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Область применения: Outlook 2013 | Outlook 2016
A search-results folder holds links to messages in generic folders rather than the actual messages. Клиенты создают папку результатов поиска путем вызова метода IMAPIFolder::CreateFolder с FOLDER_SEARCH в качестве параметра ulFolderType . Clients fill a search-results folder by setting up and applying search criteria�� rules that filter out messages with particular characteristics. Search criteria are set up with the IMAPIContainer::SetSearchCriteria method. Clients build one or more SRestriction structures to represent the search criteria to be applied and pass them to SetSearchCriteria. SetSearchCriteria also specifies a list of folders that indicate the search domain and a set of flags that control how the search is performed.
SetSearchCriteria identifies the messages that match the specified restriction. The selected messages (the ones that satisfy the criteria) are displayed as links in the search-results folder. When the client calls the IMAPIContainer::GetContentsTable method to access the contents table of the search-results folder, the selected messages are displayed in the table. Contents tables for search-results folders contain the same columns as contents tables for generic folders. Однако для папок результатов поиска свойство PR_PARENT_ENTRYID (PidTagParentEntRyId) указывает идентификатор записи папки, в которой находится связанное сообщение. Search-results folders are not considered parent folders.
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