PropertyId Enum
- java.
lang. Object - java.
lang. Enum - com.
microsoft. cognitiveservices. speech. PropertyId
- com.
- java.
public enum PropertyId
extends java.lang.Enum<PropertyId>
Defines property ids. Changed in version 1.8.0.
AudioConfig_AudioProcessingOptions |
Audio processing options in JSON format. |
AudioConfig_DeviceNameForRender |
The device name for audio render. |
AudioConfig_PlaybackBufferLengthInMs |
Playback buffer length in milliseconds, default is 50 milliseconds. |
CancellationDetails_Reason |
The cancellation reason. |
CancellationDetails_ReasonDetailedText |
The cancellation detailed text. |
CancellationDetails_ReasonText |
The cancellation text. |
Conversation_ApplicationId |
Identifier used to connect to the backend service. |
Conversation_Connection_Id |
Additional identifying information, such as a Direct Line token, used to authenticate with the backend service. |
Conversation_Conversation_Id |
Conversation |
Conversation_Custom_Voice_Deployment_Ids |
Comma separated list of custom voice deployment ids. |
Conversation_DialogType |
Type of dialog backend to connect to. |
Conversation_From_Id |
From id to be used on speech recognition activities Added in version 1.5.0. |
Conversation_Initial_Silence_Timeout |
Silence timeout for listening Added in version 1.5.0. |
Conversation_Request_Bot_Status_Messages |
A boolean value that specifies whether the client should receive status messages and generate corresponding turn |
Conversation_Speech_Activity_Template |
Speech activity template, stamp properties in the template on the activity generated by the service for speech. |
DataBuffer_TimeStamp |
The time stamp associated to data buffer written by client when using Pull/Push audio mode streams. |
DataBuffer_UserId |
The user id associated to data buffer written by client when using Pull/Push audio mode streams. |
EmbeddedSpeech_EnablePerformanceMetrics |
Enable the collection of embedded speech performance metrics which can be used to evaluate the capability of a device to use embedded speech. |
KeywordRecognition_ModelKey |
This property is deprecated. |
KeywordRecognition_ModelName |
The name of a model to be used for keyword recognition. |
LanguageUnderstandingServiceResponse_JsonResult |
The Language Understanding Service response output (in JSON format). |
PronunciationAssessment_ContentTopic |
The content type of the pronunciation assessment. |
PronunciationAssessment_EnableMiscue |
Defines if enable miscue calculation. |
PronunciationAssessment_EnableProsodyAssessment |
Whether to enable prosody assessment. |
PronunciationAssessment_GradingSystem |
The point system for pronunciation score calibration (Five |
PronunciationAssessment_Granularity |
The pronunciation evaluation granularity (Phoneme, Word, or Full |
PronunciationAssessment_Json |
The json string of pronunciation assessment parameters Under normal circumstances, you shouldn't have to use this property directly. |
PronunciationAssessment_NBestPhonemeCount |
The pronunciation evaluation nbest phoneme count. |
PronunciationAssessment_Params |
Pronunciation assessment parameters. |
PronunciationAssessment_PhonemeAlphabet |
The pronunciation evaluation phoneme alphabet. |
PronunciationAssessment_ReferenceText |
The reference text of the audio for pronunciation evaluation. |
SpeakerRecognition_Api_Version |
Version of Speaker Recognition to use. |
SpeechServiceAuthorization_Token |
The Cognitive Services Speech Service authorization token (aka access token). |
SpeechServiceAuthorization_Type |
The Cognitive Services Speech Service authorization type. |
SpeechServiceConnection_AutoDetectSourceLanguageResult |
The auto detect source language result Added in version 1.8.0. |
SpeechServiceConnection_AutoDetectSourceLanguages |
The auto detect source languages Added in version 1.8.0. |
SpeechServiceConnection_EnableAudioLogging |
A boolean value specifying whether audio logging is enabled in the service or not. |
SpeechServiceConnection_EndSilenceTimeoutMs |
The end silence timeout value (in milliseconds) used by the service. |
SpeechServiceConnection_Endpoint |
The Cognitive Services Speech Service endpoint (url). |
SpeechServiceConnection_EndpointId |
The Cognitive Services Custom Speech or Custom Voice Service endpoint id. |
SpeechServiceConnection_Host |
The Cognitive Services Speech Service host (url). |
SpeechServiceConnection_InitialSilenceTimeoutMs |
The initial silence timeout value (in milliseconds) used by the service. |
SpeechServiceConnection_IntentRegion |
The Language Understanding Service region. |
SpeechServiceConnection_Key |
The Cognitive Services Speech Service subscription key. |
SpeechServiceConnection_LanguageIdMode |
The speech service connection language identifier mode. |
SpeechServiceConnection_ProxyHostBypass |
Specifies the list of hosts for which proxies should not be used. |
SpeechServiceConnection_ProxyHostName |
The host name of the proxy server used to connect to the Cognitive Services Speech Service. |
SpeechServiceConnection_ProxyPassword |
The password of the proxy server used to connect to the Cognitive Services Speech Service. |
SpeechServiceConnection_ProxyPort |
The port of the proxy server used to connect to the Cognitive Services Speech Service. |
SpeechServiceConnection_ProxyUserName |
The user name of the proxy server used to connect to the Cognitive Services Speech Service. |
SpeechServiceConnection_RecoBackend |
The string to specify the backend to be used for speech recognition; allowed options are online and offline. |
SpeechServiceConnection_RecoLanguage |
The spoken language to be recognized (in BCP-47 format). |
SpeechServiceConnection_RecoMode |
The Cognitive Services Speech Service recognition mode. |
SpeechServiceConnection_RecoModelKey |
This property is deprecated. |
