Поделиться через RASI_CONNECTION_1

The RASI_CONNECTION_1 structure contains detailed statistical information regarding a specific connection, such as error counts and bytes received.

 typedef struct RASI_CONNECTION_1 {
   DWORD dwConnection;
   DWORD dwInterface;
   PPP_INFO PppInfo;
   DWORD dwBytesXmited;
   DWORD dwBytesRcved;
   DWORD dwFramesXmited;
   DWORD dwFramesRcved;
   DWORD dwCrcErr;
   DWORD dwTimeoutErr;
   DWORD dwAlignmentErr;
   DWORD dwHardwareOverrunErr;
   DWORD dwFramingErr;
   DWORD dwBufferOverrunErr;
   DWORD dwCompressionRatioIn;
   DWORD dwCompressionRatioOut;

dwConnection: See dwConnection in RASI_CONNECTION_0 (section

dwInterface: See dwInterface in RASI_CONNECTION_0.

PppInfo: A PPP_INFO (section structure giving the connections details.

dwBytesXmited: Specifies the bytes transmitted on the current connection.

dwBytesRcved: Specifies the bytes received on the current connection.

dwFramesXmited: Specifies the frames transmitted on the current connection.

dwFramesRcved: Specifies the frames received on the current connection.

dwCrcErr: Specifies the CRC errors on the current connection.

dwTimeoutErr: Specifies the time-out errors on the current connection.

dwAlignmentErr: Specifies the alignment errors on the current connection.

dwHardwareOverrunErr: Specifies the number of hardware-overrun errors on the current connection.

dwFramingErr: Specifies the number of framing errors for the current connection.

dwBufferOverrunErr: Specifies the number of buffer-overrun errors.

dwCompressionRatioIn: Specifies a percentage that indicates the degree to which data received on this connection is compressed. The ratio is the size of the compressed data divided by the size of the same data in an uncompressed state.

dwCompressionRatioOut: Specifies a percentage that indicates the degree to which data transmitted on this connection is compressed. The ratio is the size of the compressed data divided by the size of the same data in an uncompressed state.