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Пример использования методов Append и ChangePassword для групп и пользователей (VB)

Область применения: Access 2013, Office 2013

В этом примере демонстрируется метод Appendобъекта Groups, а также метод Appendэлемента Users путем добавления в систему новой группыи пользователя. Новая группа добавляется в коллекцию Groups нового пользователя. Следовательно, в группу добавляется новый пользователь. Кроме того, для указания пароля пользователя используется метод ChangePassword.

' BeginGroupVB 
Sub Main() 
 On Error GoTo GroupXError 
 Dim cat As ADOX.Catalog 
 Dim usrNew As ADOX.User 
 Dim usrLoop As ADOX.User 
 Dim grpLoop As ADOX.Group 
 Set cat = New ADOX.Catalog 
 cat.ActiveConnection = "Provider='Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0';" & _ 
 "Data Source='c:\Program Files\" & _ 
 "Microsoft Office\Office\Samples\Northwind.mdb';" & _ 
 "jet oledb:system database=" & _ 
 "'c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\system.mdw'" 
 With cat 
 'Create and append new group with a string. 
 .Groups.Append "Accounting" 
 ' Create and append new user with an object. 
 Set usrNew = New ADOX.User 
 usrNew.Name = "Pat Smith" 
 usrNew.ChangePassword "", "Password1" 
 .Users.Append usrNew 
 ' Make the user Pat Smith a member of the 
 ' Accounting group by creating and adding the 
 ' appropriate Group object to the user's Groups 
 ' collection. The same is accomplished if a User 
 ' object representing Pat Smith is created and 
 ' appended to the Accounting group Users collection 
 usrNew.Groups.Append "Accounting" 
 ' Enumerate all User objects in the 
 ' catalog's Users collection. 
 For Each usrLoop In .Users 
 Debug.Print " " & usrLoop.Name 
 Debug.Print " Belongs to these groups:" 
 ' Enumerate all Group objects in each User 
 ' object's Groups collection. 
 If usrLoop.Groups.Count <> 0 Then 
 For Each grpLoop In usrLoop.Groups 
 Debug.Print " " & grpLoop.Name 
 Next grpLoop 
 Debug.Print " [None]" 
 End If 
 Next usrLoop 
 ' Enumerate all Group objects in the default 
 ' workspace's Groups collection. 
 For Each grpLoop In .Groups 
 Debug.Print " " & grpLoop.Name 
 Debug.Print " Has as its members:" 
 ' Enumerate all User objects in each Group 
 ' object's Users collection. 
 If grpLoop.Users.Count <> 0 Then 
 For Each usrLoop In grpLoop.Users 
 Debug.Print " " & usrLoop.Name 
 Next usrLoop 
 Debug.Print " [None]" 
 End If 
 Next grpLoop 
 ' Delete new User and Group objects because this 
 ' is only a demonstration. 
 ' These two line are commented out because the sub "OwnersX" uses 
 ' the group "Accounting". 
' .Users.Delete "Pat Smith" 
' .Groups.Delete "Accounting" 
 End With 
 'Clean up 
 Set cat.ActiveConnection = Nothing 
 Set cat = Nothing 
 Set usrNew = Nothing 
 Exit Sub 
 Set cat = Nothing 
 Set usrNew = Nothing 
 If Err <> 0 Then 
 MsgBox Err.Source & "-->" & Err.Description, , "Error" 
 End If 
End Sub 
' EndGroupVB