SpeechServiceConnection_RecoModelName |
The name of the model to be used for speech recognition. |
SpeechServiceConnection_Region |
The Cognitive Services Speech Service region. |
SpeechServiceConnection_SynthBackend |
The string to specify TTS backend; valid options are online and offline. |
SpeechServiceConnection_SynthEnableCompressedAudioTransmission |
Indicates if use compressed audio format for speech synthesis audio transmission. |
SpeechServiceConnection_SynthLanguage |
The spoken language to be synthesized (e. |
SpeechServiceConnection_SynthModelKey |
This property is deprecated. |
SpeechServiceConnection_SynthOfflineDataPath |
The data file path(s) for offline synthesis engine; only valid when synthesis backend is offline. |
SpeechServiceConnection_SynthOfflineVoice |
The name of the offline TTS voice to be used for speech synthesis. |
SpeechServiceConnection_SynthOutputFormat |
The string to specify TTS output audio format (e. |
SpeechServiceConnection_SynthVoice |
The name of the TTS voice to be used for speech synthesis Added in version 1.7.0 |
SpeechServiceConnection_TranslationCategoryId |
The speech service connection translation category |
SpeechServiceConnection_TranslationFeatures |
Translation features. |
SpeechServiceConnection_TranslationToLanguages |
The list of comma separated languages (BCP-47 format) used as target translation languages. |
SpeechServiceConnection_TranslationVoice |
The name of the Cognitive Service Text to Speech Service voice. |
SpeechServiceConnection_Url |
The URL string built from speech configuration. |
SpeechServiceConnection_VoicesListEndpoint |
The Cognitive Services Speech Service voices list api endpoint (url). |
SpeechServiceResponse_DiarizeIntermediateResults |
Determines if intermediate results contain speaker identification. |
SpeechServiceResponse_JsonErrorDetails |
The Cognitive Services Speech Service error details (in JSON format). |
SpeechServiceResponse_JsonResult |
The Cognitive Services Speech Service response output (in JSON format). |
SpeechServiceResponse_OutputFormatOption |
A string value specifying the output format option in the response result. |
SpeechServiceResponse_PostProcessingOption |
A string value specifying which post processing option should be used by service. |
SpeechServiceResponse_ProfanityOption |
The requested Cognitive Services Speech Service response output profanity setting. |
SpeechServiceResponse_RecognitionBackend |
The recognition backend. |
SpeechServiceResponse_RecognitionLatencyMs |
The recognition latency in milliseconds. |
SpeechServiceResponse_RequestDetailedResultTrueFalse |
The requested Cognitive Services Speech Service response output format (simple or detailed). |
SpeechServiceResponse_RequestProfanityFilterTrueFalse |
The requested Cognitive Services Speech Service response output profanity level. |
SpeechServiceResponse_RequestPunctuationBoundary |
A boolean value specifying whether to request punctuation boundary in Word |
SpeechServiceResponse_RequestSentenceBoundary |
A boolean value specifying whether to request sentence boundary in Word |
SpeechServiceResponse_RequestSnr |
A boolean value specifying whether to include SNR (signal to noise ratio) in the response result. |
SpeechServiceResponse_RequestWordBoundary |
A boolean value specifying whether to request Word |
SpeechServiceResponse_RequestWordLevelTimestamps |
A boolean value specifying whether to include word-level timestamps in the response result. |
SpeechServiceResponse_StablePartialResultThreshold |
The number of times a word has to be in partial results to be returned. |
SpeechServiceResponse_SynthesisBackend |
Indicates which backend the synthesis is finished by. |
SpeechServiceResponse_SynthesisConnectionLatencyMs |
The speech synthesis connection latency in milliseconds. |
SpeechServiceResponse_SynthesisEventsSyncToAudio |
A boolean value specifying whether the SDK should synchronize synthesis metadata events, (e. |
SpeechServiceResponse_SynthesisFinishLatencyMs |
The speech synthesis all bytes latency in milliseconds. |
SpeechServiceResponse_SynthesisFirstByteLatencyMs |
The speech synthesis first byte latency in milliseconds. |
SpeechServiceResponse_SynthesisNetworkLatencyMs |
The speech synthesis network latency in milliseconds. |
SpeechServiceResponse_SynthesisServiceLatencyMs |
The speech synthesis service latency in milliseconds. |
SpeechServiceResponse_SynthesisUnderrunTimeMs |
The underrun time for speech synthesis in milliseconds. |
SpeechServiceResponse_TranslationRequestStablePartialResult |
A boolean value to request for stabilizing translation partial results by omitting words in the end. |
SpeechSynthesis_FrameTimeoutInterval |
The timeout interval in milliseconds between synthesized speech audio frames. |
SpeechSynthesis_RtfTimeoutThreshold |
The maximum Real-Time Factor (RTF) for speech synthesis. |
SpeechTranslation_ModelKey |
This property is deprecated. |
SpeechTranslation_ModelName |
The name of a model to be used for speech translation. |
Speech_LogFilename |
The file name to write logs. |
Speech_SegmentationMaximumTimeMs |
The maximum length of a spoken phrase when using the Time segmentation strategy. |
Speech_SegmentationSilenceTimeoutMs |
A duration of detected silence, measured in milliseconds, after which speech-to-text will determine a spoken phrase has ended and generate a final Recognized result. |
Speech_SegmentationStrategy |
The strategy used to determine when a spoken phrase has ended and a final Recognized result should be generated. |
Speech_SessionId |
The session id. |
Methods inherited from java.lang.Enum
Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
public int getValue()
Returns the internal value property id
valueOf(String name)
Applies to
Azure SDK for Java