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CoreWebView2PrintSettings Class

Settings used by the CoreWebView2.PrintToPdfAsync method.


Members Description
Collation Printer collation.
ColorMode Printer color mode.
Copies Number of copies to print. Minimum value is 1 and the maximum copies count is 999.
Duplex Printer duplex settings.
FooterUri The URI in the footer if CoreWebView2PrintSettings.ShouldPrintHeaderAndFooter is true.
HeaderTitle The title in the header if CoreWebView2PrintSettings.ShouldPrintHeaderAndFooter is true.
MarginBottom The bottom margin in inches.
MarginLeft The left margin in inches.
MarginRight The right margin in inches.
MarginTop The top margin in inches.
MediaSize Printer media size.
Orientation The orientation can be portrait or landscape.
PageHeight The page height in inches.
PageRanges Page range to print. Defaults to empty string, which means print all pages.
PageWidth The page width in inches.
PagesPerSide Prints multiple pages of a document on a single piece of paper. Choose from 1, 2, 4, 6, 9 or 16.
PrinterName The name of the printer to use.
ScaleFactor The scale factor is a value between 0.1 and 2.0.
ShouldPrintBackgrounds true if background colors and images should be printed.
ShouldPrintHeaderAndFooter true if header and footer should be printed.
ShouldPrintSelectionOnly true if only the current end user's selection of HTML in the document should be printed.



CoreWebView2PrintCollation Collation

Printer collation. See CoreWebView2PrintCollation for descriptions of collation. The default value is CoreWebView2PrintCollation.Default.

Printing uses default value of printer's collation if an invalid value is provided for the specific printer.

This value is ignored in CoreWebView2.PrintToPdfStreamAsync method.


CoreWebView2PrintColorMode ColorMode

Printer color mode. See CoreWebView2PrintColorMode for descriptions of color modes. The default value is CoreWebView2PrintColorMode.Default.

Printing uses default value of printer supported color if an invalid value is provided for the specific printer.


int Copies

Number of copies to print. Minimum value is 1 and the maximum copies count is 999. The default value is 1.


CoreWebView2PrintDuplex Duplex

Printer duplex settings. See CoreWebView2PrintDuplex for descriptions of duplex. The default value is CoreWebView2PrintDuplex.Default.

Printing uses default value of printer's duplex if an invalid value is provided for the specific printer.

This value is ignored in CoreWebView2.PrintToPdfStreamAsync method.


string FooterUri

The URI in the footer if CoreWebView2PrintSettings.ShouldPrintHeaderAndFooter is true. The default value is the current URI. If an empty string or null value is provided, no URI is shown in the footer.


string HeaderTitle

The title in the header if CoreWebView2PrintSettings.ShouldPrintHeaderAndFooter is true. The default value is the title of the current document. If an empty string or null value is provided, no title is shown in the header.


double MarginBottom

The bottom margin in inches. The default is 1 cm, or ~0.4 inches. A margin cannot be less than zero. If an invalid value is provided, the current value is not changed and an ArgumentException is thrown.


double MarginLeft

The left margin in inches. The default is 1 cm, or ~0.4 inches. A margin cannot be less than zero. If an invalid value is provided, the current value is not changed and an ArgumentException is thrown.


double MarginRight

The right margin in inches. The default is 1 cm, or ~0.4 inches. A margin cannot be less than zero. If an invalid value is provided, the current value is not changed and an ArgumentException is thrown.


double MarginTop

The top margin in inches. The default is 1 cm, or ~0.4 inches. A margin cannot be less than zero. If an invalid value is provided, the current value is not changed and an ArgumentException is thrown.


CoreWebView2PrintMediaSize MediaSize

Printer media size. See CoreWebView2PrintMediaSize for descriptions of media size. The default value is CoreWebView2PrintMediaSize.Default.

If media size is CoreWebView2PrintMediaSize.Custom, you should set the PageWidth and PageHeight.

