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EventGridOutput Interface

public interface EventGridOutput

EventGridOutput(name = "outputEvent", topicEndpointUri = "MyEventGridTopicUriSetting", topicKeySetting = "MyEventGridTopicKeySetting") OutputBinding<String> outputEvent final ExecutionContext context ) { context.getLogger().info(content); final String eventGridOutputDocument = "{\"id": "100", "eventType":"recordInserted", "subject": "myapp/test/java", "eventTime":"2017-08-10T21:03:07+00:00", "data": {"tag1": "value1","tag2":"value2"}, "dataVersion": "1.0"}"; outputEvent.setValue(eventGridOutputDocument); }

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
String dataType()

Defines how Functions runtime should treat the parameter value. Possible values are:

      <p>"" or string: treat it as a string whose value is serialized from the parameter </p>
      <p>binary: treat it as a binary data whose value comes from for example OutputBinding&lt;byte[]&gt; </p>

String name()

The variable name used in function.json.

String topicEndpointUri()

Gets or sets the topic events endpoint URI. Eg: https://topic1.westus2-1.eventgrid.azure.net/api/events This is found in the Event Grid Topic's definition. You can find information on getting the Url for a topic here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/event-grid/custom-event-quickstart#send-an-event-to-your-topic

String topicKeySetting()

Gets or sets the Topic Key setting. You can find information on getting the Key for a topic here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/event-grid/custom-event-quickstart#send-an-event-to-your-topic

Method Details


public String dataType() default ""

Defines how Functions runtime should treat the parameter value. Possible values are:

      <p>"" or string: treat it as a string whose value is serialized from the parameter </p>
      <p>binary: treat it as a binary data whose value comes from for example OutputBinding&lt;byte[]&gt; </p>


The dataType which will be used by the Functions runtime.


public String name()

The variable name used in function.json.


The variable name used in function.json.


public String topicEndpointUri()

Gets or sets the topic events endpoint URI. Eg: https://topic1.westus2-1.eventgrid.azure.net/api/events This is found in the Event Grid Topic's definition. You can find information on getting the Url for a topic here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/event-grid/custom-event-quickstart#send-an-event-to-your-topic


The topic events endpoint URI of the eventGrid topic.


public String topicKeySetting()

Gets or sets the Topic Key setting. You can find information on getting the Key for a topic here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/event-grid/custom-event-quickstart#send-an-event-to-your-topic


The topic key setting of the eventGrid topic.

Applies to