Поделиться через RPC Binding Handles for Netlogon Methods

RPC binding is the process of creating a logical connection between a client and a server. The information that composes the binding between client and server is represented by a structure called a binding handle.

All Netlogon RPC methods accept an RPC binding handle as the first parameter. With the exception of the NetrLogonSamLogonEx (section method, which uses an RPC primitive binding handle as specified in [C706] section 2, all Netlogon RPC methods use a custom binding handle.

This type is declared as follows:

 typedef [handle] wchar_t* LOGONSRV_HANDLE;

This custom binding handle is a null-terminated Unicode string of the name of the server that receives the call. The server name can be in either the NetBIOS format or the DNS format. It might or might not be prefixed with two backslashes. There is no prescriptive requirement regarding backslashes. If the string is NULL, the server is the same as the client (that is, the local computer).