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Пример использования свойств AbsolutePage, PageCount и PageSize (JScript)

Область применения: Access 2013, Office 2013

В этом примере свойства AbsolutePage, PageCount и PageSize используются для отображения имен и дат найма из таблицы Employees ( пять записей за раз). Вырезайте и вставьте следующий код в Блокнот или другой текстовый редактор и сохраните его как AbsolutePageJS.asp.

<!-- BeginAbsolutePageJS --> 
<%@LANGUAGE="JScript" %> 
<%// use this meta tag instead of adojavas.inc%> 
<!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" uuid="00000205-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4" --> 
<title>AbsolutePage, PageSize, and PageSize Properties (JScript)</title> 
 font-family: 'Verdana','Arial','Helvetica',sans-serif; 
.thead2 { 
 background-color: #800000; 
 font-family: 'Verdana','Arial','Helvetica',sans-serif; 
 font-size: x-small; 
 color: white; 
.tbody { 
 text-align: center; 
 background-color: #f7efde; 
 font-family: 'Verdana','Arial','Helvetica',sans-serif; 
 font-size: x-small; 
<body bgcolor="White"> 
<h1>AbsolutePage, PageSize, and PageSize Properties (JScript)</h1> 
 // connection and recordset variables 
 var Cnxn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 
 var strCnxn = "Provider='sqloledb';Data Source=" + Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") + ";" + 
 "Initial Catalog='Northwind';Integrated Security='SSPI';"; 
 var rsEmployee = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"); 
 // display variables 
 var strMessage, iRecord, iPageCount; 
 // open connection 
 // Open a recordset on the Employee table using 
 // a client-side cursor to enable AbsolutePage property. 
 rsEmployee.CursorLocation = adUseClient; 
 rsEmployee.Open("employees", strCnxn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable); 
 // Set PageSize to five to display names and hire dates of five employees at a time 
 rsEmployee.PageSize = 5; 
 iPageCount = rsEmployee.PageCount; 
 // Write header information to the document 
 Response.Write('<p align="center">There are ' + iPageCount); 
 Response.Write(" pages, each containing "); 
 Response.Write(rsEmployee.PageSize + " or fewer records.</p>"); 
 Response.Write('<table border="0" align="center">'); 
 Response.Write('<tr class="thead2">'); 
 Response.Write("<th>Page</th><th>Name</th><th>Hire Date</th></tr>"); 
 for (var i=1; i<=iPageCount; i++) 
 rsEmployee.AbsolutePage = i; 
 for (iRecord = 1; iRecord <= rsEmployee.PageSize; iRecord++) 
 strMessage = ""; 
 // Start a new table row. 
 strMessage = '<tr class="tbody">'; 
 // First column in row contains page number on 
 // first record of each page. Otherwise, the column 
 // contains a non-breaking space. 
 if (iRecord == 1) 
 strMessage += "<td>Page " + i + " of " + rsEmployee.PageCount + "</td>" 
 strMessage += "<td>&nbsp;</td>"; 
 // First and last name are in first column. 
 strMessage += "<TD>" + rsEmployee.Fields("FirstName") + " "; 
 strMessage += rsEmployee.Fields("LastName") + " " + "</td>"; 
 // Hire date in second column. 
 strMessage += "<td>" + rsEmployee.Fields("HireDate") + "</td>"; 
 // End the row. 
 strMessage += "</tr>"; 
 // Write line to document. 
 // Get next record. 
 if (rsEmployee.EOF) 
 // Finish writing table. 
 catch (e) 
 // 'clean up 
 if (rsEmployee.State == adStateOpen) 
 if (Cnxn.State == adStateOpen) 
 rsEmployee = null; 
 Cnxn = null; 
<!-- EndAbsolutePageJS -->