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Bundle IDs for built-in iOS and iPadOS apps you can use in Intune

When you configure features on iOS/iPadOS devices, you can also add the built-in apps on these devices. This article lists the bundle IDs of some common built-in iOS/iPadOS apps.

To get the bundle ID of other apps, you can:


On macOS devices, you can get the bundle ID using the Terminal app and AppleScript: osascript -e 'id of app "AppName"'.

This feature applies to:

  • iOS/iPadOS

Bundle IDs

Bundle ID App Name Publisher
com.apple.AppStore App Store Apple
com.apple.store.Jolly Apple Store Apple
com.apple.calculator Calculator Apple
com.apple.mobilecal Calendar Apple
com.apple.camera Camera Apple
com.apple.mobiletimer Clock Apple
com.apple.clips Clips Apple
com.apple.compass Compass Apple
com.apple.MobileAddressBook Contacts Apple
com.apple.facetime FaceTime Apple
com.apple.DocumentsApp Files Apple
com.apple.mobileme.fmf1 Find Friends Apple
com.apple.mobileme.fmip1 Find iPhone Apple
com.apple.gamecenter Game Center Apple
com.apple.mobilegarageband GarageBand Apple
com.apple.Health Health Apple
com.apple.Home Home Apple
com.apple.iBooks iBooks Apple
com.apple.iMovie iMovie Apple
com.apple.itunesconnect.mobile iTunes Connect Apple
com.apple.MobileStore iTunes Store Apple
com.apple.itunesu iTunes U Apple
com.apple.Keynote Keynote Apple
com.apple.mobilemail Mail Apple
com.apple.Maps Maps Apple
com.apple.measure Measure Apple
com.apple.MobileSMS Messages Apple
com.apple.Music Music Apple
com.apple.news News Apple
com.apple.mobilenotes Notes Apple
com.apple.Numbers Numbers Apple
com.apple.Pages Pages Apple
com.apple.Passwords Passwords Apple
com.apple.mobilephone Phone Apple
com.apple.Photo-Booth Photo Booth Apple
com.apple.mobileslideshow Photos Apple
com.apple.podcasts Podcasts Apple
com.apple.reminders Reminders Apple
com.apple.mobilesafari Safari Apple
com.apple.Preferences Settings Apple
com.apple.shortcuts Shortcuts Apple
com.apple.SiriViewService Siri Apple
com.apple.stocks Stocks Apple
com.apple.tips Tips Apple
com.apple.tv TV Apple
com.apple.videos Videos Apple
com.apple.VoiceMemos VoiceMemos Apple
com.apple.Passbook Wallet Apple
com.apple.Bridge Watch Apple
com.apple.weather Weather Apple
com.apple.barcodesupport.qrcode QR Code Reader Apple

Next steps

Use these bundle IDs to configure device features and to allow or restrict some settings on iOS/iPadOS devices.