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2.8.2 Nontimer Events

Events associated with policy application include the following:

Computer start up or new connection: Policy application in computer policy mode is invoked when a client machine starts or connects to a new network.

User logon or new connection: Policy application in user policy mode is invoked when a user logs on or connects to a new network.

GPUpdate.exe: An update event can be set via GPUpdate.exe to supersede the periodic refresh timer functionality and to allow policy to be applied at any time.

Policy change event: A local PolicyChange event is triggered at the end of policy application to indicate that a policy has changed. To receive notification of this event, see the RegisterGPNotification function described in the Group Policy API reference documentation [MSDN-GroupPolicy].

Policy application can also be invoked at other times, as described in section 2.8.1.

Events associated with the use of the Administrative tool include the following:

GPO creation: Group Policy is created when the Group Policy administrator uses the Administrative tool to create a GPO. This process triggers a GPO Creation message, as described in [MS-GPOL] section

GPO property update: A Group Policy property update occurs when the Group Policy administrator uses the policy administration sequence of a Group Policy extension protocol to change the properties of a GPO. This process triggers a GPO Property Update message, as described in [MS-GPOL] section

SOM property update: An SOM property update occurs when the Group Policy administrator uses the policy administration sequence of a Group Policy extension protocol to change the properties of an Active Directory container object in the Group Policy domain that is within SOM. This process triggers an SOM Property Update message, as described in [MS-GPOL] section

GPO extension update: A Group Policy extension settings update occurs when the Group Policy administrator changes the settings of an extension in a GPO. This triggers a GPO Extension Update message, as described in [MS-GPOL] section In this message, the GPO container and GPO file system version numbers are computed as described in [MS-GPOL] section