then the client MUST construct an SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX request, as specified in section

The client MUST do one of the following:

  • Pass the Client.Connection.GSSNegotiateToken (if valid) to the configured GSS authentication mechanism to obtain a GSS output token for the authentication protocol exchange.<82>

  • Choose to ignore the Client.Connection.GSSNegotiateToken received from the server, and give an empty input token to the configured GSS authentication protocol to obtain a GSS output token for the authentication protocol exchange.

In either case, the client MUST initiate the GSS authentication protocol via the GSS_Init_sec_context() interface, as specified in [RFC2743], passing in the input Client.Connection.GSSNegotiateToken as previously described, along with the credentials from Client.Session.UserCredentials. The client MUST set the MutualAuth and Delegate options which are specified in [MS-KILE] section 3.2.1.<83>

The client MUST then create an SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX request (section message. The client MUST set CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY in the Capabilities field, SMB_FLAGS2_EXTENDED_SECURITY in the SMB_Header.Flags2 field, the SMB_Data.Bytes.SecurityBlob field to the GSS output token generated by the GSS_Init_sec_context() interface, and the SMB_Parameters.Words.SecurityBlobLength to the length of the GSS output token.