Printing uses default value of printer supported media size if an invalid value is provided for the specific printer.

This value is ignored in CoreWebView2.PrintToPdfStreamAsync method.


CoreWebView2PrintOrientation Orientation

The orientation can be portrait or landscape. The default orientation is portrait. See CoreWebView2PrintOrientation.


double PageHeight

The page height in inches. The default height is 11 inches. If the provided page height is less than or equal to zero, the current value is not changed and an ArgumentException is thrown.


string PageRanges

Page range to print. Defaults to empty string, which means print all pages. The PageRanges property is a list of page ranges specifying one or more pages that should be printed separated by commas. Any whitespace between page ranges is ignored. A valid page range is either a single integer identifying the page to print, or a range in the form [start page]-[last page] where start page and last page are integers identifying the first and last inclusive pages respectively to print. Every page identifier is an integer greater than 0 unless wildcards are used (see below examples). The first page is 1.

In a page range of the form [start page]-[last page] the start page number must be larger than 0 and less than or equal to the document's total page count. If the start page is not present, then 1 is used as the start page. The last page must be larger than the start page. If the last page is not present, then the document total page count is used as the last page.

Repeating a page does not print it multiple times. To print multiple times, use the CoreWebView2PrintSettings.Copies property.

The pages are always printed in ascending order, even if specified in non-ascending order.

If page range is not valid or if a page is greater than document total page count, ArgumentException is thrown.

The following examples assume a document with 20 total pages.

Example Result Notes
"2" Page 2
"1-4, 9, 3-6, 10, 11" Pages 1-6, 9-11
"1-4, -6" Pages 1-6 The "-6" is interpreted as "1-6".
"2-" Pages 2-20 The "2-" is interpreted as "pages 2 to the end of the document".
"4-2, 11, -6" Invalid "4-2" is an invalid range.
"-" Pages 1-20 The "-" is interpreted as "page 1 to the end of the document".
"1-4dsf, 11" Invalid
"2-2" Page 2


double PageWidth

The page width in inches. The default width is 8.5 inches. If the provided page width is less than or equal to zero, the current value is not changed and an ArgumentException is thrown.


int PagesPerSide

Prints multiple pages of a document on a single piece of paper. Choose from 1, 2, 4, 6, 9 or 16. The default value is 1.

If an invalid value is provided, ArgumentException is thrown.

Below examples shows print output for PagesPerSide and Duplex.

PagesPerSide Total pages Two-sided printing Result
1 1 - 1 page on the front side.
2 1 Yes 1 page on the front side.
2 4 - 2 pages on the first paper and 2 pages on the next paper.
2 4 Yes 2 pages on the front side and 2 pages on back side.
4 4 Yes 4 pages on the front side.
4 8 Yes 4 pages on the front side and 4 pages on the back side.


string PrinterName

The name of the printer to use. Defaults to empty string. If the printer name is empty string or null, then it prints to the default printer on the user OS.

If provided printer name doesn't match with the name of any installed printers on the user OS, the method returns with CoreWebView2PrintStatus.PrinterUnavailable.

Use DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync to get the list of local printers with AQS as "System.Devices.HardwareIds:~~"PRINTENUM\LocalPrintQueue""

This value is ignored in CoreWebView2.PrintToPdfStreamAsync method.


double ScaleFactor

The scale factor is a value between 0.1 and 2.0. The default is 1.0. If an invalid value is provided, the current value is not changed and an ArgumentException is thrown.


bool ShouldPrintBackgrounds

true if background colors and images should be printed. The default value is false.


bool ShouldPrintHeaderAndFooter

true if header and footer should be printed. The default value is false. The header consists of the date and time of printing, and the title of the page. The footer consists of the URI and page number. The height of the header and footer is 0.5 cm, or ~0.2 inches.


bool ShouldPrintSelectionOnly

true if only the current end user's selection of HTML in the document should be printed. The default value is false.

Referenced by