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interface ICoreWebView2CompositionControllerInterop

interface ICoreWebView2CompositionControllerInterop
  : public IUnknown

Interop interface for the CoreWebView2CompositionController WinRT object to allow WinRT end developers to be able to use the COM interfaces as parameters for some methods.


Members Descriptions
get_AutomationProvider Returns the UI Automation Provider for the WebView.
get_RootVisualTarget The RootVisualTarget is a visual in the hosting app's visual tree.
put_RootVisualTarget Set the RootVisualTarget property.

This interface is implemented by the Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core.CoreWebView2CompositionController runtime class.

Applies to

Product Introduced
WebView2 WinRT 1.0.992.28
WebView2 WinRT Prerelease 1.0.955



Returns the UI Automation Provider for the WebView.

public HRESULT get_AutomationProvider(IUnknown ** provider)

See the documentation for ICoreWebView2CompositionController::AutomationProvider for more information.


The RootVisualTarget is a visual in the hosting app's visual tree.

public HRESULT get_RootVisualTarget(IUnknown ** target)

This visual is where the WebView2 will connect its visual tree. See the documentation for ICoreWebView2CompositionController::RootVisualTarget for more information.


Set the RootVisualTarget property.

public HRESULT put_RootVisualTarget(IUnknown * target)