Azure Deidentification client library for Java - version 1.0.0-beta.1

Azure Deidentification client library for Java.

This package contains Microsoft Azure Deidentification client library which is a managed service that enables users to tag, redact, or surrogate health data.


Various documentation is available to help you get started

Getting started


Adding the package to your product



Azure Identity package provides the default implementation for authenticating the client.

Key concepts

Operation Modes:

  • Tag: Will return a structure of offset and length with the PHI category of the related text spans.
  • Redact: Will return output text with placeholder stubbed text. ex. [name]
  • Surrogate: Will return output text with synthetic replacements.
    • My name is John Smith
    • My name is Tom Jones


The following sections provide several code snippets covering some of the most common Azure Deidentification client use cases, including:

Create a DeidentificationClient

Create a DeidentificationClient using the DEID_SERVICE_ENDPOINT environment variable.

DeidentificationClientBuilder deidentificationClientbuilder = new DeidentificationClientBuilder()
    .endpoint(Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().get("DEID_SERVICE_ENDPOINT", "endpoint"))
    .httpLogOptions(new HttpLogOptions().setLogLevel(HttpLogDetailLevel.BASIC));

DeidentificationClient deidentificationClient = deidentificationClientbuilder.buildClient();

Calling Deidentification endpoint

Calling the realtime endpoint with an input.

String inputText = "Hello, my name is John Smith.";

DeidentificationContent content = new DeidentificationContent(inputText);

DeidentificationResult result = deidentificationClient.deidentify(content);

System.out.println("Deidentified output: " + result.getOutputText());
// Deidentified output: Hello, my name is Harley Billiard.

Creating Deidentification Job

Creating a Deidentification Job using STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME and STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME environment variables.

String storageLocation = "https://" + Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().get("STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME") + "" + Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().get("STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME");
String jobName = "MyJob-" +;
String outputFolder = "_output";
String inputPrefix = "example_patient_1";
SourceStorageLocation sourceStorageLocation = new SourceStorageLocation(storageLocation, inputPrefix);

DeidentificationJob job = new DeidentificationJob(sourceStorageLocation, new TargetStorageLocation(storageLocation, outputFolder));

Process Deidentification Job

Create and poll job until it is completed.

DeidentificationJob result = deidentificationClient.beginCreateJob(jobName, job)
System.out.println(jobName + " - " + result.getStatus());
// MyJob-1719953889301 - Succeeded

List Deidentification Jobs

List and process deidentification jobs

PagedIterable<DeidentificationJob> jobs = deidentificationClient.listJobs();
for (DeidentificationJob currentJob : jobs) {
    System.out.println(currentJob.getName() + " - " + currentJob.getStatus());
    // MyJob-1719953889301 - Succeeded

List completed files

List the files which are completed by a job.

PagedIterable<DocumentDetails> reports = deidentificationClient.listJobDocuments(jobName);

for (DocumentDetails currentFile : reports) {
    System.out.println(currentFile.getId() + " - " + currentFile.getOutput().getPath());
    // c45dcd5e-e3ce-4ff2-80b6-a8bbeb47f878 - _output/MyJob-1719954393623/example_patient_1/visit_summary.txt
    // e55a1aa2-8eba-4515-b070-1fd3d005008b - _output/MyJob-1719954393623/example_patient_1/doctor_dictation.txt


Next steps


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  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request