Поделиться через IGMP_MIB_GROUP_INFO_V3

The IGMP_MIB_GROUP_INFO_V3 provides information about a group.

 typedef struct _IGMP_MIB_GROUP_INFO_V3 
   union {
     DWORD IfIndex;
     DWORD GroupAddr;
   DWORD IpAddr;
   DWORD GroupUpTime;
   DWORD GroupExpiryTime;
   DWORD LastReporter;
   DWORD V1HostPresentTimeLeft;
   DWORD Flags;
   DWORD Version;
   DWORD Size;
   DWORD FilterType;
   DWORD V2HostPresentTimeLeft;
   DWORD NumSources;

IfIndex: The interface for which this entry contains information for an IP multicast group address.

GroupAddr: The IP multicast group address for which this entry contains information.

IpAddr: The IP address of the interface.

GroupUpTime: The time, in seconds, since the group membership was up.

GroupExpiryTime: The time, in seconds, before the group membership expires.

LastReporter: The IP address of the source of the last membership report received for this IP multicast group address on this interface. If no membership report has been received, this object has the value

V1HostPresentTimeLeft: The time remaining until the local router will assume that there are no longer any IGMP version 1 members on the IP subnet attached to this interface. Upon hearing any IGMPv1 membership report, this value is reset to the group membership timer. While this time remaining is nonzero, the local router ignores any IGMPv1 leave messages for this group that it receives on this interface.

Flags: This MUST be 0x1000 if IGMPv3 information is available and a IGMP_MIB_GROUP_INFO_V3 structure MUST be used. All other values have no meaning.

Version: The IGMP version. It MUST be 3.

Size: The size of the structure.

FilterType: Indicates whether the sources specified need to be included or excluded. It MUST be either EXCLUSION (0x00000000) or INCLUSION (0x00000001).

V2HostPresentTimeLeft: The time remaining until the local router will assume that there are no longer any IGMP version 2 members on the IP subnet attached to this interface. Upon hearing any IGMPv2 membership report, this value is reset to the group membership timer. While this time remaining is nonzero, the local router ignores any IGMPv2 leave messages for this group that it receives on this interface.

NumSources: The number of entries of IGMP_MIB_GROUP_SOURCE_INFO_V3.

Sources: The IGMP_MIB_GROUP_SOURCE_INFO_V3 structure (section